
The Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology


This guide on how to test levels of transparency in areas of government prone to corruption was released by Access Info Europe on October 2011, together with the results of the first large-scale monitoring conducted using the methodology in Croatia, conducted by Transparency International Croatia. The “Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology” was presented at the UN Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption currently taking place in Marrakesh, Morocco. The data from Croatia, where 200 answers were received to 560 questions (35% or around one third), shows that there are areas where huge progress has been made

The Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00

Tko su pravi vlasnici medija – traži se transparentnost


GONG | 10/03/2015 Croatian – U samo dvije od 20 analiziranih zemalja moguće je znati tko je zapravo vlasnik medija dok u 10 od 20 zemalja čak ni medijski regulatori ne znaju tko je zapravo vlasnik tiskanih medija, a u slučaju online medija ova brojka pada na šest. Stoga, Access Info Europe otvara peticiju za potpisivanje' Deset preporuka o transparentnosti vlasništva nad medijima'. Read more...

Tko su pravi vlasnici medija – traži se transparentnost2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00

Report on the European Central Bank and the right of access to EU documents


Of the 25 access to documents requests made by citizens to the European Central Bank via between September 2011 and August 2013, just eight were successful in obtaining all or some of the information requested. In three instances there was full disclosure of the documents requested. The other five requests were successful even though no documents were provided because the requested correspondence did not exist or the meetings enquired about had never taken place. Five requests concerned documents that the ECB did not hold, and requesters were generally referred to another institution which was likely to possess those documents.

Report on the European Central Bank and the right of access to EU documents2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00

Qui són els amos de les notícies?

2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00 | 10/03/2015 Catalan – Una campanya europea exigeix que la legislació obligui a fer públics els propietaris i fonts de finançament dels mitjans de comunicació. Qui hi ha darrere les notícies que llegim, sentim o veiem cada dia? A quins interessos responen?   Read more…

Qui són els amos de les notícies?2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00

Kampagne: Zehn Empfehlungen für EU-Medientransparenz

2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00 | 05/03/2015 German – Diese Woche präsentiert die Non-Profit-Organisation Access Info Europe eine neue Unterschriftenaktion für mehr Transparenz bei der Eigentümerschaft von Medienunternehmen. Im Vorfeld wurden dafür die Gesetzeslage und die praktische Umsetzung in zwanzig Ländern untersucht.Das Ergebnis: Zu wenig Medientransparenz - in nur neun der zwanzig untersuchten Beispiele muss die Eigentümerschaft von Medienunternehmen offengelegt werden, eine Meldung an Medienregulierungsbehörden oder Firmenregister gemacht werden.  Read more…

Kampagne: Zehn Empfehlungen für EU-Medientransparenz2018-11-13T10:05:51+01:00

Transparencia en los medios: quién es el dueño de la información que lees

2018-11-13T10:11:24+01:00 | 05/03/2015 Spanish – ¿Quién está detrás de los medios de comunicación? ¿A quién pertenecen? Responder a estas preguntas no es tarea fácil. Access Info Europe, organización dedicada a promover la transparencia y el derecho a la información en la Unión Europea, lo ha intentado, pero se ha topado de frente con la opacidad que caracteriza a las grandes corporaciones mediáticas.   Read more…

Transparencia en los medios: quién es el dueño de la información que lees2018-11-13T10:11:24+01:00

Join the Campaign for Transparency of Media Ownership


» In only 2 out of 20 countries analysed is it possible to know who really owns the media. » In 10 out of 20 countries not even the media regulators know who really owns the print media and for online media this figure drops to 6. Madrid, 4 March 2014 – Today Access Info Europe is opening for signature the Ten Recommendations on Transparency of Media Ownership. We are seeking endorsements from all civil society organisations, media freedom and journalists groups who wish to see greater availability of information about who really owns the media. The Ten Recommendations on

Join the Campaign for Transparency of Media Ownership2018-11-13T10:05:52+01:00

Access Info files complaint before EU Ombudsman on procurement transparency in Serbia


Madrid, 4 March 2015 - Access Info Europe has criticised the European Commission’s refusal to provide full disclosure of an evaluation document about the procurement process for a water sewage plant in Serbia, in a complaint sent today to the European Ombudsman.

Access Info files complaint before EU Ombudsman on procurement transparency in Serbia2021-08-11T13:21:44+02:00

Transparency register under scrutiny


European Voice | 23/02/2015 English – Almost a thousand names of companies have been added to the European Union’s transparency database since 19 November – the day that Frans Timmermans, the first vice-president of the European Commission, announced new rules of engagement with lobbyists. Read more…

Transparency register under scrutiny2018-11-13T10:11:25+01:00

Transparency of Media Ownership FAQs


If we do not know who the owners of media companies are, it is impossible to take steps to address excessive media concentrations and conflicts of interest. For example, prior to amendments in the law requiring disclosure of media ownership in 2011, the leading national broadcasters in Georgia were seen as mouthpieces of government and their real owners were hidden behind offshore companies. In Croatia, the process of privatising the print media from 2000 onwards was rife with corruption scandals with the real ownership structure of the media often hidden behind secret contracts and far-reaching informal agreements involving high-profile

Transparency of Media Ownership FAQs2018-11-13T10:11:25+01:00