
International Day for Universal Access to Information


Youth Time Magazine | 28/09/2020 “Information is power”, is written in the UN webpage, as describing the importance of International Day for Universal Access to Information, annually observed on 28 September. In order to raise awareness of the importance of universal access to information, the UN General Assembly has proclaimed 28th of September as such. In this article, we will elaborate on why universal access to information is the keystone of inclusive, democratic, and healthy societies with Access Info Europe, a human rights organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the right of access to information. Read more...

International Day for Universal Access to Information2020-10-02T12:44:45+02:00

International Access to Information Day 2020: European governments urged to ratify Convention on Access to Official Documents


Madrid, 28 September 2020- On the occasion of International Access to Information Day, the pro-transparency organisation Access Info Europe is calling on the governments of the European region to sign and ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents, which will come into force on 1 December 2020, and to commit to strengthening this fundamental right.

International Access to Information Day 2020: European governments urged to ratify Convention on Access to Official Documents2021-04-01T14:33:35+02:00

International Day for Universal Access to Information · UNESCO and OGP Webinar


Date: 28/09/2020 How can access to information legislations help governments navigate times of crisis? What roles do legislations play in saving lives and reducing inequalities in the face of emergencies? Access Info Executive Director Helen Darbishire participated on the Open Talks Webinar “Access to Information, Transparency and Openness: Taking Forward Agenda 2030 in Times of Crisis", which discussed international standards of upholding the right to information, and how such practices create transparency and openness required to navigate crises. The event, organized by UNESCO and the Open Government Partnership, addressed the importance of proactive disclosure and other mechanisms of information sharing

International Day for Universal Access to Information · UNESCO and OGP Webinar2021-06-17T11:06:07+02:00

Día Internacional de Acceso a la Información sin medios


Cuatro | 27/09/2020 In Spanish- El lunes 28 de septiembre es el Día Internacional de Acceso a la Información. La transparencia es una práctica fundamental para mantener una democracia saludable. Si bien España ha mejorado todavía le queda bastante camino por recorrer para compararnos con otros países de nuestro entorno. El Consejo de Transparencia es un organismo independiente del Estado. Read more and watch the video...

Día Internacional de Acceso a la Información sin medios2020-10-09T12:43:23+02:00

Dataharvest Digital 2020


Date: 24/09/2020 How do freedom-of-information request websites function? Does it make sense for journalists to use them, and if yes, in which situations? What other resources can journalists find via such websites? For the EU, Germany and several other countries, websites are available to help you file document requests. In Norway, several media have joined forces to consider a shared document request portal. Dataharvest – The European Investigative Journalism Conference is a meeting point where networks are established and nurtured, data and documents shared, cross-border projects conceived and teams established. The conference days are all about learning, inspiration and getting

Dataharvest Digital 20202021-06-03T11:32:51+02:00

OGP workshop with Spanish Regional Governments


Date: 11/09/2020 Workshop for the discussion of the commitments for the IV Open Government Plan proposed by the Spanish regional governments and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, coordinated by the Directorate General of Public Governance (DGGP), belonging to the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function. This online meeting was attended by a total of 43 participants representing public administrations, civil society and the Open Government Partnership (OGP), including Access Info Europe as an observer. In total, 53 open government proposals were made. For more information, download and read the note issued by the ministry (in Spanish)

OGP workshop with Spanish Regional Governments2021-05-28T14:30:10+02:00

Balancing the right to information with the right to privacy during a pandemic: Access Info discusses lessons learned and next steps at RightsCon


Access Info Europe and the Open Data Charter co-hosted a RightsCon panel where they spoke with data and privacy experts on the importance of making data open during the Covid-19 pandemic, while ensuring both the public’s safety and the privacy of the individual.

Balancing the right to information with the right to privacy during a pandemic: Access Info discusses lessons learned and next steps at RightsCon2021-03-29T15:56:39+02:00

The exercise of the right of access to information in Spain, Access Info’s workshop for journalists


Date: 02/09/2020 Access Info and other specialists explain how to request information from public bodies and how to appeal in cases of total or partial rejection or refusal of the request, both to the Spanish Transparency Council and before the courts. Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europ, presented this workshop which also featured the following speakers: Miguel Ángel Blanes, Lawyer. PhD in Law. Public Official. Expert on transparency, access to public information and open governmento; Joaquín Meseguer, Director General for Transparency and Good Governance. Regional Government of Castilla y León; Jesús Escudero, data journalist. Member of the International

The exercise of the right of access to information in Spain, Access Info’s workshop for journalists2021-05-28T13:09:23+02:00

The NGO briefing on the margins of the UNCAC Implementation Review Group


Date: 01/09/2020 On 1 September 2020, the yearly ‘NGO briefing’ took place on the margins of the 11th reconvened session of the UNCAC Implementation Review Group meeting (IRG) at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna. It had been postponed from its original date in June due to the evolving COVID-19 situation and was conducted in a hybrid format with around 20 in-person and roughly 70 remote participants from 40 CSOs and 15 States Parties. The briefing, organized by the Secretariat of the UNCAC Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) in collaboration with the UNCAC Coalition, is

The NGO briefing on the margins of the UNCAC Implementation Review Group2021-05-24T13:29:06+02:00