
OGP transparency hypocrisy


Open Government Partnership should mark end to “transparency hypocrisy” 20 September 2011: With 46 countries gathering in New York today to launch the Open Government Partnership, Access Info Europe warned that the promises being made must be carefully monitored to prevent participating governments from using the process to give a false impression of their transparency credentials. “This initiative has the potential to promote higher standards of openness, in particular in the area of proactive publication of information, but care must be taken to ensure that it does not become a window-dressing exercise,” said Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info

OGP transparency hypocrisy2018-11-13T10:13:30+01:00

new german transparency website


Germany: Civil society website makes it easier to ask for government information Madrid/Berlin, Friday 1 August 2011 – A coalition of German and international access to information organisations, which includes Access Info Europe, [1] today launched a portal for submitting information requests to the German government.

new german transparency website2018-11-13T10:13:30+01:00

Spanish Cabinet Approves & Publishes Draft Access to Information Law


29 July 2011: On the same day that it announced early elections, the Spanish government released to Access Info Europe a proposed access to information law, finally taking a step towards fulfilling an electoral promise first made in 2004. There is little chance of the law being adopted during this legislative period, but it raises the stakes for the campaign running up to the 20 November elections.

Spanish Cabinet Approves & Publishes Draft Access to Information Law2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

transparency in the EU


Transparency in the European Union Access Info is working towards a more transparent EU by promoting stronger rules for access to documents and ensuring that existing rules are properly applied. We provide training on how to request information from the EU, campaign for greater transparency and, when necessary, litigate to get access to information. We also manage, an online platform for making access to documents requests to the European Union. Access Info Europe's EU Transparency Priorities EU Transparency Priorities / About Regulation 1049/2001 Access Info Europe's Guide on Access to EU Documents Download the Guide Access Info Europe's Helpdesk

transparency in the EU2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

Stop Fighting EU Transparency


Council of EU challenges pro-transparency ruling - Greece, UK and other member states set to join appeal Access Info launches campaign calling for governments and MEPs to support EU transparency 21 July 2011 - The Council of the European Union is challenging the pro-transparency decision of the General Court of the European Union in a case won by Access Info Europe on 22 March 2011. Greece and the UK have already sided with the Council and other member states are reported to be considering joining the appeal. New Council of the European Union Building: Democracy under Construction? In the case

Stop Fighting EU Transparency2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

El PP presenta una propuesta de ley de acceso a la información sin reconocer que es un derecho fundamental


Madrid 13 de julio de 2011- Access Info Europe da la bienvenida a la nueva propuesta de ley de acceso a la información del Grupo Popular que ayudará a generar un debate sobre el contenido de la futura legislación española sobre el acceso a la información pública. Entre los fallos, el más relevante es que sigue sin reconocer el carácter fundamental de este derecho, esencial para asegurar su correcta implementación en España. El nuevo texto presentado por el grupo popular corrige algunas de las muchas carencias del borrador de ley del PSOE, filtrado a la sociedad civil y que aún

El PP presenta una propuesta de ley de acceso a la información sin reconocer que es un derecho fundamental2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

EU Council fights open decision making


Council of the EU Fights Open Decision Making: Greece, UK, and other member states to intervene in favour of secrecy Madrid, 27 June 2011 – The Council of the European Union is appealing against a March 2011 General Court (Court of Justice) ruling that promised to open Brussels law making up to proper scrutiny and participation by members of the European public. A number of member states are reported to be considering joining this effort to keep EU decision making behind closed doors. Specifically the Council wants to deny European citizens the right to know the positions their governments are

EU Council fights open decision making2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

Review anti terror laws


Council of Europe to guide member states on review of anti-terror laws Madrid, 8 July 2011 – In response to a campaign by human rights, media and journalists’ organisations from across Europe, the Council of Europe has agreed to provide guidance to member states so that they fulfill a promise made in May 2009 to review anti-terror laws for their negative impact on freedom of expression and access to information.

Review anti terror laws2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

What is OGD


What is open government data? Open government data is about getting access to information held by government bodies formats that anyone can use for any purpose. To qualify as “open”, it must be possible for the data to come in formats which allows it to be freely copied, shared, combined with other material, or republished as part of websites which allow users to explore, analyze, visually represent, or comment on the material, as well as transform it into other formats. Examples of the datasets held by governments which can, potentially, be opened up range from national statistics to budgetary information,

What is OGD2018-11-13T10:13:31+01:00

El borrador de la ley de acceso a la información no asegura una mayor transparencia


Madrid, 22 de junio de 2011- Respondiendo a las demandas del movimiento 15M el gobierno confirmó ayer que va a presentar una ley de transparencia, pero basándose en el borrador de la ley de acceso a la información pública que ha sido severamente criticado por expertos nacionales e internacionales por no cumplir los estándares mínimos del Consejo de Europa. La ONG especialista en transparencia, Access Info Europe, hace hoy un llamamiento a todos los partidos políticos para que aseguren que la futura ley de transparencia y acceso a la información pública proteja debidamente el derecho fundamental de acceso a la

El borrador de la ley de acceso a la información no asegura una mayor transparencia2018-11-13T10:13:32+01:00