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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
20 Jul 2020

El Supremo decidirá la legalidad de 30 millones entregados a Marruecos para frenar la inmigración irregular


El País | 20/07/2020 In English- La ayuda financiera entregada a Marruecos para frenar la inmigración irregular ha llegado al Supremo. El tribunal tendrá que decidir sobre la legalidad de 30 millones de euros que el Ejecutivo sacó en 2019 del fondo de contingencia de los Presupuestos para financiar parte del despliegue de las autoridades marroquíes con el objetivo de contener las entradas irregulares en España. La cuestión que estudiará el Supremo no es la ayuda en sí, sino si fue legal recurrir a ese fondo, una reserva presupuestaria destinada a necesidades “urgentes, imprevisibles e inaplazables”, como catástrofes naturales o

El Supremo decidirá la legalidad de 30 millones entregados a Marruecos para frenar la inmigración irregular2020-08-05T11:56:09+02:00
17 Jul 2020

Publishing open SDG data is key to monitor the progress towards the Agenda 2030


Madrid, 17 July 2020 – Having access to quality data is essential if governments are to measure the progress towards the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, and if civil society and the public are to be able to track progress. Recent research conducted by Access Info in seven European countries, published in the report “Opening Up SDG 5: What do we know about Gender Equality?” (March 2020), found, however, that although most of the surveyed countries had set up a reporting platform or were publishing SDG data online, the data was often outdated, hard to reuse, or

Publishing open SDG data is key to monitor the progress towards the Agenda 20302022-10-26T12:34:40+02:00
15 Jul 2020

Transparency as a Priority for the UN General Assembly Special Session on Corruption


Madrid, 15 July 2020 - Access Info Europe has called for the right of access to information to be treated as priority during the first UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) against corruption, to be held in April 2021 in New York. In its submission to preparation of the UNGASS, Access Info recalls that the United Nations Convention against Corruption UNCAC establishes that States Party should establish specific mechanisms to implement the right of information. “To end corruption it is not enough to prosecute the corrupt once the crime has been committed. It is essential to work to prevent corrupt

Transparency as a Priority for the UN General Assembly Special Session on Corruption2020-07-15T14:11:30+02:00
13 Jul 2020

Why continued support for transparency is essential to recovering from the coronavirus crisis


Madrid, 13 July 2020 – Access Info Europe has joined 83 civil society organisations from around the world in calling on donors to continue funding transparency and accountability in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis. In an open letter, the signatories welcomed efforts by donors to redirect funds towards potential new needs arising from the covid-19 pandemic, but also stressed the need to keep investment in civil society work on access to information and data disclosure during the recovery phase and beyond. “It has become crystal clear during the past four months that transparent, open,

Why continued support for transparency is essential to recovering from the coronavirus crisis2020-07-13T10:08:05+02:00
9 Jul 2020

Pro Bono Network: Lawyers for Transparency


Madrid, 9 July 2020 –  Access Info Europe has created a pro bono legal network of lawyers from across Europe with varying legal backgrounds who are willing to offer assistance to requesters seeking access to EU documents, in particular journalists and civil society organisations. The first training of these lawyers took place on 8 June 2020, when the pro bono lawyers heard from lawyers who are leading experts in EU transparency. Onno Brouwer and Elske Raedts, addressed the main exceptions used to withhold documents at the EU level and identified key pro transparency cases from the Court of Justice of

Pro Bono Network: Lawyers for Transparency2021-06-02T13:07:03+02:00
8 Jul 2020

Nace “Abre”, una coalición para la protección de las personas alertadoras y denunciantes


La Vanguardia | 08/07/2020 In Spanish- Tras la reciente constitución del Grupo de Trabajo de la Comisión General de codificación, ordenado por el Ministerio de Justicia el pasado 02 de junio del 2020, para la transposición de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de octubre de 2019, relativa a la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones del derecho de la Unión, se ha constituido una coalición de asociaciones llamada ABRE, para reclamar que esta sea participativa y cuenten con la sociedad civil. Read more...

Nace “Abre”, una coalición para la protección de las personas alertadoras y denunciantes2020-07-08T15:32:38+02:00
6 Jul 2020

Moncloa no cumple “con la transparencia y las normas de buen gobierno”, según el Consejo de Transparencia


03/07/2020 | Maldita.es In Spanish-La Secretaría General de la Presidencia del Gobierno “no cumple con la consideración de la transparencia, el acceso a la información pública y las normas de buen gobierno como ejes fundamentales de toda acción política”. Read more...  

Moncloa no cumple “con la transparencia y las normas de buen gobierno”, según el Consejo de Transparencia2020-07-06T16:55:00+02:00
29 Jun 2020

La Comisión para la Reconstrucción termina con pocas expectativas en cuanto a resultados, pero con avances en transparencia


Newtral | 27/06/2020 In Spanish- Esta semana, la Comisión para la Reconstrucción en el Congreso ha terminado su trabajo. Han sido semanas de actividad en las que los diputados que forman este grupo —subdividido a su vez en cuatro áreas— han recibido a representantes del Gobierno, expertos de distintas áreas o miembros de la sociedad civil, así como propuestas ciudadanas. Read more...  

La Comisión para la Reconstrucción termina con pocas expectativas en cuanto a resultados, pero con avances en transparencia2021-03-04T11:03:48+01:00
25 Jun 2020

The urgent need for data collection on gender equality in Europe


Madrid, 25 June 2020 –  The lack of publication of SDG data on Gender Equality in Europe is partly down to many countries not having laws requiring it to be collected, according to participants in a webinar on “Opening Up SDG 5” held by Access Info Europe on 18 June 2020. As a result, civil society organisations don’t have the data to engage in evidence-based policy debates. Access Info found in a recent survey which looked into the publication of SDG data that, on average, only 57% of gender equality data was published across Europe. Discussing the reasons behind

The urgent need for data collection on gender equality in Europe2022-10-26T12:39:14+02:00
17 Jun 2020

Access Info joins the UNCAC Coalition Board


Madrid, 17 June 2020 – Access Info Europe, represented by its director, Helen Darbishire, has been elected to the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, the network that coordinates civil society activity in monitoring and promoting the UN Convention against Corruption. Access Info was elected to one of the two international seats on the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, with 75.7% of the votes cast in the first round of voting. Access Info joins Transparency International, represented by Gillian Dell, as the two international organisations on the UNCAC Coalition Board. In its nomination for the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, Access Info identified three

Access Info joins the UNCAC Coalition Board2020-06-17T18:27:26+02:00