Spain: Why do we need so many OGP Local Members?
Madrid, 18 May 2022 – Access Info welcomes the news
ACT! Project: 5 solutions for local governments to prevent and fight corruption
Madrid, 24 March 2021– Access Info together with its partners in the pan-European project ACT! have presented a range of technical solutions for local governments to increase their levels of transparency and prevent any risk of corruption, covering the following areas: whistleblowing, access to information, open data in public procurement, transparency of meetings involving public officials and risk analysis.
Spain: Local Authorities need Training and Transparency Tools
Madrid, 17 March 2021– Spanish local authorities need more training (85%) and specific transparency tools (75%) in order better to fight corruption, according to a survey conducted by Access Info Europe in collaboration with the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) and the Red de Entidades Locales por la Transparencia y la Participación Ciudadana.
ACT! Fighting Corruption at Local Level
Madrid, 11 February 2020 – The Anticorruption City Toolkit (ACT!)
Madrid City Hall Transparency Ordinance Sets a High Standard
Civil society recommends strengthening proactive publication and lobbying regulation Madrid,