
Access Info Europe y Civio se reúnen con el recién formado Consejo de la Transparencia


Madrid, 16 de febrero de 2015 - Access Info Europe y Civio han mantenido una reunión con el Consejo de la Transparencia de España con el objetivo de presentarse formalmente y poner en común reflexiones y posibles mejoras a la ley de transparencia y su implementación. El Consejo de la Transparencia empezó a trabajar el mismo día de entrada en vigor de la ley de transparencia (el 10 de diciembre de 2014), su presidenta de hecho fue nombrada el 11 de diciembre. Desde entonces el Consejo se ha centrado en trazar su plan estratégico y preparar una serie de documentos

Access Info Europe y Civio se reúnen con el recién formado Consejo de la Transparencia2018-11-13T10:11:25+01:00

MEP Julia Reda questions European Commission on postal address policy


Madrid, 12 February 2015 – A Member of the European Parliament, Julia Reda (Pirate Party, Germany), has filed a Parliamentary Question calling on the European Commission  to provide justifications for its policy of refusing to register access to documents requests if citizens do not provide their personal postal address. Access Info Europe welcomes this investigation into the postal address policy, introduced on 1 April 2014, which the Commission has stated is necessary because it is "increasingly confronted with cases where applicants seem to hide behind false identities". Julia Reda’s Parliamentary Question notes that the new policy is placing barriers for

MEP Julia Reda questions European Commission on postal address policy2018-11-13T10:11:26+01:00

Who Owns the Media? Sometimes No One Knows


This post was originally published in the Open Society Foundations website. London, 11 February 2015 - Southeastern Europe suffers from some of the world’s least transparent media ownership. In a Mapping Digital Media (MDM) report on Macedonia in 2012, Roberto Belicanec and Zoran Ricliev wrote that "there are no formal or legal requirements for media, other than broadcasters, to disclose any data on ownership, turnover, or any other publicly relevant matter." As if to prove the point, two years later, in the summer of 2014, journalists traced the real ownership of, an influential Macedonian news portal, back to the

Who Owns the Media? Sometimes No One Knows2018-11-13T10:11:26+01:00

Tres de los cinco consejos de transparencia en España no son independientes


Zoom News | 03/02/2015 Spanish – El Consejo de la Transparencia estatal, el organismo que asegura que se cumplan los requisitos de transparencia y protege el derecho de acceso a la información pública de la ciudadanía, se constituyó este mes de enero con una directora elegida por el Ministerio de Hacienda, Ester Arizmendi, y otros siete vocales propuestos por sus instituciones de procedencia. Read more…

Tres de los cinco consejos de transparencia en España no son independientes2018-11-13T10:11:26+01:00

EU lobby register: still failing to deliver real transparency


Madrid/Brussels, 27 January 2015 - New research, published today, shows that the EU lobby register is failing to provide full transparency on lobbying as many financial lobbyists, major corporations, law firms and lobby consultancies that are actively working to influence EU law, are still not registered. The research by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), which is led by a steering committee that includes Access Info, demonstrates that the current voluntary approach to lobby regulation does not provide full transparency of lobbying in Brussels. In addition, the European Commission's current proposal to enact a new lobby register

EU lobby register: still failing to deliver real transparency2018-11-13T10:11:27+01:00

El lobby en España


The book 'El lobby en España. ¿asignatura pendiente?' ('Lobbying in Spain, a pending issue?') – developed by the Foro Empresarial APRI and published by Algón Editores – was presented in the Political and Constitutional Studies Centre in Madrid. Access Info Europe collaborated in the book with a chapter about revolving doors. It is a collective work that analyses the role played by lobbies, the needs they represent, the public costs that their absence would carry, the existing alternatives for their regulation, and the effects caused by the lack of it; it is a serious attempt to demystify one of the

El lobby en España2018-11-13T10:11:27+01:00

Open Government Standards


Access Info Europe has led for the last year a campaign aimed to create Open Government Standards and promote them around the world. The idea was to set standards on what open, transparent, accountable and participatory government really means. Open Government is a hot topic right now, but what does it really mean in practice? What should government be doing in the areas of Transparency, Participation and Accountability to qualify as “open governments”? What are the uses of new communications technologies, which really advance openness as opposed to merely perpetuating existing bureaucratic practices in a digital environment? Our aim was

Open Government Standards2023-01-12T09:31:09+01:00

Transparency of Media Ownership


Access Info Europe and the Open Society Media Program launched Ten Recommendations for Transparency of Media Ownership in a presentation to the 47 governments of the Council of Europe meeting in Belgrade, Serbia. Presenting the recommendations, Mark Thompson of the Open Society Media Program called for the Council of Europe to take a lead in creating a regulatory framework for ensuring that citizens can know who really owns the media. "Public knowledge of owners' identities helps to ensure that abuses of media power can be assessed, publicised, openly debated and even prevented." Research released by Access Info Europe and the

Transparency of Media Ownership2018-11-13T10:11:27+01:00

Legal Leaks Toolkit


This toolkit is designed for journalists working in any media – newspapers, radio, and television – as well as bloggers and other information professionals who need to get access to information held by public bodies for their stories. The toolkit is for journalists making requests in their own country or considering filing a request in another country. It is based on a comparative analysis of the access to information of the 40 countries of the Council of Europe region which have such laws. In many places in the text we have put references where national law or practice deviates from

Legal Leaks Toolkit2018-11-13T10:11:28+01:00