
Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers- Thematic coordinator on Information Policy


Date: 17/11/2020 Access Info's director Helen Darbishire participated in this videoconference meeting, where she called on all member states of the Council of Europe (47) to sign and ratify the Coe's Convention on Access to Official Documents – the Tromsø Convention – with a particular call on France, Germany, Italy and the UK to follow Spain in ensuring that Europe’s largest countries are party to the Convention. Speaking to the Information Policy group of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, she also called for rapid creation of the Group of Specialists that will monitor the implementation of the Convention after

Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers- Thematic coordinator on Information Policy2021-08-27T16:55:26+02:00

Council of Europe prepares for Entry into Force of the Tromsø Convention on Access to Official Documents


Strasbourg (virtual participation), 17 November 2020 – Access Info today called on all member states of the Council of Europe to sign and ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents – the Tromsø Convention – with a particular call on France, Germany, Italy and the UK to follow Spain in ensuring that Europe’s largest countries are party to the Convention.

Council of Europe prepares for Entry into Force of the Tromsø Convention on Access to Official Documents2020-11-18T12:05:34+01:00

Spain’s Ambitious four-year OGP Action Plan Adopted


Spain has adopted an ambitious four-year Open Government Action Plan, replete with measures called for by Access Info, including reform of the 2013 Transparency Law, ratification of the Convention on Access to Official Documents, new laws on lobby regulation and whistleblower protection, and the opening of key data, including the company register and some health service data.

Spain’s Ambitious four-year OGP Action Plan Adopted2020-11-27T12:32:35+01:00

Access to information and freedom of the media, OSCE


Date: 21/10/2020 The right to freedom of information is an integral part of the freedom of expression, which constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society and is one of the basic conditions for its progress and development. OSCE participating States have explicitly stressed that the right to freedom of expression includes the freedom to hold opinions, and to receive and impart information as well as ideas without interference by public authorities, and regardless of frontiers. While almost all OSCE participating States have adopted access to information / freedom of information laws, there are still problems in practical enforcement

Access to information and freedom of the media, OSCE2021-08-27T17:12:11+02:00

Violating promises and law, von der Leyen tests patience


EUobserver | 19/10/2020 When Ursula von der Leyen took the helm as president of the European Commission last year, she told her commissioners they should be open about contacts they have with lobbyists. "Transparency should characterise the work of all the members of the commission and of their cabinets," she wrote. I have recently learned that despite transparency having become "one of the guiding principles for the functioning of the new commission", this principle is not always put to practice. Read more...

Violating promises and law, von der Leyen tests patience2021-02-08T11:00:34+01:00

Appearance of Helen Darbishire before the Catalan Parliament


Date: 16/10/2020 Access Info Europe's director, Helen Darbishire, spoke before the Catalan Parliament on the Proposed Law for the Protection of Whistleblowers. Access Info has carried out different actions calling for a state project to protect whistleblowers, as well as for a participatory legislative process to transpose the European Directive 2019/1937 on this matter. "Protecting whistleblowers is about preventing and fighting corruption, defending the environment and respecting human rights," said Darbishire.

Appearance of Helen Darbishire before the Catalan Parliament2021-08-27T17:57:51+02:00

¿Quién paga los gastos del rey emérito? El Gobierno rechaza la petición de información de Newtral La Ley 19/2013, de 9


Newtral | 15/10/2020 In Spanish- Hace dos meses solicitó a través del portal de transparencia información relativa a la estancia del rey emérito Juan Carlos I en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Tras conocer el país de destino, se realizó una petición de información sobre los gastos del rey emérito en el exterior desde el 3 de agosto, cuando se conoció su decisión de marcharse fuera. Read more...

¿Quién paga los gastos del rey emérito? El Gobierno rechaza la petición de información de Newtral La Ley 19/2013, de 92020-10-19T10:20:07+02:00

What’s going on in Spain? Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention, a New 4-year OGP Action Plan, and a new Director for the Transparency Council


Madrid, 2 October 2020- The global news headlines might be talking about the worrying rise in coronavirus infections in Madrid - and the new lockdown - but there is also a lot of good news for transparency activists coming out of Spain this week, beautifully timed to coincide with International Access to Information Day on 28 September. 

What’s going on in Spain? Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention, a New 4-year OGP Action Plan, and a new Director for the Transparency Council2021-04-01T14:33:52+02:00

V International Transparency Congress


Date: 28/09/2020 The International Congress on Transparency and Right of Access to Public Information was founded in 2016 by the Complutense University of Madrid. Since then, the Legal Regulation and Digital Citizen Participation Research Group and the Association of Transparency Professionals (ACREDITRA) have been promoting this annual initiative that brings together experts in and advocates for citizen participation, accountability, responsible public management, lobbying regulation and public integrity. Access Info Europe was very involved in the different sessions of the congress, which celebrated its fifth edition, and participated in the round table discussion "For a new Transparency Law in Spain". Access

V International Transparency Congress2021-06-04T14:30:36+02:00