
Hitting a Hundred Access to Information Laws Globally


Need for Better Data on Transparency in Practice [UPDATE 19 September 2014 - This law was signed and adopted by the President of Paraguay on Thursday 18 September 2014, making Paraguay the 100th country to adopt an access to information law] Madrid, 26 August 2014 – The civil society movement campaigning for government openness is on the point of reaching a significant landmark with the Latin American country of Paraguay awaiting presidential sign off on what will be the world's 100th access to information law. The law was passed by Paraguay's parliament on 21 August 2014. [The picture shows Horacio

Hitting a Hundred Access to Information Laws Globally2018-11-13T10:11:43+01:00

Global Legislative Openness Week: launch of international campaign to open legislatures


Madrid/Washington D.C., 15 September 2014 - Access Info Europe, as part of a group of 107 civil society organizations from around the world, including the Sunlight Foundation, the Latin American Legislative Network, Open Knowledge, and local Transparency International chapters launched a global campaign to highlight the importance of transparent and accountable legislatures, and to help parliaments embrace new technologies when publishing information about their work. The public letter, issued in coordination with the Global Legislative Openness Week, calls on national assemblies to make parliamentary and legislative data open by default by proactively releasing information in open and structured formats and

Global Legislative Openness Week: launch of international campaign to open legislatures2018-11-13T10:11:43+01:00

Dossier de prensa: Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno


El 28 de noviembre de 2013 se aprobaba la Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno en el Congreso de los Diputados. Con su entrada en vigor prevista para diciembre de 2014, el Gobierno sigue sin haber publicado nada sobre la evolución de los distintos reglamentos que permitirán la implementación de la ley, algunos de los cuales deberían haberse presentado meses atrás, en marzo de 2014. A continuación, presentamos una serie de enlaces y documentos acerca de la Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno, la evolución en su implementación, opiniones y posicionamientos al

Dossier de prensa: Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno2018-11-13T10:11:43+01:00

Spain: Three months to transparency


Madrid, 9 September 2014 – Spain’s Transparency Law will enter into force in three months, on 10 December 2014, but to date the Spanish Government has not made public any information about how the new law will be implemented nor how the Transparency Council will be appointed. Access Info Europe and Fundación Ciudadana Civio have yet to receive a reply to a letter sent on 20 August 2014 asking Spanish State Secretary José Luis Ayllón Manso to clarify the status of preparations for implementation of the law. The Spanish government should do the following before the law comes into effect

Spain: Three months to transparency2018-11-13T10:11:43+01:00

European Ombudsman consultation on EU expert groups creates hope for reform


Madrid, 5 September 2014 – Proactive transparency would help address the problem of business-domination of European Commission expert groups Access Info Europe concluded this week in its submission to the EU Ombudsman public consultation on expert groups. The European Ombudsman’s consultation came in response to a series of concerns raised by civil society, including the Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) of which Access Info Europe is a Steering Committee member, about the overrepresentation of business lobbyists in expert groups. In its submission, right to information experts Access Info highlighted the need for greater proactive transparency to permit

European Ombudsman consultation on EU expert groups creates hope for reform2018-11-13T10:11:44+01:00

Hitting a Hundred Access to Information Laws Globally


Need for Better Data on Transparency in Practice [UPDATE 19 September 2014 - This law was signed and adopted by the President of Paraguay on Thursday 18 September 2014, making Paraguay the 100th country to adopt an access to information law] Madrid, 26 August 2014 – The civil society movement campaigning for government openness is on the point of reaching a significant landmark with the Latin American country of Paraguay awaiting presidential sign off on what will be the world's 100th access to information law. The law was passed by Paraguay's parliament on 21 August 2014. [The picture shows Horacio

Hitting a Hundred Access to Information Laws Globally2018-11-13T10:11:44+01:00

Civil society urge EU to push for more transparency in non-financial reports by business


Madrid, 11 August 2014 – Access Info Europe highlighted the need for further access to information around the non-financial reporting of companies as part of a European Commission survey on corporate social responsibility. Civil society has emphasised the lack of regulation in this area, and stressed the need for more transparency and accountability regarding the impact of business actions on trade, the environment, development and human rights. The Commission is looking to receive feedback on the implementation of its most recent policy on corporate social responsibility, which is outlined in "A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for Corporate Social Responsibility" (COM(2011)

Civil society urge EU to push for more transparency in non-financial reports by business2018-11-13T10:11:44+01:00

Civil Society Urge EU to Push For More Transparency in Non-Financial Reports by Business


Madrid, 11 August 2014 – Access Info Europe highlighted the need for further access to information around the non-financial reporting of companies as part of a European Commission survey on corporate social responsibility. Civil society has emphasised the lack of regulation in this area, and stressed the need for more transparency and accountability regarding the impact of business actions on trade, the environment, development and human rights. The Commission is looking to receive feedback on the implementation of its most recent policy on corporate social responsibility, which is outlined in "A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for Corporate Social Responsibility" (COM(2011)

Civil Society Urge EU to Push For More Transparency in Non-Financial Reports by Business2020-02-14T11:19:35+01:00

Open data to get your teeth into!


Access Info invites open analysis of UK FCO documents Madrid, 4 August 2014 – Access Info Europe called for fellow freedom of information activists to help analyse and discover the information and data held in the tens of UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office documents on negotiations in Brussels to revise the European Union's transparency law, in a crowdsourcing initiative launched today. Download the documents here! These documents, obtained as a result of a four-year legal battle, are a unprecedented insight into the debate around the right of access to EU documents that has been going on since 2008, and could

Open data to get your teeth into!2018-11-13T10:11:45+01:00

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks


Madrid, 31 July 2014 – Access Info Europe today welcomed the decision by the European Ombudsman to call for more proactive disclosure of documents to stakeholders surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and to open investigations into the Council of the EU and EU Commission’s lack of transparency around these talks. Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has offered a range of practical measures to enable timely public access to TTIP documents, and to details of meetings with stakeholders. Referring to the pro-transparency jurisprudence established by Access Info’s case against the Council (won in October 2013) as well as by

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks2020-01-29T11:25:29+01:00