
The Transparency of the Policing of Protests


Report finds Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests Madrid, 24 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to a report published today by Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for, and the actual use of different types of, equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00

Timmermans takes swipe at MEPs on transparency


euobserver | 23/04/2015 English – EU commission vice-president Frans Timmermans has taken a swipe at MEPs who preach transparency but have not implemented the same rules as the commission when it comes to meetings with lobbyists. Making a pointed reference to this "august" building during a transparency debate on Thursday (23 April), Timmermans noted that while the parliament asks many questions of him, it gets "irritated" when the process is reversed. Read more...

Timmermans takes swipe at MEPs on transparency2018-11-13T10:05:10+01:00

Interior da la callada por respuesta: ninguna petición de información contestada en 2 años


El Confidencial | 21/04/2015 Spanish – No sabe, no contesta. Esta es la respuesta más habitual de la Administración a las solicitudes de información de los españoles, según se desprende del informe Tuderechoasaber 2014, publicado por la Fundación Ciudadana Civio y Access Info Europe y que evalúa la información facilitada por las instituciones públicas a petición de los ciudadanos. Read more...

Interior da la callada por respuesta: ninguna petición de información contestada en 2 años2018-11-13T10:05:10+01:00

High levels of administrative silence leave Spanish FOI requesters in the dark


Madrid, 22 April 2015 - Levels of administrative silence remained high in Spain in 2014, in the year running up to Europe’s newest transparency law coming into force, according to a report published by civil society organisations Access Info Europe and Civio. Out of the 314 requests for information sent via the request platform in 2014, 42% did not receive any reply from Spanish institutions or public bodies. This is a drop from the 57% recorded in 2013. Satisfactory responses to requests rose marginally from 12.7% to 18.5%, which remains an unacceptably low level in a country where the

High levels of administrative silence leave Spanish FOI requesters in the dark2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00

La falta de transparencia de los lobbies en España impulsa la corrupción


La Información | 16/04/2015 Spanish – La sinergia entre los lobbies y la administración pública levanta numerosas suspicacias. El término lobbista va inevitablemente acompañado de calificativos como desconfianza, intercambio de favores o corrupción. Read more...

La falta de transparencia de los lobbies en España impulsa la corrupción2018-11-13T10:05:11+01:00

Legal Leaks training in Ankara: Empowering Turkish journalists to access information from European institutions and public bodies in Europe


This article was originally published by UNESCO. What are the grants received from the European Union (EU) in Turkey? Who are the beneficiaries? How were they decided? And, who lobbied in those decisions? Accessing this type of information can be a source of interesting and original stories for journalists. European Union institutions have information about each and every country, not only on EU member states. To help media professionals access information held by public bodies at the EU level as well as in Turkey and other countries, a Legal Leaks training seminar was organized by UNESCO in cooperation with Access

Legal Leaks training in Ankara: Empowering Turkish journalists to access information from European institutions and public bodies in Europe2018-11-13T10:05:11+01:00

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy


Madrid/Brussels, 15 April 2015 – Two prominent defenders of EU transparency, MEPs Sophie In ’t Veld (Netherlands, Liberal) and Heidi Hautala (Finland, Greens), yesterday tabled a joint Parliamentary question calling on the European Commission to explain its policy of refusing to register access to documents requests if requesters do not provide a personal postal address as a form of identification. Access Info Europe welcomed the move by the MEPs, noting that the Commission has still not responded to an earlier question tabled by MEP Julia Reda (Germany, Pirate Party) on 27 January 2015, despite the 6-week deadline stipulated in the

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy2018-11-13T10:05:11+01:00

Global civil society mobilise to put transparency at heart of UN development agenda


Madrid, 14 April 2015 - Transparency, accountability and participation must be at the heart of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Financing for Development (FfD) agenda according to a position paper published today by the Transparency, Accountability and Participation in Post-2015 (TAP) Network, which was supported by Access Info Europe and 26 other civil society organisations from around the world. According to the TAP Network, a lack of transparent and accountable governance has cost developing and emerging economies $6.6 trillion USD (€5.5 trillion) over the past decade alone. The TAP Network paper, disseminated to all UN Missions on

Global civil society mobilise to put transparency at heart of UN development agenda2018-11-13T09:46:34+01:00