
NGOs demand Timmermans make good on mandatory lobbying register


EurActiv | 12/05/2015 English – One hundred and twelve organisations sent a letter to European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans today (11 May) asking for stronger rules on lobbying transparency. The appeal was organised by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) and called for a legally binding registry of lobbyists. Timmermans announced last fall that the European Commission would introduce a mandatory transparency registry detailing senior Commission staff's contact with lobbyists Read more...

NGOs demand Timmermans make good on mandatory lobbying register2018-11-13T10:05:09+01:00

Over 100 NGOs urge EU Commission to make the lobby register legally binding


Brussels, 11 May 2015 - The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) [1] has urged European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans to take strong and urgent action to create a high-quality and legally-binding EU lobby transparency register in a letter sent to him today, signed by over one hundred non-governmental organisations and trade unions, and supported by the European Parliament Intergroup on Integrity [2]. The letter calls on the Commission to adopt measures to reduce opportunities for unethical lobbying, and to ensure a better balance between corporate and public interest groups in the access to, and influence they

Over 100 NGOs urge EU Commission to make the lobby register legally binding2020-01-29T11:07:28+01:00

‘Podemos’ presenta un programa difuso en materia de corrupción y recorte de las administraciones

2018-11-13T10:05:09+01:00 | 06/05/2015 Spanish – Con la lucha contra la corrupción de las instituciones como bandera, las propuestas de Podemos en ese sentido ocupan también un lugar destacado en su programa. Cierto es que con las limitaciones de una propuesta destinada a unas elecciones autonómicas, y que no tiene competencia, por tanto, para cambiar el sistema penal o para recoger muchas de las medidas que sí se podrían contemplar en el programa de unas generales. Read more...

‘Podemos’ presenta un programa difuso en materia de corrupción y recorte de las administraciones2018-11-13T10:05:09+01:00

Propiedad de los Medios de Comunicación: Necesidad de Estándares de Transparencia


This article was originally published in Artículo XIII - Informe Estatal de los Medios de Comunicación. El Problema de la propiedad de los medios en Europa En Europa, informar a los reguladores mediáticos sobre quién es el verdadero propietario de un medio de comunicación no está considerado como un requisito en la mayoría de los países. Esta conclusión se desprende de un exhaustivo análisis llevado a cabo por Access Info Europe y el Programa de Open Society para un Periodismo Independiente en torno al estado de la legislación europea en esta materia y su puesta en práctica. Dicha investigación se

Propiedad de los Medios de Comunicación: Necesidad de Estándares de Transparencia2018-11-13T10:05:10+01:00

Police and Protests Infographics


'Transparency of the Policing of Protests': Report Infographics Below you will find our seven infographics (one interactive, and six question-by-question) on the research conducted for our Transparency of the Policing of Protests Report. Please feel free to download and use these as you wish - why not share them on social media! Findings Question-by-Question Report Summary And Overview Report Findings Question-by-Question We asked about legislation... We asked about the types of equipment permitted in protests... We asked about supplementary equipment at their disposal...

Police and Protests Infographics2018-11-13T09:46:32+01:00

Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression called to endorse Transparency of Media Ownership


Madrid/Brussels, 29 April 2015 – To mark World Press Freedom Day (3 May 2015), Access Info Europe, the European Federations of Journalists, and the International Federation of Journalists have called on the five Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression[1] to endorse the Ten Recommendations on Transparency of Media Ownership[2]. The recommendations, developed during three years of research by Access Info and the Open Society Program on Independent Journalism, have already been endorsed by 78 civil society organisations, media outlets, and journalists. The ten recommendations include: 1. Disclosure of essential basic information 2. Information is findable and free 3. Information is

Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression called to endorse Transparency of Media Ownership2018-11-13T09:46:32+01:00

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament


This article was originally published on Brussels, 29 April 2015 - ALTER-EU launched its new campaign Full lobby transparency now! with a high-profile debate. Held at the European Parliament, panellists included ALTER-EU members and officials from the Commission, Parliament and Council. Here, Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans renewed the Commission's commitment to a mandatory lobby register but postponed submitting a proposal to the Autumn. Timmermans also rejected the possibility of trying to do so via legislation, instead choosing to implement a sanctions-based system for the unregistered and those who submit false information. Facing a fully packed house, the Vice-President

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00