
2016. Переломный год в открытости


Журналист (Journalist)  | 18/01/2017 English translation of the Russian article - In case you missed it, this year marks the 250th anniversary since the world’s first transparency law was adopted, in Sweden in 1766. At a quick glance, it seems we have a lot to celebrate in Europe – every country on the continent (bar Cyprus and Luxembourg which have draft laws) now has a transparency law that gives citizens the right of access to government-held information. Read more in Russian...

2016. Переломный год в открытости2018-11-13T09:42:56+01:00

La transparencia acaba en los tribunales


El País | 27/12/2016 Spanish - Cuando entró en vigor la Ley de Transparencia pocos preveían el alto grado de judicialización que alcanzaría. Tras dos años en vigor, se han presentado 32 recursos ante los tribunales. La gran mayoría, del propio Gobierno para evitar dar información a los ciudadanos. La Abogacía del Estado ha presentado ya, en nombre de ministerios o empresas públicas, una veintena de recursos porque no está de acuerdo con las resoluciones del Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno (CTBG) que daban la razón a ciudadanos o asociaciones. Read more...

La transparencia acaba en los tribunales2018-11-13T10:10:27+01:00

International Standards for Lobbying Regulation


The International Standards for Lobbying Regulation are the result of two years of collaborative work with civil society led by Transparency International, Access Info Europe, Sunlight Foundation and Open Knowledge. This initiative is unique in that it draws on the experience of a broad coalition of civil society organisations active in the field of lobbying transparency and open governance, and goes further than existing regulations and standards. The Standards aim at providing clear guidance to policymakers, governments and international organisations that are thinking of or are in the process of enacting lobbying legislation. They also serve as a reference point

International Standards for Lobbying Regulation2018-11-13T09:46:11+01:00

UNESCO urged to be transparent about its transparency policy!


Madrid, 21 December 2016 - Over 50 of the world’s leading civil society organisations, along with key experts, have called on UNESCO to share a draft access to information policy, which it is currently being discussed inside the organisation. In a letter to UNESCO Secretary General Irina Bokova, the civil society access to information groups stress “the cardinal importance of engaging in genuine consultations with external stakeholders as part of the process of developing a policy in this area,” to ensure that the final policy reflects the concerns of those it is designed to benefit. Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of

UNESCO urged to be transparent about its transparency policy!2018-11-13T10:03:44+01:00

EU Ombudsman proposes publishing names of officials to improve transparency in public procurement processes


Madrid, 20 December 2016 – Access Info Europe has welcomed the European Ombudsman’s recommendation that the European Commission systematically obtain consent to publish the names of public officials charged with decision-making on public procurement prior to their appointment.

EU Ombudsman proposes publishing names of officials to improve transparency in public procurement processes2021-08-11T13:20:02+02:00

L’Europa è un luogo sempre meno accogliente con i profughi afgani


Internazionale | 19/12/2016 Italian - “Questo accordo è una catastrofe”. Su Skype l’immagine di profilo di Abdul Ghafoor lo mostra sorridente, ma la sua voce è preoccupata. Ci siamo dati appuntamento per parlare della Joint way forward on migration issues between Afghanistan and the European Union, l’intesa firmata il 2 ottobre 2016 a Kabul per “avviare un processo rapido, efficace e gestibile per il rimpatrio agevole, dignitoso e ordinato dei cittadini afgani che non hanno i requisiti previsti per entrare, trovarsi o risiedere nel territorio dell’Unione europea”. Read more...

L’Europa è un luogo sempre meno accogliente con i profughi afgani2018-11-13T10:10:27+01:00

Dificultad de acceso y falta de datos, principales fallos de la Ley de Transparencia


Compromiso Empresarial | 16/12/2016 Spanish - Tres años después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno, dos años desde que comenzase a funcionar el Portal de Transparencia de la Administración General del Estado y un año después de que las comunidades autónomas se sumaran con sus propios portales de transparencia en Internet, el balance de España en esta materia ofrece claroscuros. La parte cuantitativa de esta legislación está cumpliéndose, pero no así la cualitativa, a decir de algunos de los principales expertos en materia de transparencia en España. Read more...

Dificultad de acceso y falta de datos, principales fallos de la Ley de Transparencia2018-11-13T10:10:27+01:00

La ley de transparencia cumple años pero no expectativas


Bez | 13/12/2016 Spanish- En el segundo aniversario de la ley 19/2013 de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, las felicitaciones no lo han sido tanto. El texto, que entró en vigor el 10 de diciembre de 2014, sigue siendo objeto de críticas por sus carencias en cuanto al reconocimiento del acceso a la información como un derecho fundamental y su accesibilidad, entre otros aspectos. Read more...

La ley de transparencia cumple años pero no expectativas2018-11-13T10:10:28+01:00

Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government


[Article first published by Progressive Economy @ TASC] Dublin, 13 December 2016 - While historical archives are a rich part of our cultural heritage, there are many day-to-day reasons why we should care about how governments and public bodies currently make and keep records of their actions and decisions. At a very basic level, records and are vital for good administration and efficiency. Records – like minutes of meetings, briefing documents and memos – tell us what, where and when something was done and why a decision was made. Records also provide a ‘paper trail’ of evidence for accountability purposes,

Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government2018-11-13T10:03:57+01:00