
Las Plataformas Eurovegas NO y Aturem Eurovegas lanzan el vídeo “Voces contra Eurovegas”


Madrid, 5 de septiembre de 2012 — Diferentes voces desde muy distintos campos como la cultura, la enseñanza, la investigación, el periodismo, en colaboración con las Plataformas Eurovegas NO y Aturem Eurovegas lanzan en una serie de vídeos su opinión crítica sobre la próxima construcción del macrocomplejo “Eurovegas” en territorio español. Desde que los medios dieron a conocer la posibilidad de la puesta en marcha de Eurovegas en Madrid o en Cataluña, numerosas personas y colectivos nos unimos para denunciar, tanto la opacidad en las negociaciones por parte de las Administraciones públicas, como los numerosos impactos negativos que generaría un

Las Plataformas Eurovegas NO y Aturem Eurovegas lanzan el vídeo “Voces contra Eurovegas”2018-11-13T10:13:15+01:00

Comentarios de Access Info Europe al Proyecto de Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno, aprobado el 27 de julio en el Consejo de Ministros


Madrid, 31 de agosto de 2013 — El gobierno español aprobó el 27 de julio de 2012 un proyecto de ley de transparencia que está por debajo de los estándares internacionales. Entre otras cosas, no reconoce el derecho como un derecho fundamental y tampoco reconoce la independencia del organismo de recurso. Con esa ley España no podría ratificar el Convenio del Consejo de Europa sobre acceso a documentos públicos, ya que tiene una definición muy limitada de la información que se puede solicitar y excluye muchas clases de información: resúmenes, informes y comunicaciones “internas”, por ejemplo. Este texto falla al

Comentarios de Access Info Europe al Proyecto de Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno, aprobado el 27 de julio en el Consejo de Ministros2018-11-13T10:13:15+01:00

Call for input for OGS


Access Info Europe has led for the last year a campaign aimed to create Open Government Standards and promote them around the world. The idea was to set standards on what open, transparent, accountable and participatory government really means. The website unfolds the work behind this project. Open Government is a hot topic right now, but what does it really mean in practice? What should government be doing in the areas of Transparency, Participation and Accountability to qualify as “open governments”? What are the uses of new communications technologies, which really advance openness as opposed to merely perpetuating

Call for input for OGS2023-01-12T09:33:22+01:00 questionnaire


Share your opinion on! is an interactive platform created by Access Info Europe, in collaboration with MySociety to help members of the public get information from the European Union. On the 1 year anniversary - 28 September 2012 we will publish the report on its functioning including information about how the EU institutions handle requests. Meanwhile AsktheEU team is working on improving the site. We would like to hear your feedback, as a user, so that we can prioritise the improvements based on your needs. Please, fill out our form and share your opinion about questionnaire2018-11-13T10:13:15+01:00

Taller lobbies Madrid septiembre


Taller sobre el lobby ciudadano y la regulación de los grupos de presión Access Info organiza un taller sobre el lobby ciudadano y la regulación de los grupos de presión, en Navacerrada, cerca de Madrid los días 3 (bienvenida) y 4 de septiembre. El lobby ciudadano La mala reputación del lobby es el resultado del frecuente coqueteo entre poderes políticos y poderes económicos que atenta a la democracia representativa. Sin embargo, el lobby está al alcance de todos y es un concepto clave a la hora de devolver al ciudadano, el protagonismo en la democracia. El taller propone buscar soluciones

Taller lobbies Madrid septiembre2018-11-13T10:13:15+01:00

Access to information: a growing priority in the fight against corruption


Madrid, 1 August 2012 - At the first ever civil society briefing with States Parties to the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) which took place in Vienna this June, access to information and participation remained top on the agenda for both civil society advocates and government officials. Civil society representatives, one after another emphasised the need to be involved in the process of reviewing what states had done to implement UNCAC anti-corruption obligations. At the same time, a vast majority of state representatives also welcomed civil society participation in the UNCAC process, citing numerous examples of positive cooperation with NGOs.

Access to information: a growing priority in the fight against corruption2018-11-13T10:13:16+01:00

Cyprus presidency and access to documents


Cypriot Presidency prepares for agreement on access to EU documents Madrid/Brussels, 9 July 2012 – The Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) has decided to accept the challenge of reaching an agreement on the revision of the EU access to documents Regulation (Regulation 1049/2001), despite the previous Danish Presidency’s decision to abandon the negotiations for lack of agreement earlier this year. The reform of the regulation, which guarantees the public the right to request EU documents and to receive them within 15 working days, has stumped EU decision-makers for almost four years as a fundamental disagreement

Cyprus presidency and access to documents2020-01-29T11:15:37+01:00

New opaque step in the adoption of Spain’s Access to Information Law


 6 August 2012, Madrid-The current version of the legislative bill on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance has now been published by the Spanish government. Please, see links below to access the updated bill: The legislative bill on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (27 July 2012) Comparing the text of the draft Law on Transparency with its previous version (by TuDerechoaSaber)     30 July 2012, Madrid – On Friday 27 July the Spanish Council of Ministers (Cabinet) passed the legislative bill on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, (proyecto de Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a

New opaque step in the adoption of Spain’s Access to Information Law2018-11-13T10:13:16+01:00

Civil society demands


Civil society demands a more transparent EU lobby register Madrid/Brussels, 23 July 2012 – Civil society organisations are fast making their opinions known on the EU’s one-year-old transparency register, calling for improvements to the information disclosed by interest groups so that citizens are able to identify who is lobbying the EU for what, and with what levels of success.

Civil society demands2018-11-13T10:13:16+01:00