
Buscamos al senador más transparente #senadotransparente


Madrid, 26 de septiembre de 2013 – El día 28 de septiembre es el Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber y lo queremos celebrar. España está aprobando en estos momentos una Ley de Transparencia (¡por fin!) y la sociedad civil está siguiendo este proceso muy de cerca para conseguir que esa norma esté a la altura de las mejores leyes del mundo.

Buscamos al senador más transparente #senadotransparente2018-11-13T10:12:23+01:00

Data Journalism Handbook


Madrid, 23 September 2013 - The Data Journalism Handbook, a free, openly licensed reference book showing journalists how to use data to improve the news has been translated into French, Spanish and Russian. Organised by Open Knowledge Foundation along with the European Journalism Centre, the Handbook explains not only about what data journalism is, but also how to get it, use it, understand it and how to present it. Access Info's Executive Director, Helen Darbishire, was a contributor to the access to information section of the Handbook. The Data Journalism Handbook was born at a 48 hour workshop at MozFest

Data Journalism Handbook2018-11-13T10:12:23+01:00

Background research


Global results Transparency of Media Ownership - full data  Country-by-country research Austria Azerbaijan Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Georgia Germany Iceland Italy Latvia Luxembourg Macedonia Morocco Netherlands Norway Romania Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom

Background research2018-11-13T10:12:23+01:00

Spain will rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws


Madrid, 10 September 2013 – Access Info Europe has again warned that the current version of the Spanish transparency law does not meet international standards. The law will be approved by the Parliament on Thursday 12 September, it will then be passed to the Senate for approval. When adopted, Spain would rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws, obtaining 70 points from a total of 150 on the Global RTI-Rating. In the upcoming debate, the parliament is expected to approve amendments to the transparency law adopted by the Constitutional Committee on 31 July 2013. These amendments

Spain will rank 72nd out of 96 countries with access to information laws2018-11-13T10:12:24+01:00

Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency


Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency London, 9 September 2013 – Access Info Europe, together with 14 other civil society groups from the UK, is urging the British Government to redraft the proposed Lobbying Bill so that it provides the public with a genuine opportunity to scrutinise the activities of lobbyists. The letter sent today to the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, calls for a more thorough transparency register which is not restricted to consultant lobbyists, but which would also include in-house lobbyists, big consultancies, and other entities that offer lobbying services such as

Civil society groups warn UK Lobbying Bill is too weak on transparency2018-11-13T10:12:24+01:00

UN Convention against Corruption: Call for action on right to information and company ownership transparency


Madrid, 23 August 2013 – NGOs today urged parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) to take action to promote adoption of access to information laws and to increase the availability of information on beneficial ownership of private companies. A letter sent today to members of the UNCAC Working Group on Prevention, by Access Info Europe and Global Financial Integrity together with the civil society UNCAC Coalition, urged priority action on transparency measures essential in the fight against corruption. “Access to information is vital for civil society organisations and members of the public to be able to fulfil their

UN Convention against Corruption: Call for action on right to information and company ownership transparency2018-11-13T10:12:25+01:00

Voluntary corporate reporting is not sufficient!


Madrid, 29 November 2011 - Non financial reporting has proved to be a very important tool in encouraging companies to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. Multinational companies have a substantial influence on the planet and on human life, and corporate non financial information disclosure is a way to ensure that companies behave responsibly and are held accountable to the community in which they operate. It is important that the latter be able to assert their social, environmental and human rights. Despite the recognised importance of environmental, social and governance information reporting, European Governments and a majority of companies have

Voluntary corporate reporting is not sufficient!2018-11-13T10:12:25+01:00

EU’s response to Bangladesh fatal incidents in garment industry is not sufficient; the EU needs to regulate its own companies!


Madrid, 10 July 2013 - 2013 has been marked by a series of fatal incidents in the Bangladeshi garment industry. The Rana Plaza disaster, in which more than 1100 people were killed following the collapse of a building, revealed the bad working conditions in the textile sector in Bangladesh. The building was hosting five garment factories working for Western brands, therefore western businesses were responsible for the precarious working conditions in these factories. The EU has responded to these tragic incidents by launching, with the Government of Bangladesh on the 8th of July, a new compact on garment factory safety

EU’s response to Bangladesh fatal incidents in garment industry is not sufficient; the EU needs to regulate its own companies!2018-11-13T10:12:25+01:00

Access Info and ECCJ call for a strong EU position on corporate non financial reporting


Brussels, 18 July 2013 - European multinational companies strongly affect the lives and the environment in which they operate, and that is why it is essential that they report on the social, environmental and human rights aspects of their activities. It has been recognized that non financial reporting is not only beneficial for companies themselves, but also for citizens and stakeholders. Calls from international and national actors have been made to regulate corporate non financial reporting as a consequence of multiple corporate scandals; for example the horse meat scandals or various cases of environmental damages. On the international scene, the

Access Info and ECCJ call for a strong EU position on corporate non financial reporting2018-11-13T10:12:25+01:00

What is non financial reporting and why is it important for corporate transparency?


Non financial reporting is the disclosure of a company's social, environmental and human rights information. It is also known as Environmental, Social and Governance information (ESG). Today, European multinational companies have expanded to a point where they have a significant impact on a variety of areas such as the economy, the environment, social and human rights, as well as the health of the community in which they operate. Specific examples of the areas which are affected include: - discrimination - sexual harassment - health and safety - freedom of information - torture - freedom of expression - privacy - poverty

What is non financial reporting and why is it important for corporate transparency?2018-11-13T10:12:25+01:00