
Nouvelle étape / Europe de la défense


Le Jeudi | 16/11/2017 French - Moment historique, nouvelle page, les ministres des Affaires étrangères ou de la Défense et la haute représentante de l'UE, Federica Mogherini, n'ont pas manqué de superlatifs pour qualifier la décision de vingt-trois Etats membres de lancer une coopération structurée permanente. Read more...

Nouvelle étape / Europe de la défense2018-11-13T09:41:23+01:00

General Court of the European Union hears arguments for transparency of EU-Turkey Deal


Luxembourg, 8 November 2017 – Access Info Europe had a hearing today in the General Court of the European Union in the case for access to documents it brought against the Commission, seeking access to certain documents containing legal analysis and advice relating to the EU-Turkey refugee return deal. This case started at the very same time as the EU-Turkey deal was reached (EU summit 17-18 March 2016) in the face of concerns raised by key human rights bodies such as the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner and the UNHCR about the deal’s content. "Our goal was to get

General Court of the European Union hears arguments for transparency of EU-Turkey Deal2018-11-13T10:03:06+01:00

Transparencia Internacional cree que el nivel de incumplimiento en las instituciones es “demasiado alto” y “preocupante”


El | 06/11/2017 Spanish - Transparencia Internacional España ha constatado que el nivel de transparencia en las instituciones públicas ha experimentado una "cierta mejora" pero ha alertado que, pese a ello, el nivel de incumplimiento de la normativa legal sobre contratos sigue siendo "demasiado alto y preocupante". Read more...

Transparencia Internacional cree que el nivel de incumplimiento en las instituciones es “demasiado alto” y “preocupante”2018-11-13T09:41:23+01:00

Access to information generating changes: the fruitful outcomes of one single release: Cabinet Agendas + data journalism: irregular payments revealed


THE FRUITFUL OUTCOMES OF A SINGLE REQUEST CABINET AGENDAS + DATA JOURNALISM: IRREGULAR PAYMENTS REVEALED In March 2017, leading Spanish newspaper El Confidencial published an exclusive story revealing the Spanish Cabinet’s review of irregularities in public procurement contracts. This story was made possible thanks to a single access to information request by Access Info Europe, leading to a collaboration with data journalist Jesús Escudero. When, in June 2016, Alba Gutiérrez of Access Info submitted an access to information request for the agendas for the regular Friday morning meetings of Spain’s Cabinet (“Council of Ministers”)

Access to information generating changes: the fruitful outcomes of one single release: Cabinet Agendas + data journalism: irregular payments revealed2020-01-30T16:52:37+01:00

Review process tackling MEPs allowances avoids public scrutiny


Madrid, 17 October 2017 - Access Info Europe has criticised the European Parliament’s refusal to disclose information in full relating to the revision of Member of the European Parliament’s General Expenditure Allowance (GEA), following an access to EU documents request. The Parliament Bureau’s ‘Ad hoc Working Group on the GEA’ denied access to a note containing the background, advice, and proposals for the rules, and a list of questions to be discussed, fearing that disclosure of the information would make it unable to reach a decision on the review of MEP allowances. “The refusal to recognise the overriding public interest

Review process tackling MEPs allowances avoids public scrutiny2018-11-13T10:03:07+01:00

Empleo no quiere que conozcas detalles del medio millón de accidentes de trabajo al año


El Confidencial | 15/10/2017 Spanish - El ministerio de Fátima Báñez ha llevado a los tribunales al Consejo de Transparencia para ocultar esta información. De los 67 juicios de este tipo, 46 han sido iniciados por la Administración. Read more...

Empleo no quiere que conozcas detalles del medio millón de accidentes de trabajo al año2018-11-13T09:41:24+01:00