Madrid, 12 May – To encourage candidates in the European Parliament elections to pledge to defend the public interest against excessive private-interest lobbying, the Politics for People campaign is launching #TweetYourCandidate Day on Wednesday 14 May 2014. At the time of writing, over 970 candidates to the European Parliament have signed the pledge – but there are still many more who have yet to do so!
All you need to do is to send a tweet to a not-yet-signed candidate asking them to pledge to stand-up for citizens and democracy against the excessive lobbying influence of banks and big business. You will find some model tweets below:
“Today we’re asking #EP2014 candidates to stand-up for citizens, not profit. Join us: #tweetyourcandidate to sign the #pforp pledge”
“Do your #EP2014 candidates support #pforp? Find out here”
On Wednesday 14/05 #tweetyourcandidate & ask them to pledge!” The Politics for People team have also set up a Thunderclap for your to donate one tweet to help encourage other people to tweet at their candidates too. If 250 people join the Thunderclap, a tweet like the following one will be published on all our Twitter feeds automatically on Wednesday May 14th, helping to spread the #tweetyourcandidates day initiative to a potential audience of thousands or even millions. The tweet, which would be launched simultaneously, will read: “I’ve asked my MEPs to stand-up against excessive lobbying. Will you? Go ahead and #tweetyourcandidates #pforp #EP2014”
To join the Thunderclap in defense of politics for people, not profit! Visit