
European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency of the Council of the EU


Opinion and Comment by the Access Info International Advisory Board Madrid, 22 October 2013 - After the landmark final ruling last week by the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) that completely dismissed the Council of the European Union's appeal, in a five year battle over making public access to documents containing proposals by Member States during the negotiations on the revision of Regulation 1049/2001, the Advisory Board of Access Info Europe offer their opinions and comments to the importance of this case for the right of access to information in Europe and globally. Daniel Bezares, Access Info

European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency of the Council of the EU2018-11-13T10:12:20+01:00

European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency of the Council of the EU


Madrid/Luxembourg, 17 October 2013 — In a case brought by Access Info Europe, the European Court of Justice today rejected arguments by the Council of the European Union that it should be able to keep secret the identities of Member States making proposals in the context of negotiations on future EU legislation. This is the final ruling – by the highest court of the EU - in an important legal battle for greater transparency of the legislative process in Brussels in line with the EU treaties which require the European Parliament and the Council to "ensure publication of the documents

European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency of the Council of the EU2018-11-13T10:12:20+01:00

Main shortcomings of Spanish transparency law highlighted by Victoria Anderica in ‘El Objetivo’


Madrid, 14 October 2013 – “The law does not recognise access to information as a fundamental right,…a lot of information is left out,…and the oversight body is not independent”. These three serious shortcomings of the Spanish transparency law were highlighted by Victoria Anderica of Access Info Europe on the prime time Spanish TV programme El Objetivo. In the programme, broadcast on Sunday 13 October, Victoria acknowledged that the law will help to improve the current situation in Spain, by permitting a wider transparency of public accounts. However the shortcomings in the new legislation as it stands mean that Spain will

Main shortcomings of Spanish transparency law highlighted by Victoria Anderica in ‘El Objetivo’2018-11-13T10:12:20+01:00

Spanish Constitutional Court rejection of appeal about access to information to be taken to ECHR


Madrid, 8 October 2013 – Access Info Europe has decided to take its appeal for access to information, denied by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, to the European Court of Human Rights after the appeal was recently rejected by the Spanish Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court had not accepted the appeal because they said that the protection of a fundamental right had not been violated.

Spanish Constitutional Court rejection of appeal about access to information to be taken to ECHR2018-11-13T10:12:21+01:00

Last phase of campaigning to improve Spain’s weak transparency law: Calls on Senators to act


Madrid, 4 October 2013 – With Spain’s future transparency law open for amendments in the Senate until 8 October, Access Info has launched a last campaign for improvements. The goal is to strengthen the law’s score of 68 out of 150 on the RTI Rating, and a future position number 75 out of 96 laws globally.

Last phase of campaigning to improve Spain’s weak transparency law: Calls on Senators to act2018-11-13T10:12:21+01:00

European Court of Justice to take final decision on public access to Council documents


Madrid, 2 October 2013 - The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will formally announce its final ruling on the Access Info v Council of the European Union court case on 17 October 2013, after four years of legal battle. The second instance ECJ will now have the final word on whether or not it is legitimate for the Council to systematically blank out the names of Member States in documents summarising legislative negotiations before handing them out to the public. The dispute is about whether or not public access to the summaries of Council working party meetings, including details on

European Court of Justice to take final decision on public access to Council documents2018-11-13T10:12:21+01:00

European Elections 2014: Transparency must be a priority, MEPs told


Madrid, 2 October 2013 – In the run up to the European Parliament elections in May 2014, Access Info has today written to all 766 Members of the European Parliament informing them of opinion poll findings which show huge support for transparency in the areas such as the financial crisis and lobbying by business. Over 80 % of the public wants greater transparency in areas such as Council decision-making, legal opinions on future laws, and spending of EU funds. Access Info has also submitted to MEPs recommendations from the public which make clear that greater access to information must be

European Elections 2014: Transparency must be a priority, MEPs told2020-01-29T11:24:56+01:00

RTI update 2013


RTI Rating: Update and Overview of Results and Trends  Quatlity of access to information laws around the world, 28 September 2013, Halifax/Madrid - Access Info Europe (Spain) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (Canada) are today launching a report providing an analysis of the results and trends in the global RTI Rating, which assesses the legal framework for the right to information (RTI) in every country in the world which has adopted a national RTI law. A major finding of the report is that as international standards have developed laws have got stronger. At the same time, there

RTI update 20132020-02-14T12:51:50+01:00

ECB urged to review refusals


Brussels, 27 September 2013 -The European Central Bank regularly invokes the need to protect monetary policy and the financial stability of the Union and its Member States when refusing access to information a report by Access Info presented in Brussels today has revealed. Requesters are often seeking information about exchanges with Member States on the financial crisis. One third (36%) of requests resulted in full or partial refusals, with just 32% of requests receiving some or all information sought. Access Info has called on the ECB to review the legitimacy of its exceptions which are not all in line with

ECB urged to review refusals2018-11-13T10:12:22+01:00

Montenegrin Company Register must remain open to public


Madrid, 26 September 2013 -  Access Info Europe today published an open letter calling upon the Montenegin authorities to provide full access to the national company register, and other registers without delay, after learning that it will be closed from public access on the grounds of data privacy. Access Info argues that EU data protection rules do not require the register to be inaccessible to the public. Indeed disclosure of such information is essential in any modern democratic society. Montenegro cannot ignore the trend in Europe and elsewhere towards publishing more of this kind of information, as well as the

Montenegrin Company Register must remain open to public2018-11-13T10:12:22+01:00