
Access Info condemns sabotage of Hungarian FOI law


Madrid, 1 July 2015 - Access Info Europe today condemned the proposal by the Hungarian government to amend the Freedom of Information Act in ways that would seriously limit the exercise of the right of access to information in Hungary. Hungarian civil society is reacting strongly to the proposal put by the government to an accelerated decree process in parliament which would result in arbitrary fees for searching for data and for copying and delivering it.[1] Other concerns are that the new rules would permit refusal of requests on the grounds that documents are “preparatory” or the copyright of third

Access Info condemns sabotage of Hungarian FOI law2018-11-13T09:46:14+01:00

Lobbying Transparency via RTI Laws


This document sets out the classes of information that should be made available by public bodies in order to get a full picture of the influence of interest groups, particularly lobbyists, on governmental and legislative decision making. You can download the report in PDF and in Word . If you have any comments about the contents of this report, we are happy to hear from you. For a member of the public to be able to follow how a particular decision is being or was taken, it is essential that there be full transparency about the influences which shaped that

Lobbying Transparency via RTI Laws2018-11-13T09:46:14+01:00

New lobby transparency civic-tech tools reveal corporate dominance of the Brussels bubble


Madrid, 25 June 2015 - The RTI community celebrated this week the launch of two groundbreaking online tools that enable citizens to monitor the interactions between high-level European Commission officials and lobbyists in the Brussels bubble: », created by ALTER-EU's Corporate Europe's Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe and LobbyControl, and relaunched last week, is a site that delivers easy access to data from the EU Transparency Register, allowing you to compare entries over time and to sort and rank the data contained in the EU's (still voluntary) Transparency Register; », created by the Transparency International EU office,

New lobby transparency civic-tech tools reveal corporate dominance of the Brussels bubble2020-01-29T11:07:19+01:00

Victoria Anderica: “Queremos crear una ordenanza que obligue a dar la máxima información”

2018-11-13T10:04:49+01:00 | 26/06/2015 Spanish – El Ayuntamiento de Madrid, liderado por Manuela Carmena, ha nombrado a la activista Victoria Anderica directora del proyecto de transparencia, dependiente de la Concejalía de Participación Ciudadana, Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto, responsabilidad de Pablo Soto. Anderica, licenciada en Derecho y con un máster en Comunicación, Cultura y Ciudadanía Digitales, ha trabajado durante cinco años en el proyecto Access Info, donde destaca su labor de lobby para la aprobación de la ley de transparencia en España. Read more...

Victoria Anderica: “Queremos crear una ordenanza que obligue a dar la máxima información”2018-11-13T10:04:49+01:00

European Commission urged to act to improve transparency


Madrid, 24 June 2015 – In a letter to European Commission Vice-President Timmermans as part of an ongoing dialogue, Access Info Europe has called for action to improve EU transparency in law and in practice. The pro-transparency organisation stressed the urgent need to bring the EU’s access to documents rules into line with international standards, and raised concerns about problems accessing key documents, as observed in responses to requests submitted on the platform. Access Info’s analysis of the EU’s access to documents Regulation 1049/2001 using the RTI Rating, found that although it scores a solid 96 out of 150,

European Commission urged to act to improve transparency2018-11-13T10:04:49+01:00

Ten Challenges for the Right to Information in the Age of Mega-Leaks


In the recently published book "The UN and Freedom of Expression and Information - Critical Perspectives", from Cambridge University Press, Access Info’s Executive Director Helen Darbishire maps the current state of the right of access to information and sets out some of the challenges currently facing the right. Darbishire notes that although the world’s first access to information law was adopted 250 years ago in Sweden 1766, it took the UN until 2011 to recognise this as a fundamental human right linked to the right to freedom of expression, and much remains to be done in defining this right and

Ten Challenges for the Right to Information in the Age of Mega-Leaks2018-11-13T10:05:08+01:00

European Commission fails to prove the need for its postal addresses policy


Madrid, 19 June 2015 – Access Info Europe this week expressed concern at the European Commission’s insistence on maintaining its obstructive requirement for all documents requesters to provide their postal addresses, after the Commission admitted in response to parliamentary questions that the policy is based on just one case of “abuse” over the past 14 years. Answering a parliamentary question by MEP Julia Reda, the Commission cited the case of a requester who allegedly used 13 identities to submit requests, the only case they could identify since the access to documents regulation came into force in 2001. Julia Reda immediately

European Commission fails to prove the need for its postal addresses policy2018-11-13T09:46:14+01:00

Transparency is Essential for a Credible Post-2015 Development Agenda


Madrid, 19 June 2015 – Access Info Europe has joined civil society organisations from around the globe in calling on the UN to take significant steps to integrate transparency, accountability and participation more fully into the Post-2015 development agenda. In proposing a series of crucial edits to the “Zero Draft” of the Outcome Document for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) Network argues that a development framework that fails to promote openness will lack credibility and risks disempowering the very communities it should be serving. “The development agenda for the next 15 years must include mechanisms that

Transparency is Essential for a Credible Post-2015 Development Agenda2018-11-13T10:05:08+01:00


Date: 8-10 June 2015 Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Transparency International Secretariat hosted a meeting in Lithuania for its European chapters that were working on their two-year lobby transparency project. They invited Access Info Europe and ALTER EU as external participants to the meeting, to provide our feedback and input. We specifically discussed the global lobby transparency standards that we have been working on alongside TI, Open Knowledge Foundation and Sunlight Foundation. We also took some time to discuss our campaign work on lobby transparency at the EU level and proposed some ideas for joint activities, particularly on how TI chapters could
