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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
18 Mar 2016

We Have the Right to Know: Is the EU-Turkey Deal Legal? So We’re Asking.


Madrid, 18 March 2016 – As EU leaders meet in Brussels to finalise details of last week’s controversial deal on sending refugees back from Greece to Turkey, Access Info Europe is launching an access to information campaign digging into the legality of the agreement, and asking EU institutions whether they sought legal advice on or properly evaluated the human rights impacts of the deal. The three initial access to documents requests, sent to the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, and the European Parliament, also ask for legal advice-related documents in regards to the pre-existing 2014 Agreement between

We Have the Right to Know: Is the EU-Turkey Deal Legal? So We’re Asking.2018-11-13T10:04:12+01:00
17 Mar 2016

MEPs urged to take stand to defend future of EU Transparency


Madrid, 17 March 2016 – As the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) gears up for a crucial debate on recommendations on the future of EU integrity, transparency, and accountability, Access Info Europe has called on MEPs to support proposals in favour of strengthening EU transparency mechanisms, including by giving the Ombudsman powers to review classified documents and inspect the premises of public bodies. At the same time, Access Info cautioned that some of the amendments put forward by MEPs in the AFCO Committee, such retaining a limited definition of access to documents (rather than all information), are out of

MEPs urged to take stand to defend future of EU Transparency2018-11-13T10:04:12+01:00
17 Mar 2016

Industria oculta información sobre su reglamento de autoconsumo


Público | 17/03/2016 Spanish - El Ministerio de Industria se niega a informar sobre los asistentes y las actas de las reuniones que dieron forma e hicieron que se aprobase el controvertido reglamento de autoconsumo –criticado tanto por consumidores como por asociaciones defensoras de las energías limpias–, así como de los documentos remitidos por las terceras partes, del listado de las reuniones internas y con terceras partes, y de la fecha de celebración de dichas reuniones. Read more...

Industria oculta información sobre su reglamento de autoconsumo2018-11-13T10:10:52+01:00
7 Mar 2016

40 diputados tienen un millón de euros en empresas del Ibex 35


El Español | 07/03/2016 Spanish - El Congreso de los Diputados ha publicado por tercera vez en democracia las declaraciones de bienes del nuevo parlamento. Un análisis de datos realizado por EL ESPAÑOL permite conocer cuánto dinero invierten los parlamentarios y dónde lo depositan. Read more...

40 diputados tienen un millón de euros en empresas del Ibex 352018-11-13T10:10:53+01:00
7 Mar 2016

Propuesta de Podemos para democratizar RTVE


Periodistas en Español| 07/03/2016 Spanish-La diputada Noelia Vera y el portavoz del Grupo Parlamentario de Podemos, Íñigo Errejón, han presentado en el Congreso delos Diputados una Proposición no de Ley para reformar el modelo actual de la Corporación Radio Televisión Española y garantizar la independencia de sus sociedades, la transparencia y la participación. Read more...

Propuesta de Podemos para democratizar RTVE2018-11-13T10:10:53+01:00
3 Mar 2016

UK Government drops plans to restrict FOI


Madrid, 3 March 2016- Access Info Europe has welcomed the decision by the UK government to abandon its plan to undermine the UK FOI law through measures such as the introduction of fees for making requests or expanding the Cabinet veto on disclosure of information. This victory in defence of the public’s right to know was achieved after intense public debate about the proposals under consideration by the Commission on Freedom of Information and over 30,000 submissions to the public consultation. Access Info, which had condemned the proposals and participated in the public consultation, welcomed the announcement on 1 March

UK Government drops plans to restrict FOI2018-11-13T10:10:54+01:00
15 Feb 2016

Soluciones creativas desde las instituciones para mejorar la transparencia


Bez | 15/02/2016 Spanish - A pesar de las limitaciones que presenta la Ley de Transparencia 19/2013, muchas entidades a nivel autonómico y local están intentando aprobar marcos más favorables al derecho de acceso a información y a hacer su actividad transparente para los ciudadanos. Read more...

Soluciones creativas desde las instituciones para mejorar la transparencia2018-11-13T10:10:54+01:00