
The importance of transparency in Covid-19 Recovery Plans


Date: 16/03/2021 Since the European Union announced, through the Next Generation Funds, the allocation of 140 billion euros for the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, Member States are making a major communication effort to ensure that the whole process is carried out under the principles of transparency and accountability. However, managing these funds in a timely manner requires certain procedural flexibilities that may lower the standards of the projects funded, leading to corruption and mismanagement. How can this situation be prevented, what control mechanisms should Spain implement, and how can they reach decentralised administrations? In order to answer these questions,

The importance of transparency in Covid-19 Recovery Plans2021-04-15T12:46:49+02:00

Governments delay access to public records during pandemic


The Independent | 09/03/2021 A year after the first coronavirus shutdowns, public records have become harder to get in many US states and cities. As states prepared to reopen their economies following coronavirus shutdowns last spring, The Associated Press asked governors across the U.S. for records that could shed light on how businesses and health officials influenced their decisions. Read more...

Governments delay access to public records during pandemic2021-03-22T11:42:33+01:00

Call on MEPs to end Secrecy of EU Fishing Controls


Madrid/Brussels, 9 March 2021– MEPs are being urged to vote on 9 March 2021 to end secrecy surrounding the control of fishing by removing a controversial clause that dates from 1993, long before the EU’s transparency norms got adopted.

Call on MEPs to end Secrecy of EU Fishing Controls2021-04-01T14:38:30+02:00

Open Data Day: Access Info calls on governments to collect and publish all SDG data


Madrid, 5 March 2021– On the occasion of International Open Data Day, Access Info is calling on governments to collect and publish data on the 231 indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to measure progress towards the achievement of the goals by 2030, and to release that data following the open data principles.

Open Data Day: Access Info calls on governments to collect and publish all SDG data2022-10-26T12:33:03+02:00

Transparency and access to information in the COVID-19 era


Date: 25/02/2021 During the international response to COVID-19, a good part of the controversies has revolved around the handling of information: committee composition, hospital occupation, availability of breathing equipment, purchases from suppliers, deconfinement plans, tracking staff, vaccination plans, etc.

Transparency and access to information in the COVID-19 era2021-07-13T12:06:57+02:00

Renewed call for Open Company Registers: a Response to OpenLux


15 February 2021– As the OpenLux scandal unfolds, leading transparency, anti-corruption and open data organisations today reiterated their call to the European Commission and national governments to open company registers with high quality data in order to prevent the corruption, fraud, tax evasion and organised crime that has once again come to light thanks to the work of investigative journalists. 

Renewed call for Open Company Registers: a Response to OpenLux2021-05-18T14:26:34+02:00

Spain: Access Info and Transparency Council meet to discuss the independent oversight of the right to information


Madrid, 12 February 2021– Access Info’s Helen Darbishire yesterday met with the new director of Spain’s Transparency Council, José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, to discuss reform of the Transparency Law and also recent concerns about the manner by which the new appointments to the Council had been made.

Spain: Access Info and Transparency Council meet to discuss the independent oversight of the right to information2021-04-05T12:54:33+02:00

La ley de transparencia tumba todas las peticiones sobre la fuga del Emérito


El Confidencial | 07/02/2021 In Spanish- La marcha del rey emérito Juan Carlos I es un acontecimiento del que todavía se desconoce mucha información. Más allá de los detalles revelados en prensa y los dos comunicados publicados por la Casa Real, todavía quedan muchas preguntas por responder. Desde con qué fondos se sufragó el viaje del exmonarca a Emiratos Árabes hasta detalles clave como las reuniones que mantuvieron Moncloa y Zarzuela sobre el asunto. Este puzle solo podrá ser resuelto con transparencia y rendición de cuentas; pero desafortunadamente en este frente no hay avances porque, más allá de la normalizada opacidad institucional, la ley de transparencia está obstaculizando las peticiones de información.

La ley de transparencia tumba todas las peticiones sobre la fuga del Emérito2021-02-08T11:00:45+01:00