About Helen Darbishire

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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
5 Apr 2016

El Consejo de Transparencia tramitará las reclamaciones sobre el acceso a la información pública de los ciudadanos de Ceuta


El Faro Digital | 05/04/2016 Spanish - El Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno tramitará las reclamaciones que, relacionadas con el derecho a saber, presenten en su territorio y contra resoluciones del Gobierno de Ceuta sus ciudadanos. Read more...

El Consejo de Transparencia tramitará las reclamaciones sobre el acceso a la información pública de los ciudadanos de Ceuta2018-11-13T10:10:49+01:00
28 Mar 2016

Business access to Irish EU officials queried


Irish Examiner | 28/03/2016 English - Big businesses have significant access to Brussels-based officials of the Irish Government to promote their corporate agenda, according to transparency campaigners. Read more....

Business access to Irish EU officials queried2018-11-13T10:10:51+01:00
23 Mar 2016

Transparency groups target lobbying weak spot


Politico | 23/03/2016 English - Transparency groups took aim Tuesday at what they say is a weak spot in the EU’s lobbying disclosure rules: the Brussels-based delegations of the bloc’s member countries. Read more...

Transparency groups target lobbying weak spot2018-11-13T10:10:51+01:00
22 Mar 2016

Member state offices in Brussels wide open to corporate lobbyists


Brussels/Madrid, 22 March 2016 – Corporate lobbyists enjoy widespread access to member state representations by exploiting loopholes in EU transparency rules according to the first ever study on lobbying activities at national government offices in Brussels.[1] The study, ‘National representations in Brussels: open for corporate lobbyists’ by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), reveals how these government missions to EU institutions are a target for big business lobbyists looking to promote their agendas. Vicky Cann, Corporate Europe Observatory, said:“This report demonstrates that there is a worrying level of corporate lobbying directed at the EU's permanent representations. These

Member state offices in Brussels wide open to corporate lobbyists2018-11-13T10:04:12+01:00
21 Mar 2016

El Gobierno de Rajoy se resiste a dar datos sobre las reuniones con lobbies de la representación en Bruselas


Público | 21/03/2016 Spanish - Un estudio de ALTER-EU al que ‘Público’ ha accedido en primicia documenta cómo la mayoría de representaciones permanentes de los 28 en la capital belga aseguran no llevar un registro de sus reuniones con lobistas corporativos, ni les exigen que estén acreditados como tales ante la UE antes de encontrarse con ellos. Read more...

El Gobierno de Rajoy se resiste a dar datos sobre las reuniones con lobbies de la representación en Bruselas2018-11-13T10:10:52+01:00
21 Mar 2016

Access Info calls for immediate end to the EU’s secretive law-making process


Madrid, 21 March 2016 - Access Info Europe has urged the European Ombudsman to recommend that the European Union immediately end its current practice of negotiating future legislation in secretive “trilogue” talks between the Council, Commission and Parliament. In a submission to the Ombudsman’s Public Consultation, Access Info cited the arguments of the EU’s own Advocate General in the case that led to Access Info’s 2013 victory against the Council before the European Court of Justice: ‘Legislating’ is, by definition, a law-making activity that in a democratic society can only occur through the use of a procedure that is

Access Info calls for immediate end to the EU’s secretive law-making process2018-11-13T10:04:12+01:00