
Access Info condemns slashing of World Bank’s Access to Information Unit


Calls for Transparency to be core part of future governance agenda Madrid, 7 June 2016 - Access Info Europe has criticised the decision by the World Bank to axe its department working on access to information and called on it to keep promotion of transparency as a core part of promoting good, open government. Access Info also expressed concern that the Bank is likely to stop work on developing indicators that can be used to measure Sustainable Development Goal 16.10.2 on the right of access to information, something that other bodies such as UNESCO had been planning to rely on

Access Info condemns slashing of World Bank’s Access to Information Unit2018-11-13T10:04:10+01:00

La regulación de los lobbies


Diario_responsable | 07/06/2016 Spanish - Los lobbies o grupos de presión es un colectivo que tienen intereses comunes y realizan acciones dirigidas a influir ante la Administración Pública para promover decisiones favorables a sus intereses. Esta actividad, perfectamente legítima se encuentra regulada en algunos países pero no es así en España. Read more...

La regulación de los lobbies2018-11-13T10:10:39+01:00

Access Info defends citizens’ right to know as part of lobby transparency reforms


Madrid, 6 June 2016 – Access Info Europe has called on the European Union and the Council of Europe to ensure that future lobby control rules that both are in the process of developing are fully in line with The International Standards for Lobbying Regulation. In submissions to separate public consultations held by the EU and Council of Europe, the pro-transparency organisation underscored the need for lobbying regulation to ensure that full information on the activity of lobbyists is both recorded and published. In response to the EU consultation Access Info proposed EU institutions keep better records of interactions with

Access Info defends citizens’ right to know as part of lobby transparency reforms2018-11-13T10:04:10+01:00

Espacio para la responsabilidad – La regulación de los lobbies

2018-11-13T10:10:40+01:00 | 31/05/2016 Spanish- La colalición ¡transparencia del lobby ya! es una plataforma cuyo objetivo es reivindicar e impulsar la creación de un marco regulatorio para el lobby en España basado en la transparencia, la integridad y la participación. Hemos hablado con Alba Gutiérrez de Access Info Europe. Read more...

Espacio para la responsabilidad – La regulación de los lobbies2018-11-13T10:10:40+01:00

Give the Commission your views on EU lobbying!


This article was originally published by ALTER-EU. Brussels, 23 May 2015 - Do you want to see more transparency about who is lobbying who in Brussels and the EU institutions? Are you angry about the privileged access that corporate lobbyists get to EU decision-makers, whether it be on TTIP, tobacco, climate, regulation, digital rights...? The European Commission is consulting about how to improve the EU lobby transparency register with a view to revising and improving the current set-up. The consultation process is far from perfect, and the extent of the Commission's future ambition is not yet clear, but nonetheless, the

Give the Commission your views on EU lobbying!2018-11-13T10:04:11+01:00

Spain’s extortionate Sunshine Tax is “a final solution for renewable energy”: What do the documents tell us?


Madrid, 19 May 2016 - On the day that the news is full of the fact that Portugal this month had four straight days of zero emissions energy production using renewable sources (full story here), documents obtained by Access Info Europe using Spain’s Transparency Law reveal the tense political battles behind a controversial 2015 law that imposes prohibitive taxes on use of home-produced energy (such as from solar power). Spain – a country replete with sunshine, wind and waves – could be breaking the same records as Portugal, but instead the renewables sector has been undermined and citizens who generate

Spain’s extortionate Sunshine Tax is “a final solution for renewable energy”: What do the documents tell us?2018-11-13T10:04:11+01:00

Soria copió a Endesa el intento de prohibir el autoconsumo eléctrico a los usuarios más vulnerables


El Diario | 12/05/2016 Spanish Industria incluyó en uno de los últimos borradores del decreto de autoconsumo dos párrafos que había sugerido la eléctrica. Tras las protestas de diversos sectores, el Ministerio se echó atrás y acabó permitiendo autoconsumir a clientes con bono social o tarifa regulada de la luz. Iberdrola expuso en julio de 2013 argumentos a favor del 'impuesto al sol' luego replicados en un estudio de FAES, la fundación del PP. Read more...

Soria copió a Endesa el intento de prohibir el autoconsumo eléctrico a los usuarios más vulnerables2018-11-13T10:10:41+01:00

Spain: NGOs go to court to obtain documents about lobbying on a controversial energy law


Madrid 12 May 2016 – Two Spanish NGOs are challenging in court a decision by the Transparency Council granting only partial access to lobby documents submitted during elaboration of a controversial 2015 Law that imposes prohibitive taxes on use of home-produced energy (such as from solar power). Access Info Europe and the Platform for a New Energy Model in December 2015 had requested all documents submitted by third parties to the Ministry of Industry; the Ministry denied access on the grounds that the documents are “internal”, invoking one of the most problematic provisions of Spain’s 2013 Transparency Law. The Transparency

Spain: NGOs go to court to obtain documents about lobbying on a controversial energy law2018-11-13T10:10:41+01:00

EU Ombudsman: Public figures should expect a high degree of transparency about their professional competence


Madrid/Brussels, 10 May 2016 – In an important Decision from the European Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly has said that data relating to the professional competence and activities of public figures, especially those appointed to a high level public posts, may not require the same level of protection as might apply to personal data in other circumstances. Access Info Europe and the HEC-NYU EU Public Interest Clinic welcomed the Ombudsman’s Decision on their complaint about the lack of transparency in the selection process for judges to the European Union Court of Justice (ECJ). “The public has a right to know if the

EU Ombudsman: Public figures should expect a high degree of transparency about their professional competence2018-11-13T10:10:41+01:00