
Business Transparency


Businesses hold much information needed to combat corruption, to achieve tax justice, to identify influences on power, and to track those involved in human rights and environmental violations around the world. Access Info supports further efforts around Europe to expand transparency surrounding the activities of business, and we specifically campaign to increase access to company registers by using the right of access to information to make a case for open and public access. Our goal is also to map out current levels of current company register data and to open up company ownership information to the public. Access Info Europe

Business Transparency2018-11-13T10:11:54+01:00

Access Info Europe addresses Spanish Secretary of State José Luis Ayllón about Transparency Law


Madrid, 11 March 2014 – Today Access Info Europe and the Fundación Ciudadana Civio addressed the Spanish Secretary of State, José Luis Ayllón Manso, to find out about the current state and evolution of the Transparency, Access to Information and Good Governance Law, after its approval last December. The letter sent to Mr. Ayllón, signed by Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe, and David Cabo, Director of the Fundación Ciudadana Civio, raised a series of questions regarding the implementation of the new law, the progression of the regulation of the law, and other Open Government and lobby regulation

Access Info Europe addresses Spanish Secretary of State José Luis Ayllón about Transparency Law2018-11-13T10:11:55+01:00

El Gobierno incumple la ley y olvida aprobar el decreto del Consejo de Transparencia en plazo


Artículo publicado por Eva Belmonte en ‘El BOE nuestro de cada día’. Puedes leer su versión original aquí. Madrid, 10 de marzo de 2014 – El pasado 10 de diciembre el BOE recogía la Ley de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, aprobada un día antes. En el texto se estableció que los apartados relativos a la transparencia de la norma entrarían en vigor en un año, esto es, diciembre de 2014. Para preparar ese camino, el Consejo de Ministros debía aprobar, en el plazo de tres meses desde la publicación en el boletín oficial, un real

El Gobierno incumple la ley y olvida aprobar el decreto del Consejo de Transparencia en plazo2018-11-13T10:11:55+01:00

“Don’t go through the revolving door”, transparency campaigners tell EU Commissioners


“Don’t go through the revolving door”, transparency campaigners tell EU Commissioners Brussels, 10 March 2014 – European Commissioners have been reminded of the need to avoid conflicts of interest which undermine public trust in EU policy-making as they near the end of their term in office. The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) [1], of which Access Info Europe is a Steering Committee member, has sent individual letters to every serving European Commissioner to remind them of their responsibilities under the revolving door rules. [2]

“Don’t go through the revolving door”, transparency campaigners tell EU Commissioners2018-11-13T10:12:08+01:00

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis


Madrid/Brussels, 7 March 2014 – The European Central Bank (ECB) has once again come under fire for lack of transparency over the financial crisis, this time from the European Ombudsman who today regretted the decision not to release a letter sent to Ireland’s Finance Minister in November 2010. The ECB letter, which might reveal pressure on the Irish government to enter the EU’s bailout programme, was requested by Irish journalist and FOI activist Gavin Sheridan in December 2011 via the web platform The request and all correspondence can be found here.

ECB Criticised for Lack of Transparency over Financial Crisis2020-01-29T11:25:02+01:00

European Parliament votes to increase transparency of decision-making


Madrid/Brussels, 7 March 2014 - Access Info Europe has welcomed the decision [1] by the European Parliament to bring greater transparency to its decision making by recording and publishing records of final voting in committee. Previously most committee votes were taken by a simple show of hands and were not recorded. The decision, adopted on 26 February 2014, applies to all final votes on resolutions and legislation. It also makes it compulsory to record and publish the final votes by MEPs in plenary on non-binding resolutions. “This decision will make it easier for citizens to hold MEPs to account, and

European Parliament votes to increase transparency of decision-making2020-01-29T11:14:52+01:00

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights


Madrid, 27 February 2014 – Access Info Europe today joined European civil society organisations campaigning for pledges from European Parliament election candidates to support the 10 point Charter of Digital Rights. This campaign is run EDRi, a network of European civil rights organisations defending digital rights. Between 22 and 25 May 2014, European Parliament elections will take place in 28 Member States. The next five years will be hugely important for digital rights, with legislation expected on copyright, cybercrime, data protection and surveillance. The campaign aims to put digital civil rights issues firmly on the agenda of the election campaigns

Access Info joins We Promise campaign to get European Parliament candidates to support 10 point Charter of Digital Rights2020-01-29T11:15:19+01:00

Launch of new global campaign to stop secret government contracting


Madrid, 27 February 2014 - Today sees the launch of a new global campaign, Stop Secret Contracts, calling on world leaders to end secrecy in public contracting. The campaign is coordinated by the Open Knowledge Foundation, and signed by Access Info Europe along with  signatories including Global Witness, Integrity Action, the International Budget Partnership, the Sunlight Foundation and Transparency International.

Launch of new global campaign to stop secret government contracting2021-08-11T13:22:15+02:00

Open Data Day 2014: Open Government Standards


Madrid, 22 February 2014 - As open data activists around the world celebrate "Open Data Day" on 22 February 2014, Access Info Europe recalls that Open Data is an integral part of all work to promote open government and has been integrated into the core of the Open Government Standards, which are being promoted by civil society as a framework for determining and evaluating government progress on openness. To mark Open Data Day 2014, Access Info reiterated its call for governments to ensure that all data released in digital formats is made available in an open format. In practice this

Open Data Day 2014: Open Government Standards2018-11-13T10:12:09+01:00

European Parliament moves forward on Transparency of Company Ownership


Madrid, 21 February 2014 – In an important move with widespread implications for the defence of human rights and the fight against corruption, the European Parliament moved a step closer towards a legal obligation for companies to disclose their real or “beneficial” owners on 20 February 2014. The progress came in the form of a vote in favour of beneficial ownership transparency by Parliamentarians in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE). The Parliamentarians voted that the future EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive should require mandatory public registries of the beneficial

European Parliament moves forward on Transparency of Company Ownership2018-11-13T10:12:09+01:00