
Fact-checking the European Commission’s press conference on the Commissioners’ expenses


Madrid, 14 August 2017 - On 9 August, European Commission spokesperson Mina Andreeva faced a barrage of questions from journalists about the European Commissioners’ travel expenses, after two months of detailed data was disclosed following a three-year campaign by Access Info Europe. Access Info has fact-checked some of Andreeva’s key statements. 1. “We do publish mission expenses whenever we are asked to provide information.” The European Commission has been hugely resistant to publishing this information. After a long campaign by Access Info and 120 requesters from around Europe who submitted, in total, over 200 requests, we have managed to obtain

Fact-checking the European Commission’s press conference on the Commissioners’ expenses2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00

EU-formand brugte 200.000 kr. på dagsrejse til Rom


Finans | 14/08/2017 Danish - EU's kommissionsformand Jean-Claude Juncker sidste år skulle en tur til Rom fra sin arbejdsplads i Bruxelles, så han ingen anden mulighed end at leje et privatfly. Ruten, der tager ca. 2 timer at flyve, endte dermed at koste skatteborgerne i EU næsten 200.000 kr. Read more...

EU-formand brugte 200.000 kr. på dagsrejse til Rom2018-11-13T09:41:25+01:00

Video – ‘€75,000 on one trip’: EU officials under fire over splurging on private jets & luxury hotels


RT News | 11/08/2017 English - EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini are in the center of a controversy for spending many thousands of euros on private charters as part of official missions, an information inquiry reveals.

Video – ‘€75,000 on one trip’: EU officials under fire over splurging on private jets & luxury hotels2018-11-13T09:41:25+01:00

Video – EU officials rack up huge bills in first 2 months of 2017


RT UK | 11/08/2017 English - New figures released show EU officials have been racking up huge spending bills on private jets and visits in January and February of this year. Andreas Pavlou, a researcher for Access Info Europe, says they asked for spending of the whole of 2016 but their requests were denied.

Video – EU officials rack up huge bills in first 2 months of 20172018-11-13T09:41:26+01:00

Transparence: les commissaires européens rechignent à publier leurs frais de déplacement


Media Part | 10/08/2017 French - Jean-Claude Juncker, le patron de la Commission, se trouve épinglé pour un bref voyage officiel à Rome avec son équipe, qui a coûté près de 27 000 euros en février 2016. Une ONG mène la bataille pour forcer la Commission à dévoiler l’intégralité des dépenses de mission, au nom du contrôle de l’argent public. Read more...

Transparence: les commissaires européens rechignent à publier leurs frais de déplacement2018-11-13T09:41:26+01:00

‘€75,000 on one trip:’ Top EU officials under fire after info request reveals travel costs


RT News | 10/08/2017 English - EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini are in the center of a controversy for spending many thousands of euros on private charters as part of official missions, an information inquiry reveals. Read more...

‘€75,000 on one trip:’ Top EU officials under fire after info request reveals travel costs2018-11-13T09:41:26+01:00