
El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra insta al Gobierno Foral a flexibilizar sus requisitos de acceso a la información


(Artículo publicado en el 9 de julio de 2013) El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra ha recomendado por escrito al Gobierno foral flexibilizar los requisitos de acceso a la información y ser menos restrictivo en la ejecución técnica de la nueva Ley Foral de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto de la Comunidad de Navarra. Esta reacción se ha producido tras una queja formal planteada desde Access Info Europe por Victoria Anderica, alertando de que a una ley de transparencia fundada sobre unos estándares avanzados como la navarra seguía en realidad toda una serie de restricciones que dificultaban el acceso a

El Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra insta al Gobierno Foral a flexibilizar sus requisitos de acceso a la información2018-11-13T10:12:31+01:00

Análisis de las enmiendas a la totalidad y de las enmiendas parciales a la ley de transparencia presentadas por los distintos grupos parlamentarios


El proyecto de ley de transparencia, acceso a la información y buen gobierno está siendo debatido en el Congreso de los Diputados. El pasado jueves 30 de mayo se debatieron en pleno las enmiendas a la totalidad presentadas por todos los grupos parlamentarios menos el Partido Socialista Obrero Español. Próximamente empezará el debate sobre las enmiendas parciales que han presentado todos los grupos parlamentarios.

Análisis de las enmiendas a la totalidad y de las enmiendas parciales a la ley de transparencia presentadas por los distintos grupos parlamentarios2018-11-13T10:12:31+01:00

Constitutional Provisions for Access to Information


What is a constitution? A constitution is the basic law of a given country. It lays out the formal structure of the state, defining the central governments powers and institutions. Moreover, it specifies the relationship between the central government and other levels. Additionally, the constitution establishes the rights of citizens and thereby creates limits on the government. How many of the 47 countries within the Council of Europe have a constitutional provision on access to information? 25 of the member states of the Council of European have a constitutional provision on access to information. Where can you normally find the

Constitutional Provisions for Access to Information2021-03-04T13:40:32+01:00

Update on the revision of Regulation 1049/2001


Brussels, 11 July 2013 - The European Parliament has succeeded in getting the EU's access to documents Regulation 1049/2001 back on the agenda of the Council's working party on information, following a public debate and Motion for a Resolution which calls on the European Commission and the Member States to come back to the negotiating table. The EU's transparency negotiations have been stalled since the Danish Presidency failed to broker an agreement in the Council in June 2012. During the debate held in the Parliament on 21 May, which the EU transparency Commissioner Mr Maroš Šefčovič did not attend, the

Update on the revision of Regulation 1049/20012020-01-29T11:15:28+01:00

Access to Information Laws in Europe


In this section you can find the English language texts of access to information laws from across Europe. For each country, we also provide you with a link to the country-pages of the RTI Rating website, where you can find detailed analyses of all the world’s access to information laws, against 61 indicators developed by an international panel of access to information experts.

Access to Information Laws in Europe2021-03-04T13:40:09+01:00

The Global Right to Information Update: The right to information movement is well positioned to fight for better commitments on corporate transparency and open data.


Madrid, 8 July 2013 – The largest analysis of the worldwide movement for access to information, The Global Right to Information Update was published today by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network. The publication looks at how the movement for the right to information has brought issues of transparency and open government to the forefront of political and economic debate – as reflected in recent weeks in open data commitments made by the G8 – and maps out the challenges lying ahead. The authors, human rights advocates from seven continents, report on the threat to progress made so far posed

The Global Right to Information Update: The right to information movement is well positioned to fight for better commitments on corporate transparency and open data.2020-02-14T11:22:21+01:00

ECHR reaffirms the fundamental character of the right of access to information


Madrid, 4 July 2013 – Whilst in Spain the main parties have closed the debate and rejected the fundamental nature of the right of access to information, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has again ruled on the contrary, reaffirming that, “the right of access to information contained in public documents is a fundamental human right that must be applied at the national level according to general principles, such as the right of access to information”.

ECHR reaffirms the fundamental character of the right of access to information2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00

Access Info signs letter in support of independent EU Ombudsman


Madrid, 2 July 2013 – Today, a group of European civil society organisations, concerned by the nomination of MEPs in the EU Ombudsman election, sent a letter to MEPs calling on them to vote for an impartial and independent Ombudsman during the July plenary session. The election of the EU Ombudsman is being fought by 6 candidates; Alex Brenninkmeijer (The Netherlands), Markus Jaeger (Germany), Ria Oomen-Ruijten (The Netherlands), Emily O’Reilly (Ireland), Dagmar Roth-Behrendt (Germany), Francesco Speroni (Italy). You can read a copy of the letter, also signed by Access Info, below.

Access Info signs letter in support of independent EU Ombudsman2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00

ECHR ruling Youth Initiative NGO Serbia


Fundamental right of access to information strengthened by ECHR ruling Madrid, 27 June 2013 – Access Info Europe welcomes the recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights which further strengthens the right of access to information held by public bodies. A summary of the ruling The ECHR ruled on the case between ‘Youth Initiative for Human Rights vs. the Republic of Serbia’ about the refusal of the Serbian intelligence agency to provide the NGO with certain information concerning electronic surveillance, despite a final and binding decision in favour of disclosure by the Serbian Information Commissioner in 2005.

ECHR ruling Youth Initiative NGO Serbia2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00

Commission urged to tackle dominance of business in expert groups


Commission urged to tackle dominance of business in expert groups Brussels, 27 June 2013 – Today the European Ombudsman produced recommendations for the European Commission on how to tackle the dominance of business interests within its expert groups, following a three year investigation as a result of a complaint from the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in Europe (ALTER-EU). The Ombudsman found numerous cases of maladministration after investigating all four allegations made by ALTER-EU regarding the Commission’s expert groups – which advise it on legislation and policy. In an attempt to pursue a ‘friendly solution’ to the complaint,

Commission urged to tackle dominance of business in expert groups2018-11-13T10:12:33+01:00