
Request Process in Italy


Summary: You Must Pay for Access and You Are Prohibited From Re-Using the Data Request sent to The Chamber of Commerce - Italian Business Register (Click here) Outcome of request Information refused. Time taken to respond 14 days (deadline is 30 calendar days) Reasons for refusal Must pay for access. Personal privacy. Restricted re-use of data.   On 31 October 2013, an initial request was sent to the Italian Business Register, seeking a full copy of the company register database. Under the Italian access to information law, the Chamber of Commerce has a one-month deadline for responding to requests. On

Request Process in Italy2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Request Process in Hungary


Summary: You Cannot Request Bulk Access, Only Access to Specific Records Request sent to Hungarian Ministry of Justice Outcome of request Information Refused. Time taken to respond 2 working days (Deadline of 15 working days) Reason for refusal Only need to answer requests for individual records. Another law overrides FOI law.   On 22 July 2013 the request was sent by Access Info's partners in Hungary, Tamas Bodoky and Ildi Kovács, to the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice (a copy of the request and the full correspondence with the Ministry can be found on the Hungarian request platform Atlatszo (

Request Process in Hungary2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Request Process in Finland


Summary: You Must Pay to Access the Company Register Request sent to Finnish Trade Register (Click here) Outcome of request Information refused Time taken to respond 2 working days (Deadline is 7 days) Reason for refusal Must pay for access.   A request was sent to the Finnish Trade Register on 4 November 2013. Only two days later, on 6 November, we were told that if we wanted to order documents, we would need to fill in a form on the Trade Register's website and that these documents would then be delivered via post or email after paying the prescribed

Request Process in Finland2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Request Process in France


Summary: A Case of Administrative Silence - No Response to Our Request Request sent to Registre du Commerce et des Societes (Click here) Outcome of request Administrative silence. Time taken to respond N/A (Deadline is 30 days) Reason for refusal No response received.   On 31 October 2013 Access Info tried to send a request to the Registre du Commerce et des Societes via email, but the “send an email” function was not working. We also tried to call the offices in Paris but they did not answer the phone. We therefore sent the request was by post on 12

Request Process in France2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Supreme Court Case


Supreme Court Callenge to Silence on Anti-Corruption Measures 19 January 2010: Access Info’s legal challenge against the failure of Spain’s Ministry of Justice to respond to citizens’ questions about measures to combat corruption reached the Supreme Court. Access Info is asking the Supreme Court to uphold the right of access to information. Access Info described as “absurd” the need to turn to the Supreme Court to obtain a reply to a question about an important a subject as the fight against corruption. This situation underscores the urgent need to adopt an access to information law in Spain.

Supreme Court Case2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Request Process in the Netherlands


Summary:  €75,000 Is "Cost-Price" for Access to the Company Register Request sent to Chamber of Commerce Outcome of request Initial Request: Information Refused. Administrative Appeal: No response - Administrative Silence Time taken to respond The initial request was not received by the Chamber of Commerce. Once it was re-sent the response arrived on the same day (Deadline is 14 calendar days). Reason for refusal Must pay for the information. (They are charging cost-price for the information.)   The initial request was sent by Access Info Europe to the Dutch Chamber of Commerce on 28 August 2013. The Dutch Government Information

Request Process in the Netherlands2018-11-13T10:14:00+01:00

Request Process in Slovenia


Summary: Company Register Authority Appeals Pro-Transparency Ruling from Information Commissioner in Court Request sent to Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES) (Click here) Outcome of request Request rejected by AJPES. We appealed to the Information Commissioner, who ruled that the database should be published for free. However, the AJPES has appealed this ruling before the Court. The case has been pending before the Administrative court since February 2014. Time taken to respond 2 working days (Deadline is 20 working days). Reason for refusal Incomplete request.   The initial request for a full

Request Process in Slovenia2018-11-13T10:14:01+01:00

Request Process in Denmark


Summary: The Register Can Be Downloaded Online, But You Need a Danish Electronic ID Request sent to Central Company Register (Click here) Outcome of request The database can be downloaded online but you need a Danish electronic ID number. Time taken to respond 11 working days (deadline is 7 working days).   The request was sent on 4 November 2013 to the Central Company Register by Access Info and our partner, Christian Villum. The Central Register answered the next day, in Danish and including a link to the Danish company register. Access Info responded on 5 November 2013 asking if it

Request Process in Denmark2018-11-13T10:14:01+01:00

Request Process in Germany


Summary: A Case of Administrative Silence - No Response to Our Request Request sent to Common register portal of the German Federal States (Click here) Outcome of request Administrative silence (Deadline for responding is 30 calendar days). Time taken to respond N/A Reason for refusal N/A   The request was sent on 31 October 2013 to the Common Register Portal of the German Federal States and the response was received on 29 November, which included an apology for the delayed answer, despite the fact that the deadline for responding to access to information requests in Germany is actually 30 calendar

Request Process in Germany2018-11-13T10:14:01+01:00

Request Process in Estonia


Summary: You Must Pay €286,000 for the Company Register Database Request sent to Ministry of Justice Outcome of request Information refused. Time taken to respond 1 day. Reason for refusal Must pay for access. Another law overrides FOI law.   The request was sent on 4 November 2013 to the Ministry of Justice by Access Info and its partner, Mikk Salu. They replied the day after and asked us to provide more details about the information we were requesting, and we were informed that we could become a contractual user if we wanted to buy all the data in the

Request Process in Estonia2018-11-13T10:14:01+01:00