
Entendiendo la ley de transparencia I: ¿Cuándo entra en vigor la Ley de Transparencia y para qué instituciones?


Post originalmente publicado en El Blog de Madrid, 14 de octubre de 2014 – En empezamos una serie de posts en los que vamos a intentar explicar en qué consiste la Ley de Transparencia para que estemos todos preparados para usarla a partir de su entrada en vigor el 10 de diciembre de 2014. ¿Cuándo entra en vigor la ley de transparencia? La Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno consta de tres partes. Vamos a aclarar cuándo entra en vigor cada una de ellas y para qué instituciones:

Entendiendo la ley de transparencia I: ¿Cuándo entra en vigor la Ley de Transparencia y para qué instituciones?2018-11-13T10:11:40+01:00

EU Ombudsman urged to review European Commission’s insistence on postal addresses to register requests for documents


Madrid, 13 October 2014 – Access Info Europe is challenging the European Commission’s policy of demanding postal addresses as a precondition for registering requests for access to EU documents as part of a complaint being considered by the European Ombudsman. Access Info Europe argues that Commission’s policy, adopted on 1 April 2014, of refusing to register requests without postal address interferes unnecessarily and disproportionately with citizens' ability to exercise their right of access to documents and is in breach of Regulation 1049/2001. The issue of addresses was raised by the Commission as part of an exchange of views regarding the

EU Ombudsman urged to review European Commission’s insistence on postal addresses to register requests for documents2018-11-13T10:11:41+01:00

Previously Secret TTIP Negotiating Directives Published


Madrid, 9 October 2014 - Access Info Europe today welcomed the publication by the Council of the European Union of the negotiating directives for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), following a long battle by civil society and MEPs to obtain this key document, and the opening of an investigation by the European Ombudsman. Access Info noted that rather ironically, the newly declassified document states at Article 41 that "Nothing in this Agreement should affect EU or Member State laws regarding public access to official documents." Indeed, the directives require specific proactive transparency on any rules and measures which

Previously Secret TTIP Negotiating Directives Published2018-11-13T10:11:41+01:00

Timmermans Hearing – Better Regulation Requires a Mandatory Lobby Register


Madrid, 7 October 2014 - As MEPs prepare to interview vice-president-designate Frans Timmermans, the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), of which Access Info is a steering committee member, is calling on Mr Timmermans to make the introduction of a mandatory lobby register his priority. Timmermans has been handed the portfolio of 'better regulation' and will also act as Jean-Claude Juncker's deputy. His role will include work to coordinate transparency matters across the Commission and to bring forward the proposal for a mandatory lobby transparency register, to which Juncker committed himself in his own parliamentary hearing in July.

Timmermans Hearing – Better Regulation Requires a Mandatory Lobby Register2018-11-13T10:11:41+01:00

Report on Transparency of Media Ownership


Madrid, 3 October 2014 - Citizens are unable to establish who owns or controls the media operating in their country because of none or limited media specific or general disclosure provisions, accroding to one of the key findings of a report on The Transparency of Media Ownership in the European Union and Neighbouring States. The report is based on a survey of media ownership transparency rules in 20 European Union (EU) and neighbouring states carried out by Access Info Europe and commissioned by the Open Society Media Program. The survey has been designed to inform current debates about the roles

Report on Transparency of Media Ownership2018-11-13T10:11:41+01:00

Civil society letter calls for UN SG Ban Ki-moon to recognise Right to Know in Post-15 Report


Madrid, 30 September 2014 - On the occasion of International Right to Know Day, Access Info Europe together with 130 other organisations has written an open letter to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, calling on him to recognise freedom of expression and the right to information in his Post-2015 report. The UN secretary General and his team are drafting a report on Post-2015 which will kick off formal negotiations for the Sustainable Development Goals next year. For the past couple of years, civil society groups from all over the world have been calling on states to ensure good governance and

Civil society letter calls for UN SG Ban Ki-moon to recognise Right to Know in Post-15 Report2018-11-13T10:11:42+01:00

New Features Launched on Redesigned


Three New Transparency Campaigns Focus on the Demand for More Access to EU Documents Madrid, 29 September 2014 – Access Info Europe has launched a new version of the request platform, which now includes special features to help civil society organisations campaign to get access to EU documents, in celebration of International Right to Know Day on 28 September. The features include campaigns pages that civil society groups can use to highlight areas of lack of transparency and to advocate for access to particular EU documents related to issues they are working on.

New Features Launched on Redesigned AsktheEU.org2018-11-13T10:11:42+01:00

Looking for Leadership on Transparency in Europe


Madrid, 28 September 2014 – On the occasion of International Right to Know Day, Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe, argues that the European Union should be taking a strong lead on transparency standards across the 28 country region of 500 million inhabitants. With 751 new members of the European Parliament getting settled into their offices in Brussels, and with the new European Commission – the ministers of the Union – about to be appointed, civil society is demanding a strong transparency agenda in which the EU takes the lead and sets standards to be followed by all

Looking for Leadership on Transparency in Europe2018-11-13T10:11:42+01:00

¿Cómo asegurar la independencia y la eficacia del Consejo de la Transparencia?


Madrid, 26 de septiembre de 2014 – Con ocasión del Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber, el 28 de septiembre, Access Info Europe reclama al Gobierno de España que regule cuanto antes el Consejo de la Transparencia y propone una serie de recomendaciones basadas en estándares internacionales para dotarlo de mayor independencia. A menos de tres meses de la entrada en vigor de la ley de transparencia (que se producirá el 10 de diciembre de 2014), la sociedad española aún no sabe cómo será el organismo encargado de velar por el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de transparencia en España. Lo

¿Cómo asegurar la independencia y la eficacia del Consejo de la Transparencia?2018-11-13T10:11:42+01:00

International Right To Know Day 2014


International Right To Know Day 2014: Working to promote transparency Madrid, 28 September 2014 – Civil society, led by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet), is organising events on every continent for International Right to Know Day 2014 on 28 September, from activist and citizen workshops, to conferences on access to information laws, media broadcasts, and award ceremonies. Freedom of information organisations and activists from all around the world will be raising awareness of every individual’s right of access to information held by governments and public bodies. Access Info Europe is also taking action to join the series of

International Right To Know Day 20142020-02-14T12:50:36+01:00