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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
9 May 2017

EU Urged to Adopt Comprehensive Transparency Agenda


Madrid/Brussels, 9 May 2017 – On Europe Day, Access Info is calling on the European Union to commit to and implement essential transparency and open government reforms to reverse the growing sense among European citizens that they are distanced from Brussels and that decisions are taken behind closed doors with little or no accountability. Access Info’s mapping, carried out with our partners, reveals that it is not possible for citizens to get information on decisions such as that to drop EU anti-corruption reports or who really negotiated the controversial EU-Turkey deal. Other transparency blackspots relate to areas of public interest,

EU Urged to Adopt Comprehensive Transparency Agenda2018-11-13T10:03:20+01:00
4 May 2017

Court Victory: Spanish Government must be open about Open Government Partnership activities!


Madrid, 4 May 2017 – In an important victory for advancing government transparency in Spain, the Madrid High Court has ruled that the Spanish Government should provide Access Info Europe with a series of documents related to its participation in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). In a particularly interesting decision in Spain’s still young and evolving jurisprudence on the right of access to information – the Transparency Law came into force in December 2014 – the Court found that for civil society to participate in decision making on open government policies, having full access to relevant information is essential. “We

Court Victory: Spanish Government must be open about Open Government Partnership activities!2018-11-13T10:03:20+01:00
24 Apr 2017

Necesitamos una Ley de transparencia fuerte


Eldiario.es | 24/04/2017 Spanish - La sociedad civil, trabajando mano a mano con periodistas, ha logrado arrojar luz sobre cómo nuestros representantes toman las decisiones públicas que afectan a los derechos de las personas, quién interviene en las mismas y cómo se gastan nuestro dinero. Read more...

Necesitamos una Ley de transparencia fuerte2018-11-13T09:42:53+01:00
11 Apr 2017

Pushing for beneficial ownership transparency in Europe


[Article first published by the UNCAC Coalition Blog] Andreas Pavlou, RTI Campaigner and Researcher   Madrid, 11 April 2017 - Earlier this year, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs and Civil Liberties committees voted to strengthen beneficial ownership transparency rules across the European Union as part of the current revision to the 4th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive. The proposed changes, if adopted in plenary, would mean EU citizens could access registers of beneficial owners of companies and trusts without having to demonstrate a “legitimate interest”, as is currently the case. This is something that will make it

Pushing for beneficial ownership transparency in Europe2018-11-13T10:03:20+01:00