
Transparency is core feature of new Council of Europe Guidelines on participation


Madrid, 5 October 2017 – Access Info Europe has welcomed the inclusion of core access to information principles in the Council of Europe’s Guidelines on public participation in decision making. The Guidelines, published last week on the eve of Right to Know Day (27 September 2017), include two of the pro-transparency organisation’s recommendations submitted during the 2016 public consultation: the need for timely provision of information and the narrow application of possible exceptions to access. “With the adoption of these guidelines, members of the Council of Europe must push to bridge the gap between citizens and decision makers, by enabling

Transparency is core feature of new Council of Europe Guidelines on participation2018-11-13T10:03:07+01:00

Decision-Making Transparency in Europe identified as top priority on International Right to Know Day


Brussels, 29 September 2017 – Members of the European Parliament together with CSOs, academics, and journalists from across the EU have called for greater openness of decision making and full transparency of spending of public funds in the final declaration of an International Right to Know Day event held on 28 September 2017. The closing statement of the expert, high-level event, organised by the European Parliament’s cross-party Transparency and Anti-Corruption Intergroup (ITCO) along with Access Info Europe and Anticor Belgium, also called for full respect for the right of access to information, and urged all EU Member States to align

Decision-Making Transparency in Europe identified as top priority on International Right to Know Day2018-11-13T10:03:07+01:00

Los comisarios europeos gastaron casi 500.000 euros entre enero y febrero de 2016 en viajes oficiales


Noticias Cuatro | 09/08/2017 Spanish - Los miembros de la Comisión Europea gastaron casi 500.000 euros entre enero y febrero de 2016 en viajes oficiales, según la información que ha obtenido la organización española Access Info, aportada por el Ejecutivo comunitario, y que ha publicado la revista belga 'Knack'. Read more...

Los comisarios europeos gastaron casi 500.000 euros entre enero y febrero de 2016 en viajes oficiales2018-11-13T09:41:24+01:00

Spanish High Court orders disclosure of documents about OGP citing European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence


[UPDATE - 2 March 2018 - The documents disclosed can be found here.] Madrid, 21 September 2017 – Spain’s High Court has ruled that Access Info Europe should have access to Spanish Government documents related to participation in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in an important ruling where the Court for the first time makes reference to the right of access to information in international treaties. In a final decision, which is not open to appeal, the High Court rejected the Spanish Government’s attempt to classify progress reports on the OGP Action Plan as internal documents of an “auxiliary” nature.

Spanish High Court orders disclosure of documents about OGP citing European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence2018-11-13T10:03:07+01:00

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months


Madrid, 14 September 2017 - Access Info today cautiously welcomed draft changes to the Code of Conduct for EU Commissioners announced yesterday by the EU, which will require the proactive publication of travel expenses every two months. The pro-transparency organisation, which, with the support of 120 citizens from across Europe, has been campaigning for access to the Commissioners’ travel expenses, noted that the draft text of the Code contains nothing on the precise data to be made public. Access Info has called for more specificities. “The devil is in the detail. A truly transparent system will provide citizens with enough

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00

Access Info urges OECD to adopt strong and clear definition of Open Government


Madrid, 13 September 2017 – Access Info Europe has urged the Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD) to adopt a definition of an “Open Government” as one characterised by transparency, participation, responsiveness, and accountability, in line with increasingly established standards set by bodies such as the Open Government Partnership. Responding to the OECD’s public consultation on Open Government, Access Info raised concerns that the draft Recommendation confused three things: - the tools needed to achieve open government (such as use of new technologies to open up data) - the characteristics of an open government (transparency, participation and accountability) -

Access Info urges OECD to adopt strong and clear definition of Open Government2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency


Madrid, 1 September 2017 - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is planning to publish the travel expenses of the EU’s 28 Commissioners according to reports today by Le Soir newspaper and This move comes in the wake of a campaign by Access Info and 120 requesters from across Europe, which generated intense media coverage earlier in August. Reports suggest that publication of the data will only happen once per year and will be designed to give the public a “picture” of the travel costs. Access Info is calling for more frequent publication, noting that once every month should be

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00