
El diputado Alberto Garzón pide al congreso la entrega de los presupuestos en formato abierto y reutilizable


  Madrid, 10 de febrero de 2012 -Hoy el diputado por Izquierda Unida Alberto Garzón ha preguntado al congreso si los presupuestos generales de 2012 que el nuevo gobierno entregará a los diputados será entregado utilizando un formato abierto y reutilizable, acorde con la política de transparencia que el nuevo gobierno viene prometiendo. La práctica en los últimos años ha sido entregar los presupuestos generales del estado en pdfs que únicamente permitían la lectura del documento y no su análisis automatizado, Access Info Europe considera que esta práctica obstaculiza el análisis de los mismos por parte del resto de partidos

El diputado Alberto Garzón pide al congreso la entrega de los presupuestos en formato abierto y reutilizable2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00

Call for proposals: web design


Call for proposals: web design 6 February 2012: Access Info Europe has opened a call for proposals for a web design for a new project, called EU Citizens, which aims to increase the participation of citizens in the decisions taken by the European Union. The project is a collaborative initiative by six organisations in five different countries, as well as on the European Union level in Brussels. Project activities include reports, events, online petitions, and campaigns for transparency and participation in the European Union and its Member States. We are inviting proposals with designs and budgets for a dynamic and

Call for proposals: web design2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00

Primera reunión del nuevo ejecutivo con la sociedad civil sobre el futuro de la transparencia en España


Madrid, 20 de enero de 2012 – Hoy Access Info Europe ha acudido a una reunión en el Ministerio de la Presidencia convocada por el nuevo Secretario de Estado de Relaciones con las Cortes Generales para hablar sobre la futura ley de transparencia y acceso a la información para España. Access Info Europe ha destacado durante la reunión la necesidad de que la futura ley cubra ciertas carencias que las propuestas anteriores excluían como son el reconocimiento del derecho de acceso a la información como un derecho fundamental y la necesidad de designar un órgano independiente de revisión que garantice

Primera reunión del nuevo ejecutivo con la sociedad civil sobre el futuro de la transparencia en España2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00

Spain’s Navarra Region Presents Progressive Open Government Law


Madrid, 20 January 2012 – Access Info Europe has welcomed today’s publication of the Navarra region’s draft law on Transparency and Open Government, qualifying it as a “highly progressive law” which sets new standards for Spain and internationally. The draft law was developed in consultation with the public and input from expert groups such as Access Info Europe and is now subject to a further public consultation until 7 February 2012. It contains three main sections: proactive publication, the right to request information, and public participation. “This is a strong law in line with the best access to information laws

Spain’s Navarra Region Presents Progressive Open Government Law2018-11-13T10:13:23+01:00

New Spanish crowd-funding platform presents first cheque to Access Info


Madrid, 20 December 2011: The new crowd-funding platform Goteo on Tuesday presented the first cheque for a successful project to Access Info, which received for €5,150 for a project to build an information request platform in Spain, in anticipation of the new access to information law expected to be adopted in the first half of 2012. The Goteo platform, whose name makes a reference to the “drop by drop” nature of crowd funding, was launched in November. In just 30 days Access Info received the minimum funding it needs for project, €4,100. At time of writing the total donated was

New Spanish crowd-funding platform presents first cheque to Access Info2018-11-13T10:13:24+01:00

Access Info in the News 2011


News Articles from 2011 Rendition information not released by European nations New Europe Online | 29/12/2011English - Two human rights organisations, London based Reprieve and the Spanish Access Info Europe, have complained that the majority of 28 nations, mostly European, have refused to release flight traffic information on CIA rendition flights. The data could help track the routes that the planes took. Read more... ¿Cuánto cuestan los viajes del presidente del Tribunal Constitucional? El País | 28/12/2011 Spanish - España carece, junto a Malta, Chipre o Luxemburgo –con secreto bancario-, de una Ley de transparencia, la norma que obliga a

Access Info in the News 20112018-11-13T10:13:24+01:00

Rendition preview


  Rendition on Record Report reveals Europe’s cover-up of CIA rendition-to-torture evidence London/Madrid, 19 December 2011 – Just days after new details emerged of a secret CIA prison in Romania used to torture terrorism suspects, a report by two international human rights organisations shows that many European countries are suppressing evidence of their role in the USA’s notorious rendition programme. The report, Rendition on Record, produced by open government specialists Access Info Europe and legal action charity Reprieve reveals how 28 countries have responded to a total of 67 requests for information about specific rendition flights carried out between 2002

Rendition preview2020-02-14T12:42:32+01:00

Rendition on Record: Report reveals Europe’s cover-up of CIA rendition-to-torture evidence


London/Madrid, 19 December 2011 - Just days after new details emerged of a secret CIA prison in Romania used to torture terrorism suspects, a report by two international human rights organisations shows that many European countries are suppressing evidence of their role in the USA’s notorious rendition programme. The report, Rendition on Record, produced by open government specialists Access Info Europe and legal action charity Reprieve reveals how 28 countries have responded to a total of 67 requests for information about specific rendition flights carried out between 2002 and 2006. While six European countries and the USA responded by releasing

Rendition on Record: Report reveals Europe’s cover-up of CIA rendition-to-torture evidence2023-07-27T15:51:47+02:00

European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules


European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules Amsterdam/Madrid/Brussels 15 December 2011 – Access Info Europe, ClientEarth and Greenpeace on 15 December welcomed a vote by the European Parliament vote, adopting proposals to improve the EU’s access to documents rules by a convincing 394 votes in favour, 197 against with 35 abstentions. The proposed reforms, contained in a report drawn up by Michael Cashman MEP already adopted by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, are now the Parliament’s formal position and will be negotiated with the Council of the European Union, under the upcoming Danish Presidency (first

European Parliament adopts proposals to improve EU transparency rules2018-11-13T10:13:25+01:00



Update:Eurocontrol suggests asking governments to get it to release flight data 23 December 2011 – In response to Access Info’s ongoing investigation into illegal “war on terror” rendition flights, the Director General of the European air traffic management body Eurocontrol, has written to Access Info researcher Lydia Medland stressing its readiness to release the data it holds if asked to do so by if Member States and that it does “try to be as transparent as possible.”
