
Resultados de la Campaña de las 100 Preguntas


  Madrid, 2 Abril 2012 – España es el único país de Europa con más de un millón de habitantes que no tiene una ley de acceso a la información. Este dato explica por qué el resultado de la presentación de 113 preguntas a entidades públicas revela un decepcionante 54% de silencio administrativo, la falta de respuesta alguna por parte de las instituciones públicas españolas, a nivel nacional, autonómico y local. Desde 2010 y hasta la fecha se han realizado 5 monitoreos de transparencia  a las instituciones públicas españolas y no se ha registrado una evolución positiva desde entonces. De

Resultados de la Campaña de las 100 Preguntas2018-11-13T10:13:26+01:00

OGP Transparency Policy


Open Government Partnership Transparency Policy Needs Significant Improvement Madrid/Halifax, 25 November 2011 – The Open Government Partnership , a global transparency initiative jointly sponsored by US President Obama and Brazilian President Rousseff, must significantly improve its internal access to information policy to meet the standards it is advancing according to an analysis launched today by two specialist organisations, Access Info Europe and the Centre for Law and Democracy. Two months after its launch in September 2011 when 46 countries pledged to work towards greater openness, the OGP is struggling with its own transparency rules according to the expert analysis submitted

OGP Transparency Policy2018-11-13T10:13:26+01:00

Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon


Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon Brussels, November 2011 – The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation has launched a new report which calls on the EU institutions to work more actively to block the “revolving door”, by which EU staff move from public sector positions to jobs in the private sector, and vice versa. ALTER EU’s major concern about the revolving door phenomenon is the potential for conflicts of interest to arise if ex-officials abuse the know-how, contacts or status acquired through their public sector jobs to provide their new employers or clients

Commission urged to do more to tackle the Revolving Door Phenomenon2018-11-13T10:13:26+01:00

Civil Society Calls for Greater Transparency in International Negotiations on the Fight against Corruption


Marrakesh, 28 October 2011 – Transparency International Spain and Access Info Europe have joined civil society organisations from around the world in calling on governments signatory to the UN Convention against Corruption to show greater commitment to fighting corruption and to be more open in what they are doing to tackle it. The 154 countries which have committed to United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) are currently meeting at the 4th Conference of States Parties, making it the world’s largest forum for adopting measures to combat corruption and to evaluate advances in reducing it. “Even though many counties have demonstrated

Civil Society Calls for Greater Transparency in International Negotiations on the Fight against Corruption2018-11-13T10:13:27+01:00

Access Info Calls for an End to Closed Negotiations on Fighting Corruption


Marrakesh, 27 October 2011 – Access Info Europe, participating in the Marrakesh negotiations of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), today made a formal intervention in the plenary session calling on States Parties to end discussions behind closed doors about how the treaty is implemented. The UNCAC is the strongest international anti-corruption convention and its comprehensive and transparent implementation is vital to the fight against corruption. States Parties will meet tonight (27 October) between 9pm and midnight to discuss opening these meetings to civil society and therefore bringing necessary transparency to the implementation

Access Info Calls for an End to Closed Negotiations on Fighting Corruption2018-11-13T10:13:27+01:00

The Anti Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology


Practical guide released with full results from monitoring in Croatia Marrakesh, 25 October 2011 – A new guide on how to test levels of transparency in areas of government prone to corruption was released by Access Info Europe today, together with the results of the first large-scale monitoring conducted using the methodology in Croatia, conducted by Transparency International Croatia. The "Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology" was presented today at the UN Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption currently taking place in Marrakesh, Morocco. The data from Croatia, where 200 answers were received to 560 questions (35%

The Anti Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology2018-11-13T10:13:27+01:00

Tell Us What You’ve Done


Tell Us What You’ve Done Initiative Global study finds minimal transparency on anti-corruption efforts 25 October 2011: The first global study to test access to information about the implementation of anti-corruption treaties has found that half of the questions put to governments (50%) met with administrative silence. The research, carried out by Access Info Europe and Transparency International and partners around the world, also found that only around one quarter of questions (just 26%) submitted in twenty countries plus the European Union resulted in information – either complete or incomplete information – being provided to the civil society requesters.

Tell Us What You’ve Done2018-11-13T10:13:28+01:00

Spanish Government Fails on Election Promise to adopt Access Law


The Spanish government has conceded that it failed to conquer internal resistance to its draft access to infomation law in time to meet the 2008 electoral promises to adopt a law during this legislatrure; elections are scheduled in Spain for 20 November 2011. Speaking with representatives of the NGO platform, the Coalición Pro Acceso on 10 October 2011, Spain’s Minister of the Presidency regretted the delays. The Coalition members gave feedback on the draft approved and made public by the Spanish Cabinet on 29 July 2011, including the need to have the right to information apply to all information and

Spanish Government Fails on Election Promise to adopt Access Law2018-11-13T10:13:28+01:00

Access Info Europe holds joint seminar on Data Journalism in Madrid.


Madrid, 13 October 2011 - You are invited to participate in the second Data Journalism meeting on 20 October at 17 hrs at Medialab Prado, Madrid. The high level speakers are of Xaquín González Veira (The New York Times), Annamarie Cumiskey (Bureau of Investigative Journalism), Mar Cabra (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ) and David Cabo (Pro Bono Publico). Experts from the United States and UK will discuss with leading Spanish journalists and data visualisation specialists their successes and challenges. The panelists will debate the urgent need for an access to information law in Spain. Follow this session via

Access Info Europe holds joint seminar on Data Journalism in Madrid.2018-11-13T10:13:29+01:00

Rendition Enquiries


Information Request Finds New CIA Flights Showing Previous Rendition Inquiries Failed New documents indicating the movements of CIA flights through Europe demonstrate the need for new inquiries to be made into EU states’ complicity in the CIA’s secret prisons programme, according to legal action charity Reprieve. Data focusing on Lithuania, but linked to suspected CIA activity in a raft of other countries in Europe, North America, the Middle East and North Africa, has been identified by Reprieve and passed to the Lithuanian prosecutor.

Rendition Enquiries2018-11-13T10:13:29+01:00