
Access Info / Avaaz: Presentación de las 86,389 firmas en la cumbre de Brasilia


En la cumbre de gobierno abierto de Brasilia, Access Info Europe pide al gobierno español que escuche a la sociedad y mejore el anteproyecto de ley de transparencia Madrid/Brasilia, 18 de abril de 2012 – Access Info Europe presentó ayer en la conferencia del Open Government Partnership las más de 86.000 firmas que se han recogido a través de Avaaz pidiendo al gobierno español que mejore el anteproyecto de ley de transparencia. Tras conversar con el representante del gobierno, el Secretario de Estado José Luis Ayllón, éste decidió declinar el ofrecimiento de Access Info Europe de hacerse una foto recogiendo

Access Info / Avaaz: Presentación de las 86,389 firmas en la cumbre de Brasilia2023-07-27T15:50:46+02:00

Closed World Corporate Transparency


Unfair business practices supported by government secrecy new report warns Open Government Partnership countries score badly on promoting corporate transparency London/Brasilia, 17 April 2012 – Private corporations around the world are benefitting from undue levels of secrecy around company registers making it impossible for the public to know how businesses are structured and who really owns them, according to a new report released today by the organisation OpenCorporates. OpenCorporates’ report, “The Closed World of Company Data” finds that of 55 countries surveyed, the average score for public access to the company register is just 21 out of 100 points. The

Closed World Corporate Transparency2018-11-13T10:13:20+01:00

1049 campaign update 13 april 2012


EU Transparency Campaign Update 13 April 2012 - The 20 civil society demands on the future of the EU access to documents regulation were once again sent to the Member State representatives who are negotiating the reform of the access to information rules that apply to EU institutions. As of 11 April 2012, date the demands were sent, the 20 demands had been endorsed by 72 NGOs, 3 Information Commissioners, 7 Civil Society Coalitions representing 349 organisations and 13 individuals. You can see them here. Many thanks to you all! The table below outlines the dates of the WPI meetings

1049 campaign update 13 april 20122018-11-13T10:13:20+01:00

open up lobbying UK


Access Info urges UK government to open up lobbying Madrid, 13 April 2012 – As part of Access Info Europe’s work on lobbying transparency, a formal submission to the UK government was presented via the Unlock Democracy’s website in response to a public consultation on introducing a statutory register of lobbyists, on Thursday 12 April. To ensure the transparency of lobbying both in the UK and across Europe, Access Info Europe recommends:

open up lobbying UK2018-11-13T10:13:20+01:00

Spain’s Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership is weak and vague, and has not been subject to a public consultation.


Access Info Europe today raised a series of concerns about the Spanish government’s Open Government Action Plan which will be presented in Brasilia next week at the Open Government Partnership summit, and has called for a full public consultation on the proposals. The Action Plan (see version in English on the OGP website here) was developed without input from civil society. Access Info Europe has issued an analysis of the Spanish text shared informally with four leading civil society organisations on 3 April 2012. The concerns raised by Access Info Europe include that: » The current draft of the access

Spain’s Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership is weak and vague, and has not been subject to a public consultation.2018-11-13T10:13:20+01:00

Euro-Just lobbies Council for Special Secrecy Exclusion


Euro-Just lobbies Council for Special Secrecy Exclusion Brussels, 12 April 2012 – A leaked document dated 12 April 2012 has revealed that EuroJust, the EU’s judicial cooperation body, attended the last Council meeting to argue for special language to exclude it from the future access to documents rules. According to the text passed to Access Info Europe, EuroJust is arguing that it is should only covered by Regulation 1049 when exercising administrative functions, and that all judicial documents be excluded from public access.

Euro-Just lobbies Council for Special Secrecy Exclusion2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

Civil Society & International Organisations criticise Spain’s draft access to information law


80,000+ Sign Avaaz Petition against the draft 3.600 Contributions received to 15-day web-based consultation on draft Article Updated: 14 April 2012 – The Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe, the Coalición Pro Acceso, and thousands of Spanish citizens call for a stronger transparency law in the face of a sub-standard draft. Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría on 12 April 2012 reported that 3,600 submissions were received in the 15-day consultation – an impressive number given that the consultation was held during the Easter holiday period. Access Info Europe has called for full transparency on the submissions

Civil Society & International Organisations criticise Spain’s draft access to information law2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

España y transparencia en la UE


España debe comprometerse con la transparencia en la reforma del Reglamento europeo Madrid, 11 abril 2012 – Hoy, Access Info Europe y Ecologistas en Acción han instado al gobierno español a que se posicione claramente a favor de una mayor transparencia dentro de la Unión Europea, en consonancia con el actual proceso abierto para aprobar la ley estatal de transparencia. El Reglamento europeo de Acceso a Documentos (1049/2001) permite a los ciudadanos presentar solicitudes de acceso a los documentos de la Unión Europea directamente a las instituciones y les obliga a responder en un plazo de 15 días. Actualmente está

España y transparencia en la UE2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

Renewed threat on access to EU documents


Renewed Threat on Access to EU Documents – EU Transparency Campaign 10 April 2012 – After a series of inter-governmental negotiations, fears that Member States are using the reform of the EU access to documents regulation as an opportunity to add new exceptions and to weaken the right of access to EU document have recently been renewed by a Council document, dated 30 March 2012, which outlines the “state of play” of the reform process. The paper mentions the very real possibility that new, blanket exceptions for documents “requiring special protection” would be introduced into the Regulation. This would affect

Renewed threat on access to EU documents2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

One day left to call for changes to Spain’s draft transparency law!


Madrid, 9 April 2012 – Spanish citizens have until tomorrow, Tuesday 10 April, to make comments on the draft transparency law and to tell the government that they want a much stronger protection of the right of access to information. The draft law had numerous weaknesses, including a very limited definition of information, a limited scope of bodies to which it applies, and an ill-defined and non-independent oversight mechanism. Access Info Europe has launched a campaign with Avaaz calling for a stronger law, which has already been signed by over 60,000 people. Those inside and outside Spain are encouraged to

One day left to call for changes to Spain’s draft transparency law!2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00