About Helen Darbishire

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So far Helen Darbishire has created 1914 blog entries.
9 Mar 2022

Act now – open up company and beneficial ownership registers across Europe!


This statement, signed by 127 leading transparency, anti-corruption, journalist and open data organisations call upon the European Union Institutions and Member States: act now and open up all company and beneficial ownership registers across the European Union to the public! This is crucial in exposing assets and money of Russian oligarchs in the EU. We are deeply horrified by Putin's incursion into Ukraine and the violation of the rule of law, human rights, and state sovereignty. We support the European Union in collectively taking a strong stance to defend democracy and our common values. The sanctions imposed - freezing assets,

Act now – open up company and beneficial ownership registers across Europe!2022-03-18T15:32:55+01:00
7 Mar 2022

Pandora Papers: How Long Before We Have Open Company Registers?


SDG Watch Europe | 04/10/2021 English - Helen Darbishire, Director of Access Info Europe, reflects on what the Pandora Papers tell us about anti-corruption and integrity instruments in Europe, and calls on the European Commission to move urgently on opening up company registers. Helen is a member of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership, and is Chair of the UNCAC Coalition, a global civil society network working to combat corruption. Read more...

Pandora Papers: How Long Before We Have Open Company Registers?2022-03-07T12:09:32+01:00
3 Mar 2022

Call for Transparency of Discussions on the Future of Europe’s Digital Market


Madrid, 1 March 2022 – Access Info is one of 43 organisations which today called on EU leaders to ensure full transparency of debates over the future regulation of our digital environment, including services and marketplaces online. As three-way negotiations are proceeding between the European Commission, European Parliament and the Member States in the Council of the EU, the organisations expressed concern at the lack of transparency of the texts being discussed. Rather unusually, there has been little transparency of the so-called “trilogue” negotiations on the Digital Markets and the Digital Services Acts, in spite of this being required by

Call for Transparency of Discussions on the Future of Europe’s Digital Market2022-03-03T15:55:38+01:00
2 Mar 2022

Immediate transparency of company ownership is imperative to unveil hidden wealth of Russian oligarchs in the EU


Madrid, 2 March 2022 – Helen Darbishire and Rachel Hanna of Access Info Europe explain why transparency is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the sanctions against Russia.  Following the invasion of Ukraine, there has been global outrage at Russia’s blatant disregard for international law, human rights, and the principle of state sovereignty. In an attempt to deter Putin from escalating military action in Ukraine, the EU and its allies have come together to decide on sanctions that directly target Russian oligarchs, freezing their assets – often the fruit of corruption and money laundering –  and impeding them from conducting

Immediate transparency of company ownership is imperative to unveil hidden wealth of Russian oligarchs in the EU2022-03-10T11:23:42+01:00
21 Feb 2022

OGP Summit Side Panel: How strong is your right to know?


14 December 2021 – The measurement of the right of access to information is still in its infancy, although there are now some important initiatives, including from UNESCO and the OECD to capture data from governments, whilst civil society projects are developing more in-depth tools to measure transparency in practice. The current state of measurement of the right to information was discussed at an expert webinar that took place on 14 December 2021 as part of the Open Government Partnership summit. The full video of the webinar can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/657069498 An important conclusion of the debate was that

OGP Summit Side Panel: How strong is your right to know?2022-02-21T17:17:43+01:00
17 Feb 2022

Brüssel hält Korrespondenz zu Wiederaufbau-Milliarden zurück


ZACK ZACK | 09/02/2022 German - Hinter verschlossenen Türen verhandelten Kommission und EU-Staaten über die Verwendung der 723,8 Milliarden Euro des Covid-19-Rettungsfonds. Journalisten aus der ganzen EU haben die Kommission aufgefordert, Einblick in diese Gespräche zu gewähren. Brüssel hält aber hunderte Dokumente zurück. Read more...

Brüssel hält Korrespondenz zu Wiederaufbau-Milliarden zurück2022-02-17T12:37:37+01:00
17 Feb 2022

Ingen aktindsigt i beslutningerne om EU’s nye milliardfonde


DEO | 09/02/2022 Danish - Den historiske pengeregn fra EU til medlemslandende bliver kanaliseret og godkendt af embedsmænd i EU-Kommissionen og i de nationale ministerier. Løfterne om åbenhed ser ikke ud til at blive overholdt, ifølge journalistgruppen #RecoveryFiles. Read more...

Ingen aktindsigt i beslutningerne om EU’s nye milliardfonde2022-02-17T12:21:36+01:00
17 Feb 2022

Brusel zatajuje záznamy o miliardách na obnovu po covidu. Navzdory slibu


Denik.cz | 09/02/2022 Czech - Členské státy EU a Evropská komise jednaly o tom, jak utratit 723,8 miliardy eur z fondu na obnovu po pandemii covidu-19, za zavřenými dveřmi. Novináři z desítky evropských zemí včetně České republiky proto požádali Komisi, aby jim zpřístupnila podrobnosti o těchto jednání. Komise ale navzdory deklarované transparentnosti odmítá zveřejnit stovky dokumentů. Read more...

Brusel zatajuje záznamy o miliardách na obnovu po covidu. Navzdory slibu2022-02-17T12:13:47+01:00
17 Feb 2022

RecoveryFiles -projekti: Bryssel salaa elpymismiljardien asiakirjoja lupauksista huolimatta


ILTALEHTI | 09/02/2022 Finnish - EU:n jäsenvaltiot ja Euroopan komissio neuvottelivat suljettujen ovien takana, miten elpymisvälineen 723,8 miljardia euroa käytetään. Journalistit eri maista pyysivät lisävalaistusta keskusteluihin. Juhlapuheista huolimatta komissio salaa satoja asiakirjoja. Read more...

RecoveryFiles -projekti: Bryssel salaa elpymismiljardien asiakirjoja lupauksista huolimatta2022-02-17T11:56:45+01:00