Blog 10th Birthday & 10,000 requests to the EU


Access Info calls for all obstacles to requests to be removed Madrid, 28 September 2021 – On this year’s International Day for Universal Access to Information, Access Info is celebrating the over 10,000 access to documents requests sent via the platform since it was launched at a European Ombudsman event on the same day 10 years ago., run by Access Info with support from mySociety, gives everyone a simple way to ask for access to the documents to European Union bodies, and also makes all the responses public. Browse the 10,000 requests on “ makes EU transparency 10th Birthday & 10,000 requests to the EU2021-09-28T20:08:11+02:00

Spain: Civil Society calls for full Recognition of the Right of Access to Information


Alicante, 28 September 2021 - On the International Day for Universal Access to Information, Access Info Europe and other (35) organisations of the Coalición Pro Acceso have published a declaration calling on the Spanish government to recognise the right of access to information as a fundamental right, and to adopt a transparency law that applies to all public authorities, as well as to private entities that perform public functions and/or operate mostly with public resources. Among the 18 demands contained in the Declaration of the Coalición Pro Acceso, presented at the VI international Congress on Transparency (Alicante, 27 to 29

Spain: Civil Society calls for full Recognition of the Right of Access to Information2021-09-28T10:49:09+02:00

Public kept in the dark over European Commission decision making on opening company ownership data


Madrid, 20 September 2021 – In an open letter to European Commissioners Thierry Breton and Vera Jourová sent today, Access Info and other leading transparency organisations raised concerns about the Commission’s failure to take a decision on publication of company data under the Open Data Directive, even after the 17 June 2021 deadline Member States to transpose the directive has passed. The European Commission should by now have held a month-long public consultation on the Implementing Act for the Open Data Directive, permitting potential users, including journalists, businesses, and anti-corruption organisations, to put forward arguments as to its democratic value

Public kept in the dark over European Commission decision making on opening company ownership data2021-09-21T16:07:53+02:00

Web Intern


Access Info Europe is an international organisation based in Madrid which focuses on defending and promoting the right of access to information. Access Info is currently looking for a Website Intern to support our efforts in defending and promoting the right of access to information in Europe. The intern will assist with the design, development and improvement of the Access Info website. The internship will be at office in central Madrid, with some remote work possible. We offer flexible working hours. We prefer long-term internships, starting from 3 months, around 6 months is preferred. The internship is not remunerated, but

Web Intern2022-05-12T17:54:17+02:00

Graphic Design Internship


Access Info Europe is an international organisation based in Madrid which focuses on defending and promoting the right of access to information. Access Info is currently looking for a Graphic Design Intern to support our efforts in defending and promoting the right of access to information in Europe. The intern will assist with the design and development  of reports and visual content for our campaigns. The internship will be at office in central Madrid, with some remote work possible. We offer flexible working hours. We prefer long-term internships, starting from 3 months, around 6 months is preferred. The internship is not remunerated,

Graphic Design Internship2022-05-12T17:53:37+02:00

La tasa franquista que “secuestra” los datos mercantiles y lastra la lucha contra el fraude

2021-08-04T11:33:11+02:00 | 01/08/2021 Spanish- Un arancel de 1973 impide la libre consulta de los datos de las empresas españolas y el uso de herramientas de 'big data'. El Gobierno reconoce que es "discriminatorio" pero no ha concretado sus planes para derogarlo. Read more...

La tasa franquista que “secuestra” los datos mercantiles y lastra la lucha contra el fraude2021-08-04T11:33:11+02:00

Las organizaciones reclaman la apertura del Registro Mercantil, pendiente de que se aplique la directiva de la UE


Newtral | 27/07/2021 Spanish- El 31 de julio finaliza el plazo del compromiso que se había marcado el Gobierno para transponer la directiva aprobada por la Unión Europea para un acceso más transparente de los datos recogidos en el registro mercantil. Read more...

Las organizaciones reclaman la apertura del Registro Mercantil, pendiente de que se aplique la directiva de la UE2021-07-29T12:17:37+02:00

Freedom of Information in the Balkans: Classified, Rejected, Delayed


Date: 15/07/2021 The global pandemic has been used as an excuse for many Balkan states to not fully implement freedom of information laws, leaving the public in the dark. Transparency has been another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic. While on paper, freedom of information laws are up-to-date in almost all countries in the region, implementation is patchy at best and has grown worse since governments clamped down on the flow of information with the onset of the coronavirus. Together with journalists, public officers and the Open Government Partnership, Access Info participated in this event led by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network

Freedom of Information in the Balkans: Classified, Rejected, Delayed2021-08-27T15:50:44+02:00

Gazetaria nga ekrani; rregullorja e re e Kuvendit cënon lirinë e medias


Citizens Channel | 30 June 2021 Albanian- Ato janë mësuar të komunikojnë përpara kamerave, por me 9 qershor gazetarët që mbulojnë punimet e Kuvendit dhe komisionet parlamentare nuk mbanin në duar mikrofona. Me pankarta ku shkruhej: “Ne duam të raportojmë atë që shohim, jo atë që na servirin,” ata u mblodhën të protestonin kundër rregullores së re të Kuvendit të Shqipërisë, për të cilën shprehen se cënon lirinë e medias dhe të drejtën e publikut për t’u informuar. Read more...

Gazetaria nga ekrani; rregullorja e re e Kuvendit cënon lirinë e medias2021-07-13T12:39:37+02:00

European Commission urged to make procurement transparent to protect pandemic recovery and green spending


Brussels, 29 June 2021 – Leading transparency organisations from across Europe today alerted the European Commission to a series of weaknesses in national public procurement systems, and recommended specific measures urgently needed to protect pandemic recovery funds and green deal spending from corruption.

European Commission urged to make procurement transparent to protect pandemic recovery and green spending2021-08-11T14:09:51+02:00