
La code de conduite des eurodéputés

2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00 | 07/04/2015 French – Le lobbying est un sujet récurrent dans l'Union Européenne et pose problème pour de nombreuses ONG et eurodéputés. Depuis 2009, l'UE a mis en place une code de conduite pour les eurodéputés afin de lutter contre la corruption. Cependant d'après de nombreux organisations cette code n'est pas assez strict. The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency a proposé 10 amendements pour rendre la code de conduite plus transparente. Un dossier d'actualité réalisé par Leah Hodgson. Podcast and interviews in English

La code de conduite des eurodéputés2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00

UK Advances on Company Ownership Transparency


Madrid, 1 April 2015 – Transparency campaigners Access Info Europe have welcomed the passage by the British parliament on Friday 27 March 2015 of a law by which the UK becomes the first country in the world with legislation guaranteeing collection and publication of information about the real beneficial owners of companies. The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 aims to crack down on the abuse of “shell” companies by requiring that all company directors be real people as opposed to corporations (which some exceptions). There will also be a register of individuals who exercise significant control over a

UK Advances on Company Ownership Transparency2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00

Transparency campaigners launch guide for MEPs on lobby contacts and ethics reform proposals


Madrid, 1 April 2015 - The Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), of which Access Info Europe is a Steering Committee member, has launched Navigating the lobby labyrinth: A guide to transparency and ethics for MEPs along with Ten policy recommendations for a strengthened MEP Code of Conduct. Guide for MEPs The guide is intended to help MEPs put into practice their commitment to transparency and fulfil their obligations to be receptive to public opinion, open to public scrutiny, and fully independent in order to defend the public interest. The guide also offers practical advice for MEPs on how

Transparency campaigners launch guide for MEPs on lobby contacts and ethics reform proposals2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00

Press freedom groups release Spain mission report as country’s crowded election year kicks off


Independence of public broadcasting, new public security law among international delegation’s key concerns Vienna, 23 March 2015 - There is a need to ensure maximum access by the public to the free flow of information according to a report published today by the International Press Institute (IPI) on freedom of expression and the press in Spain, following approval by the Spanish Senate of a controversial new public safety law heavily criticised both in Spain and abroad for its possible effects on journalism. The report incorporates the findings of a Dec. 2014 international mission to Spain, which was led by the

Press freedom groups release Spain mission report as country’s crowded election year kicks off2018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00

Varias ONG detectan siete “desafíos” para la libertad de expresión en España

2018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00 | 23/03/2015 Spanish – Un total de siete "desafíos" a la libertad de expresión y de prensa en España en 2015 han sido detectados por varias organizaciones internacionales de periodistas, encabezadas por el Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI). En un informe divulgado hoy y elaborado por seis ONG tras una misión en España en diciembre pasado, está la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, las ruedas de prensa "sin preguntas" o "las amenazas a la independencia" de la radiotelevisión pública de España (RTVE). Read more...

Varias ONG detectan siete “desafíos” para la libertad de expresión en España2018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00

Government fails on election transparency pledge to publish contracts

2018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00 | 19/03/2015 English – The UK government has failed to meet its 2010 election pledge to publish all contracts in full as part of its digital reforms of the public sector. Whitehall has published many contracts almost in full after a compromise that allows suppliers to keep secret some information on the grounds of commercial confidentiality. But government has regularly neglected to publish contracts for major projects, while those contracts it has published have often comprised little more than templates stripped of distinguishing details. Read more…

Government fails on election transparency pledge to publish contracts2018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00

AsktheEU Report on EU Transparency 2011-2012


In the year running up to 28 September 2012, members of the European public presented a total of 214 requests for documents with European institutions and bodies using the request platform. As of 23 September, almost 65% of the 214 requests made using resulted in full (37%) or partial (28%) disclosure of documents. In a further 19% of instances (40 requests) the institution responded that it did not hold the information requested, either because the document did not exist or because it was not in that institutions’ possession. Information was refused in only 13 cases (6% of requests).

AsktheEU Report on EU Transparency 2011-20122018-11-13T10:05:50+01:00

The Right of Access to Information in Cyprus: Report and Recommendations


This report consists of the findings of research into the right of access to information in Cyprus conducted in 2010 by Access Info Europe, KAB and IKME as part of the Access Info Cyprus Project. It was researched, written and edited by: Helen Darbishire and David Pardo of Access Info Europe; Faika Deniz Pasha, Derviş Musannif, Ilke Dagli and Didem Erel of the EU Cyprus Association (KAB); and Orestis Tringides and Alecos Tringides of the Institute for Social-Political Studies (IKME). Additional legal analysis was by David Goldberg, Oncel Polili and Panayiota Stavrou. Thanks to Andreas Pavlou of Access Info Europe

The Right of Access to Information in Cyprus: Report and Recommendations2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00