


27Oct 2011

Access Info Calls for an End to Closed Negotiations on Fighting Corruption

Marrakesh, 27 October 2011 – Access Info Europe, participating in the Marrakesh negotiations of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), today made a formal intervention in the plenary session calling on States Parties to end discussions behind closed doors about how the treaty is implemented. The UNCAC is the strongest international anti-corruption convention

26Oct 2011

The Anti Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology

Practical guide released with full results from monitoring in Croatia Marrakesh, 25 October 2011 – A new guide on how to test levels of transparency in areas of government prone to corruption was released by Access Info Europe today, together with the results of the first large-scale monitoring conducted using the methodology in Croatia, conducted by Transparency International Croatia. The

25Oct 2011

Tell Us What You’ve Done

Tell Us What You’ve Done Initiative Global study finds minimal transparency on anti-corruption efforts 25 October 2011: The first global study to test access to information about the implementation of anti-corruption treaties has found that half of the questions put to governments (50%) met with administrative silence. The research, carried out by Access Info Europe and Transparency International and partners

5Oct 2011

Global Monitoring Finds Widespread Violations of Right to Information

4 October 2011, Ottawa – The largest global monitoring of the right of access to information in practice, the Ask Your Government! 6 Question Campaign has found widespread violations of the right to information with only 1 in 4 requests resulting in provision of full information. 480 requests for budget information were submitted in 80 countries by a global network

3Sep 2010

Tokyo Two

Update: Tokyo Two given one year suspended sentence Tokyo, 6 September 2010 – Japan’s Aomori Court has found the Tokyo Two guilty of theft and trespass and has sentenced them to one year in prision, suspended for three years. Greenpeace has announced that it will appeal the judgement. Japan: Environmentalists denied information should be acquitted Madrid, 3 September 2010 –

1Jun 2010

Reform of Access to Information Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro

Anti-corruption organisations call for reform of Access to Information Laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro Sarajevo, 1 June 2010: Faced with a chronic lack of transparency in the region, leading anti-corruption organisations today called for urgent reform of the access to information laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The call by Transparency International BiH, Transparency International