
Democracy and Governance Practice Retreat 2021: In Crisis and Beyond


Date: 24/06/2021 Public procurement (around 13% of the EU’s annual GDP) is a powerful tool for achieving social impact and is key to countries’ performance, especially amid crises. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, procurement is used to ensure access to life-saving medicines and to expand opportunities for small and medium businesses devastated by lockdowns. How can governments better leverage procurement as a public service to maximise social impact? How can open approaches to procurement, through open data and accessible digital tools, help us achieve better social impact, including more competition, inclusion and sustainability? In the session "Rule of Law,

Democracy and Governance Practice Retreat 2021: In Crisis and Beyond2021-08-27T15:30:13+02:00

Spain: Government should guarantee transparency of EU recovery funds


Madrid, 21 June 2021 – Members of the Coalición Pro Acceso and the Open Generation EU Platform have called on the Spanish government to guarantee the transparency of the European pandemic recover funds, after a report revealed the lack of mechanisms for public oversight of these funds. 

Spain: Government should guarantee transparency of EU recovery funds2021-06-22T12:44:44+02:00

España suspende en la transparencia de la gestión de los fondos europeos, según organizaciones independientes


Newtral | 21/06/2021 In Spanish-  España no cumple con cuatro de los seis requisitos analizados por Open Procurement EU Coalition, una alianza de organizaciones para comprobar la transparencia en la gestión del Fondo de Recuperación y Resiliencia de la UE. Read more...

España suspende en la transparencia de la gestión de los fondos europeos, según organizaciones independientes2021-06-29T10:12:09+02:00

EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility spending at risk due to lack of transparency


Madrid, 15 June 2021- The EU’s massive commitment to spend €672.5 billion on the recovery from the pandemic is at risk of corruption and misuse due to a serious lack of transparency and accountability mechanisms, according to an analysis by civil society organisations from across Europe.

EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility spending at risk due to lack of transparency2021-06-25T11:45:45+02:00

OGP governments urged to open company registers


Madrid, 10 June 2021- Speaking at the Ministerial Level meeting of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee, Helen Darbishire of Access Info, in her role as a civil society member of the Steering Committee, stressed the need to act on the transparency agenda that the pandemic has indicated should be a top priority.

OGP governments urged to open company registers2021-06-15T13:06:55+02:00

Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against corruption


Date: 04/06/2021 Experts from free expression and civil society communities discussed how UNCAC Member States should implement commitments to enhance civic space, protect civil society organisations and journalists working on anti-corruption initiatives, and improving public access to information and transparency. The panel examined public access to information as an enabler for corruption prevention and enforcement and how important it is for journalists and civil society organisations be able to effectively operate and therefore improve implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and the SDGs. The panel discussion further highlighted that supporting anti-corruption work and those who initiate it

Sustainable Development Goals and the fight against corruption2021-06-04T13:24:19+02:00

La obligación de detallar el pago de impuestos en la UE por parte de las multinacionales arrancará en 2023


Newtral | 03/06/2021 In Spanish- Las empresas que facturen más de 750 millones de euros, tengan su sede en la Unión Europea o no, tendrán que indicar cuántos impuestos pagan en cada país miembros de la UE, entre otros detalles. El Parlamento Europeo y Consejo Europeo han llegado a un acuerdo para obligar a las multinacionales a informar sobre sus cuentas y a revelar anualmente la cantidad de impuestos que pagan en cada país miembro de la Unión Europea (UE), entre otros detalles. Desde el gabinete de prensa del Parlamento Europeo estiman que, si se aprueba la directiva a finales

La obligación de detallar el pago de impuestos en la UE por parte de las multinacionales arrancará en 20232021-06-04T11:29:35+02:00

Open company registers across EU at risk because of revenue concerns of just three Member States


Madrid, 3 June 2021- The European Commission is considering going back on the promise of requiring Member States to open company registers because a handful of rich countries – Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands – could lose income from selling this data, Access Info has discovered.

Open company registers across EU at risk because of revenue concerns of just three Member States2021-06-07T16:44:50+02:00

Global Data Barometer Capacity Building session


Date: 25/05/2021 The Global Data Barometer (GDB)  kicked off the first capacity building session to support regional partners in data collection. GDB Director of Strategy & Partnerships Veronica Cretu took the lead during the presentations with a question on the key ingredients for successful data collection. Several research coordinators identified communication and consistency elements during data collection. Key details about the different stages of the research process were shared during the event. The following regional partners participated in the session: Access Info Europe LDRI-Africa ILDA-Latam IDFI-Georgia OpenData-Kosovo InfoCulture-Russia

Global Data Barometer Capacity Building session2021-05-27T13:01:52+02:00