
Access Info calls for greater transparency of Council of the EU in submission to European Ombudsman


Madrid, 3 January 2018 – Access Info has recommended that the Council of the European Union significantly increase transparency of the legislative process, in particular by providing the public with details on the positions that EU Member States take in negotiations on legislation. These recommendations were submitted to the European Ombudsman’s consultation held as part of her enquiry into transparency of the Council, which is based in large part on the case of Council v. Access Info Europe, won by Access Info on 17 October 2013, in which the Court of Justice of the EU established the right of the

Access Info calls for greater transparency of Council of the EU in submission to European Ombudsman2018-11-13T10:03:05+01:00

Interior clasificó la lucha contra el crimen organizado para zafarse de la transparencia


El Confidencial | 25/12/2017 Spanish - Durante todo 2014, los ministerios y las empresas estatales se afanaron en prepararse para la entrada en vigor de la ley de transparencia prevista para diciembre de ese año. Todos lo hicieron adaptando sus sistemas al Portal de la Transparencia y creando las unidades de información (UIT) para la gestión interna de las solicitudes. Read more...

Interior clasificó la lucha contra el crimen organizado para zafarse de la transparencia2018-11-13T09:41:11+01:00

European Ombudsman Decision: Commission should stop requiring requesters to provide postal addresses


Madrid, 20 December 2017 – In response to a complaint by Access Info Europe, the European Ombudsman has concluded that the European Commission’s practice of verifying the identity of persons making requests for access to documents by asking for their postal addresses is “disrespectful of citizens and their fundamental rights under the EU Charter” and constitutes "maladministration". The Ombudsman's formal Decision dismisses the Commission's arguments that its April 2014 postal addresses policy is necessary to prevent “abuse of the right to public access” as well as to ensure “legal certainty” in delivering answers, arguments that the Ombudsman says she "considers

European Ombudsman Decision: Commission should stop requiring requesters to provide postal addresses2018-11-13T09:38:35+01:00

For the first time in Spanish democratic history minutes of Cabinet meetings public, thanks to an information request


Madrid, 11 December 2017 - Access Info Europe has today published on its website the minutes of Spain’s weekly Cabinet meetings for the years 1996 to 2017, making them available to the public for the first time in Spanish democratic history. The minutes, which contain the decisions reached in each weekly meeting, were obtained using information requests by Access Info as part of collaborative research with journalist Jesús Escudero, and have been published to mark the third anniversary of the entry into force of Spain’s Transparency Law on 10 December 2014. “This is a huge step forward for Spanish democracy,”

For the first time in Spanish democratic history minutes of Cabinet meetings public, thanks to an information request2018-11-13T10:03:06+01:00

Un vídeo de 15 minutos y PowerPoints: así entrena la UE a los “guardacostas” libios


El Confidencial | 30/11/2017 Spanish - Técnicas de interrogación, análisis de documentos o recomendaciones sobre cómo informar de un incidente. La Unión Europea ha reiterado la importancia del respeto a los derechos humanos con los refugiados en el marco de la operación Sophia, actuación que pretende desmantelar las redes de tráfico de inmigrantes en el mar Mediterráneo. En cambio, la formación que ofrece a los "guardacostas" libios, encargados del proceso en alta mar, cubre de forma residual el trato humano con las personas interceptadas. Read more...

Un vídeo de 15 minutos y PowerPoints: así entrena la UE a los “guardacostas” libios2018-11-13T09:41:11+01:00

Disclosed documents reveal that EU training of Libyan Coast Guard makes negligible reference to human rights protection


Madrid, 30 November 2017 – Respect and protection of human rights are a negligible part of the EU’s training to the Libyan Coast Guard, as revealed by the training materials the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) disclosed in response to an access to documents request. From a total of 20 documents – including a video – released, only 0,5% of the content is dedicated to ensuring the protection of human rights. Instead, the presentations and handouts mainly address possible indications of human trafficking, interrogation, and documentation techniques, as well as the handling of weather apps. This comes in

Disclosed documents reveal that EU training of Libyan Coast Guard makes negligible reference to human rights protection2018-11-13T10:03:06+01:00

España.- ¿Qué puede hacer la ciudadanía para combatir la corrupción?


Noticanarias| 27/11/2017 Spanish- Gürtel, tarjetas black, Nóos, Pretoria, Palau o Innova son algunos de los casos de corrupción de los últimos años. Se trata de casos muy mediáticos, que probablemente han contribuido a continuar situando este tipo de práctica irregular en el podio de los principales problemas de España según los ciudadanos: el barómetro del CIS de septiembre sitúa la corrupción, como es habitual, en el segundo puesto de la clasificación, solo por detrás del paro. Read more...

España.- ¿Qué puede hacer la ciudadanía para combatir la corrupción?2018-11-13T09:41:11+01:00

México ha avanzado en materia de gobierno abierto, resalta Transparencia


20 Minutos | 22/11/2017 Spanish - En México se ha avanzado en la construcción de la normatividad necesaria para hacer del gobierno abierto una realidad en la vida cotidiana de las instituciones públicas, aseguró el comisionado del Inai, Joel Salas Suárez. Read more...

México ha avanzado en materia de gobierno abierto, resalta Transparencia2018-11-13T09:41:22+01:00

Secrecy surrounding selection of EU Judges challenged in complaint to European Ombudsman


Madrid/Brussels, 20 November 2017 - Access Info Europe, represented by the EU Public Interest Clinic and The Good Lobby, has submitted a new complaint to the European Ombudsman about the refusal of the Council of the EU to disclose the opinions on the candidates’ suitability to become members of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). For each judicial appointment to the CJEU, a special panel – comprising seven former members of the CJEU, members of national supreme courts and lawyers of recognised competence, one of whom is proposed by the European Parliament – issues an opinion regarding

Secrecy surrounding selection of EU Judges challenged in complaint to European Ombudsman2018-11-13T10:03:06+01:00

Esther Arizmendi, la defensora de la transparencia por la que nadie apostó


El | 19/11/2017 Spanish- Cuando se aprobó la primera Ley de Transparencia en España, en diciembre de 2013, muy pocos apostaban por el recién creado Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno (CTBG), el organismo encargado de velar por el cumplimiento de la nueva normativa. Read more...

Esther Arizmendi, la defensora de la transparencia por la que nadie apostó2018-11-13T09:41:22+01:00