
Beyond Access: Open Government Data and the “Right to Reuse”


Madrid, 7 January 2011 - Access Info Europe and Open Knowledge Foundation have published a report Beyond Access: Open Government Data and the “Right to Reuse” Public Information, the result of research into the open government data and access to information movements. Following a public consultation, the report identifies the practical, technical and legal challenges facing these movements. You can read a copy of the report here: Finding 1 - There are serious shortcomings in the current international and national standards defining the scope of the right of access to information, resulting in the release of information in formats that

Beyond Access: Open Government Data and the “Right to Reuse”2018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00

Access Info launches an international public consultation on the Spanish access to information draft law


Access Info launched today an international consultation on the Spanish access to information leaked draft law. This follows a consultation conducted in Spain which reveals that the majority of the public called for improvements of the law. The results of this consultation will be sent to the Spanish government. Please find below the text of the draft and a questionnaire. Feel free to make all the comments you come up with besides the questionnaire. The deadline for comments is the 17th of January. Please send it to Victoria Anderica, Spain draft Access to Information Law September 2010 in English

Access Info launches an international public consultation on the Spanish access to information draft law2018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00

Request Process in Greece


Summary: Administrative Silence: No response to our request Request sent to Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Click here) Outcome of request Administrative Silence Time taken to respond N/A (Deadline is one month) Reason for refusal N/A   The initial request was sent to the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 16 February 2015. The legal deadline for responding to access to information requests in Greece is one month. On 26 February a response was received from a Chamber representative, which state that our request would be forwarded to his chief directors. A month passed and no response was

Request Process in Greece2018-11-13T10:06:05+01:00

Access Info in the News 2010


News Articles from 2010 El derecho a la información diplomáticaEl País | 7/12/10Spanish - Hasta que los Gobiernos no apliquen las reglas adecuadas de transparencia e informen a la sociedad sobre lo que hacen con los poderes y el dinero público, las filtraciones seguirán existiendo. Read more... Freedom of Information | 06/12/10English - A great set of advices and tools from Legal Leaks on how journalists can get access to information and legislation in different countries. Access Info Rating Methodology assessed in legal journalCroatian Law Review | -/12/10 Croatian/(English) - The author states the indicators that are encompassed by

Access Info in the News 20102018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00

The Right to Diplomatic Information


The Wikileaks “Cablegate” scandal has brought sudden and extensive transparency to the area of international diplomacy. It raises, amongst others, the question of whether those who published the information acted legally or ethically. There is, however, another way of looking at this question: did those who originally failed to make this information public act legally or ethically? The right of access to information, a right recognised in international law and enshrined in over 80 national access to information laws, gives us as members of the public the right to know what our governments are doing. This includes our right to

The Right to Diplomatic Information2018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00

French amendment to security law


Threat to Open Data withdrawn by French Parliament Madrid/Paris, 20 December 2010 – Access Info Europe and Regards Citoyens welcomed the withdrawal on 16 December 2010 of a proposed amendment to France’s security and access to information laws which would have required background behaviour checks on users of government information. The proposed amendment was significantly changed in the French parliament on Thursday 16 December following an international campaign by 35 organisations and experts from 25 countries which had raised concerns that the new law would seriously constrain both access to information and freedom of expression. Read the campaign letter (here).

French amendment to security law2018-11-13T10:13:38+01:00

Design Competition 2011


Access Info and Statewatch launch website design competition 17 June 2011: Access Info and Statewatch welcomes all designers and website creators to participate in a competition for the new AccessForRights website. The site aims to bring together activists from all areas of civil society, including of course individuals, who are interested in protecting our civil liberties. Access Info wants to use this website to encourage the public to file access to information requests to public bodies, that relate to our fundamental rights and freedoms. For example, the right to free speech, to freedom of assembly, or to privacy.

Design Competition 20112018-11-13T10:13:39+01:00

Public Consultation: Beyond Access Report on access to information and open government data


[UPDATE 19 November 2010 - Beyond Access: Pre-Publication Version, Access Info Europe and the Open Knowledge Foundation today presented the pre-publication version of their report Beyond Access: Open Government Data and the “Right to Reuse” at the Open Government Data Camp in London. This report, written in collaboration with the Open Society Institute Information Program and initially launched in August, has been through some minor revisions following a public consultation. You can download the pre-publication version of the report here ] [UPDATE October 2010: Access Info Europe and the Open Knowledge Foundation, in collaboration with the Open Society Institute Information

Public Consultation: Beyond Access Report on access to information and open government data2020-02-14T12:43:00+01:00

OBI Results Spain 2010


Spain: Public Participation in budget-making non-existent,finds international survey Madrid, 20 October 2010 – Spain has scored 63 out of a possible 100 in the Open Budget Index, losing points for weak oversight by the Legislature and the Audit Institution as well as for complete lack of participation in the budgeting process, the pro-transparency organisation Access Info Europe revealed today.

OBI Results Spain 20102018-11-13T10:13:39+01:00

Launch of Open Budget Index 2010: Spanish Budget is for the First Time Included in the Ranking


20 October 2010, Madrid – Access Info Europe, along with other members of the Coalición Pro Acceso (the Coalition for an Access to Information law in Spain) will present the results of the 2010 Open Budget Index which has assessed the transparency of budgets in 94 countries and which for the first time this year, includes Spain.

Launch of Open Budget Index 2010: Spanish Budget is for the First Time Included in the Ranking2018-11-13T10:13:39+01:00