
Comments submmitted in Consultation on Spain’s draft Access to Information Law


Madrid, 3 April 2012 – Access Info today published recommended submissions for the public consultation on Spain’s draft Access to Information law. These are in addition to a formal submission which will be made by the over 50 NGOs members of the Coalición Pro Acceso. The very short consultation ends on Tuesday 10 April. Access Info’s position is that the draft law is substandard and not in line with international standards, in particular because the definition of the information which can be requested is severly limited and because the exceptions are applied in a blanket fashion without harm or public

Comments submmitted in Consultation on Spain’s draft Access to Information Law2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

How to make a more transparent registration


How to make a more transparent registration Brussels, 3 April 2012 – Members of the EU Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU have decided to adopt higher standard of transparency than the inconsistent and insufficient requirements for registration in the “Transparency Register”. Our guidelines for registration set a constructive example of how the “Transparency Register” could be easily improved.

How to make a more transparent registration2018-11-13T10:13:21+01:00

20 Demands Campaign: Update


20 Demands on the future of access to EU documents: Campaign Update Madrid, 25 March 2012 – Since the 20 demands on the future of the EU access to documents Regulation were launched for civil society sign-on on 7 March 2012, 3 European Information Commissioners, 67 Non-governmental organisations and 6 Civil Society Coalitions representing 249 organisations have joined the campaign. Click here to download the 20 demands on the future of EU transparency. The 20 demands are presented to the Member State representatives working on the revision of the EU access to documents Regulation before each of their inter-governmental meetings

20 Demands Campaign: Update2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00

Draft Spanish access to information law contains excessive exceptions and falls below international standards


Madrid, 26 March 2012 – The Spanish government today opened for public consultation the draft “Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information, and Good Governance”. Specialist NGO Access Info Europe welcomed the law and unprecedented consultation but noted that serious improvements are needed to bring the law into line with international standards, in particular by revising the definition of information which establishes excessive exceptions thereby excluding large quantities of information from the right to request access. The law together with information on the public consultation is available here. A copy can be downloaded here

Draft Spanish access to information law contains excessive exceptions and falls below international standards2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00

New website launched to track access to information requests in Spain


Madrid, 22 March 2012 – As of today people in Spain will be able to make and track requests for Information from public bodies in a simple and free way via the new web portal (“Your right to know”) being launched by human rights organisations Access Info Europe and Fundación Ciudadana Civio. Based on mySociety’s Alaveteli software which also runs and (UK), this pioneering website is being launched in the expectation that the Spanish government will adopt and access to information law during the first half of 2012. “The website aims to breach the wall of

New website launched to track access to information requests in Spain2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00

RTI Rating Examines International RTI Frameworks


RTI Rating Examines International RTI Frameworks 16 March 2012, Madrid/Halifax – Right to information laws in Africa and the Americas are falling below the standards set by regional human rights bodies, while in Europe the standards themselves are weaker than the better right to information laws, according to a new analysis by human rights organisations Access Info Europe (Spain) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (Canada). Applying the RTI-Rating tool, which measures the strength of right to information frameworks, to regional bodies’ model laws, the specialist right to information organisations found that the Organisation of American States’ Model

RTI Rating Examines International RTI Frameworks2020-02-14T12:40:31+01:00

New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’


New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’ Brussels, 20 March 2012 – Today marks the first anniversary of the ‘cash-for-amendments’ scandal, in which several Members of the European Parliament were exposed tabling legislative amendments in exchange for money. Ethics campaigners warn that the new code introduced following the scandal does not include all the safeguards necessary to prevent another ‘lobbygate’.

New ethical code too weak to prevent another ‘lobbygate’2018-11-13T10:13:22+01:00

Reforming Regulation 1049


EU Transparency Campaign on the reform of EU access to documents Regulation Access Info Europe is calling for civil society support for the campaign on the reform of the EU access to documents Regulation, which aims to strengthen the right of access to EU documents or, at the very least, to avoid any narrowing of the current right of access to documents. Access Info Europe has prepared a briefing paper setting out the key points where reform of Regulation 1049 is necessary to bring it into line with the TFEU and international standards on the right of access to information,

Reforming Regulation 10492018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00

Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism Laws


   To:    Thorbjorn Jagland          General Secretary          Council of Europe Copy: Secretariat and Members of the CDMSI          Secretariat and Members of CODEXTER                                                                                    Brussels, 8 February 2012   Concerns: Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism LawsDear Mr Jagland,We write to you on behalf of the undersigned civil society and professional groups, which are all either observers at the CDMSI or active in the field of press freedom and civil rights in Europe.In May 2009, Ministers responsible for Media and New Communication Services of the Council of Europe committed in Reykjavik to “review national legislation and/or practice on a regular basis

Press Freedom and Anti-Terrorism Laws2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00