Blog Report on the Council of the European Union


The Council of the EU is failing to comply with EU transparency rules by not respecting time frames for responding, applying too many extensions to requests, and not informing all requesters of their right to appeal when information is denied, according to a report published today by Access Info Europe. Analysis of 50 access to documents requests submitted to the Council between 2011 and 2013 via the platform, found that the average time for answering was 20 working days, significantly over the maximum 15 working days permitted by EU law. Requests which resulted in partial denials of information were Report on the Council of the European Union2018-11-13T10:11:28+01:00

Aid Transparency Toolkit


Published in October 2009, the Aid Transparency Toolkit is a guide for civil society organisations and members of the public interested in knowing more about how aid works and where the money goes to get the answers to their questions. This Toolkit is designed for CSOs in the north and south working on aid effectiveness, monitoring the implementation of aid projects, seeking to participate in decision making on development strategies or investigating corruption in aid funding and delivery. It can also be used by individuals from donor or recipient countries who are intersted in knowing about aid funds. The toolkit

Aid Transparency Toolkit2018-11-13T10:11:28+01:00

Guide on Access to EU Documents


To celebrate Europe Day, Access Info launched in 2013 a citizen-friendly Guide on Access to EU Documents, calling on members of the public and civil society organisations to exercise their rights and file access to documents requests. The EU has recognised a fundamental right of access to EU documents, but the EU's freedom of information law – which goes by the catchy title of 'Regulation 1049/2001' – remains underused by the population at large. The guide demystifies the process of asking for EU documents explaining step by step how to make a request. Access Info hopes the guide will encourage

Guide on Access to EU Documents2018-11-13T10:11:28+01:00

El Consejo de Transparencia echa a andar sin explicar a los ciudadanos cómo presentar un recurso a las solicitudes de información denegadas


Post originalmente publicado en El Blog de Madrid, 20 de enero de 2015 - A pesar de que la ley de transparencia entró en vigor hace más de un mes, aún no se conoce si existe un trámite específico para presentar un recurso ante el Consejo de la Transparencia, que se constituyó ayer lunes. Esta falta de información afecta a los ciudadanos que enviaron solicitudes de información desde el pasado 10 de diciembre. Cumplido el plazo de un mes que establece la ley, quienes hayan recibido una respuesta negativa (denegando la información), o directamente no han recibido respuesta, aún

El Consejo de Transparencia echa a andar sin explicar a los ciudadanos cómo presentar un recurso a las solicitudes de información denegadas2018-11-13T10:11:29+01:00

La Coalición Pro Acceso critica las graves carencias con las que entra en vigor la ley de transparencia


Madrid, 19 de diciembre de 2014 – La Coalición Pro Acceso, plataforma creada en 2006 para promover la aprobación de una ley de transparencia en España, denuncia la baja calidad de la ley de transparencia y considera inaceptable la terrible implementación que empezó el pasado 10 de diciembre. Además de las limitaciones que recoge a propia ley es realmente alarmante la denegación tácita del derecho a solicitar información que solo puede ser ejercido a través del portal de transparencia y si se cuenta con un DNIe, un certificado digital o si se entrega un teléfono o un número de cuenta.

La Coalición Pro Acceso critica las graves carencias con las que entra en vigor la ley de transparencia2018-11-13T10:11:29+01:00

Access Info Europe presents complaint to Spanish Ombudsman over poor implementation of the right of access to information


Madrid, 17 December 2014 - Access Info Europe today presented a complaint to the Spanish Ombudsman raising concerns about obstacles to the right to request information under the Spain’s transparency law that entered into force on 10 December 2014. There are two elements to the complaint: First, that requesters may only send information requests via the Transparency Portal by complicated and time-consuming process, which resulted in no member of Access Info Europe has yet having completed the bureaucratic steps necessary to be able to submit a request. Secondly, requesters are required to use official and verified identification in order to

Access Info Europe presents complaint to Spanish Ombudsman over poor implementation of the right of access to information2018-11-13T10:11:29+01:00

Juncker Commission breaks promise to create a mandatory lobby register, say transparency campaigners


Brussels, - According to ALTER EU transparency campaigners [1], the proposal by the Juncker Commission - as part of its 2015 work plan announced today - to introduce a mandatory lobby register on the basis of an inter-institutional agreement is misleading because such an agreement will not be binding on lobbyists. A revised lobby register based on an inter-institutional agreement will lack mechanisms for verifying whether the information in the register is correct and will mean that there is no possibility to apply effective sanctions when incorrect information has been provided. This is the situation currently and a new inter-institutional

Juncker Commission breaks promise to create a mandatory lobby register, say transparency campaigners2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00

El Portal de Transparencia nace sin información sobre su coste

2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00 | 11/12/2014 Spanish - Un Portal de Transparencia poco transparente. Es una de las conclusiones tras buscar la información sobre el coste económico del desarrollo y lanzamiento de esa web que el Gobierno ha vendido a bombo y platillo. Tampoco es posible encontrar datos sobre quién está detrás de la página, porque no ofrece un contacto al que poder hacer preguntas. Read more...

El Portal de Transparencia nace sin información sobre su coste2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00

Strong civil society needed to counter diverse challenges to free expression in Spain, mission finds


New transparency law, criticised as failing to meet international standards, took effect yesterday Vienna, 11 December 2014 – Spanish civil society must speak out to counter diverse challenges to freedom of expression, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today following a four-day international mission to Madrid and Barcelona. Participants in the mission concluded that a lack of coordinated monitoring and advocacy has hindered efforts to enhance the free flow of information necessary for the strongest possible functioning of Spanish democracy, nearly 40 years after its advent. Led by IPI, the visit – the first of its kind to Spain –

Strong civil society needed to counter diverse challenges to free expression in Spain, mission finds2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00