
The urgent need for data collection on gender equality in Europe


Madrid, 25 June 2020 –  The lack of publication of SDG data on Gender Equality in Europe is partly down to many countries not having laws requiring it to be collected, according to participants in a webinar on “Opening Up SDG 5” held by Access Info Europe on 18 June 2020. As a result, civil society organisations don’t have the data to engage in evidence-based policy debates. Access Info found in a recent survey which looked into the publication of SDG data that, on average, only 57% of gender equality data was published across Europe. Discussing the reasons behind

The urgent need for data collection on gender equality in Europe2022-10-26T12:39:14+02:00

Access Info joins the UNCAC Coalition Board


Madrid, 17 June 2020 – Access Info Europe, represented by its director, Helen Darbishire, has been elected to the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, the network that coordinates civil society activity in monitoring and promoting the UN Convention against Corruption. Access Info was elected to one of the two international seats on the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, with 75.7% of the votes cast in the first round of voting. Access Info joins Transparency International, represented by Gillian Dell, as the two international organisations on the UNCAC Coalition Board. In its nomination for the UNCAC Coalition Coordinating Committee, Access Info identified three

Access Info joins the UNCAC Coalition Board2020-06-17T18:27:26+02:00

EU urged to end SLAPPs: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation


Madrid, 9 June 2020 – Access Info Europe today joined 119 NGOs from across Europe in calling on the European Union to protect freedom of expression and information by acting to end the use of gag lawsuits to harass and silence investigative journalists and public interest defenders. In an open letter, the organisations expressed their concern about SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation), which are brought by powerful actors intending to intimidate and prevent watchdogs such as journalists, activists, trades unions, media, and civil society organisations, from holding them accountable. The organisations warned about the harmful effects of this type

EU urged to end SLAPPs: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation2020-06-10T19:01:09+02:00

Researching Government Contracts for COVID-19 Spending


Global Investigative Journalism Network | 03/06/2020 As countries rapidly spend billions of dollars to fight the coronavirus pandemic, digging into government contracts is taking on a new urgency. The crisis poses new challenges. Officials are using emergency purchasing procedures, creating barriers to public disclosure, and slowing down their handling of requests under freedom of information laws. Read more...  

Researching Government Contracts for COVID-19 Spending2020-06-03T16:24:40+02:00

AsktheEU Pro, the all-in-one FOI toolkit for professional journalists and researchers


Madrid, 1 June 2020 - Pro-transparency human rights organisation Access Info Europe is glad to launch AsktheEU Pro, an improved version of the account designed to upgrade journalists and researchers’ experience when requesting access to documents from the EU bodies and institutions. The new advanced functionalities of the platform include the possibility for Pro users to keep requests and responses private for 3, 6 or 12 months’ periods, which can be extended for an unlimited number of times. Access Info believes that this will help journalists and researchers wishing to keep their stories or investigations confidential before they are

AsktheEU Pro, the all-in-one FOI toolkit for professional journalists and researchers2020-08-11T10:56:26+02:00

Access Info supports principles on right of access to information during health crisis by Alianza Regional


Madrid, 27 May 2020- Access Info Europe and 17 NGOs from Latin America today called on governments in the region to guarantee the right of access to informaton during the Covid-19 pandemic, to prioritise the disclosure of emergency-related information and to ensure that information reaches the most vulnerable populations.  The proposal also highlights the negative consequences of the absence of policies on transparency and access to information. These include the authorities’ lack of coordination as well as limited performance of the agencies guaranteeing bodies for the full exercise of the right of access to information, which the text defines as

Access Info supports principles on right of access to information during health crisis by Alianza Regional2020-06-04T17:34:33+02:00

Participation: Citizens need Information! YOU4EU-Citizen Participation 2.0 project


Madrid, 22 May 2020 – Citizens across Europe need better access to information to participate in decision-making processes at European, national, and local level. This is one of the main findings by Access Info Europe and partners of the “YOU4EU” project, which has been completed following two years of research and campaigning on civic participation.  An extensive study carried out by Access Info (Spain), Belgrade Open School (Serbia), GONG (Croatia), Institute Alternative (Montenegro) and PiNA (Slovenia) also found that policy-makers are failing to communicate adequately with citizens, even though the public is  keen to learn about their governments and institutions,

Participation: Citizens need Information! YOU4EU-Citizen Participation 2.0 project2020-05-22T09:07:24+02:00

¿Un comité de expertos transparente? Lo que sabemos y lo que deberíamos saber


Newtral | 17/05/2020 In Spanish- Seguimos sin conocer quiénes son los expertos que decide el cambio de fase, a pesar de que la Ley de Seguridad lo exigiría. Aunque en otros países también hay carencias y polémica, la comparación no deja a España en muy buen lugar: falta transparencia en la gestión de la crisis del coronavirus. Read more...

¿Un comité de expertos transparente? Lo que sabemos y lo que deberíamos saber2020-07-08T15:25:36+02:00