
Latest news on Spanish Transparency law


Madrid, 29 May 2013 - Today, members of the Access Info team have been invited by the Spanish political party Izquierda Plural to witness the third session of interventions on the future Spanish Transparency law. The debate in the Spanish Congress will deal with the range of amendments to the entire law, which are being introduced by the majority of the political parties, whilst civil society considers the law to still be insufficient and not up to scratch in meeting international standards. Victoria Anderica, Campaign Coordinator at Access Info, reviews party by party the reasons behind the amendments to the

Latest news on Spanish Transparency law2018-11-13T10:12:39+01:00

Why care about the right of access to information?


How to avoid the closure of rural schools with data Madrid, 28 May 2013 – The right of Access to information isn’t just something that deals with transparency in an abstract, disconnected manner, it is also a way of improving day-to-day life through access to objective information. Some of the stories about the excommissioner for information of Scotland, Kevin Dunion, demonstrate the practical application of this right, through concrete victories. How would these cases run in Spain? This is something that is very difficult to compare without a law that requires public administrations to respond to citizens questions. But we

Why care about the right of access to information?2018-11-13T10:12:41+01:00

Mustafa al-Hawsawi Case


Information obtained by Access Info Europe as part of the Rendition project with UK NGO Reprieve, using access to information in order to get information on secret CIA flights, has been used by REDRESS and the Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI) to bring to court a complaint calling for an investigation into allegations that Mustafa al-Hawsawi was illegally transferred to and secretly detained and tortured in Lithuania as part of the CIA-led programme. Access Info Europe together with Reprieve gathered data on flights associated with "extraordinary rendition" - the covert transfer of prisoners by the USA from locations in Europe

Mustafa al-Hawsawi Case2018-11-13T10:12:42+01:00

Advocate General Opinion issued in European Court of Justice Case


AG advises Court to dismiss challenge by Council Luxembourg/Madrid, 16 May 2013 – In the penultimate stage of Access Info’s court case for full access to a document relating to the reform of the EU’s access to documents rules, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice has issued an opinion which advises the Court to dismiss the legal challenge brought by the Council of the EU against the March 2011 decision by the first instance General Court that the Council should provide Access Info Europe with the requested document.

Advocate General Opinion issued in European Court of Justice Case2018-11-13T10:12:42+01:00

Transparency of the European Central Bank on the Financial Crisis


Access Info Europe applies to join key case at European Court of Justice  Madrid, 6 May 2013 – Access Info Europe has applied to the European Court of Justice to intervene in a case which is of great importance to the European public in the context of the financial crisis: the case is about whether we have a right to know what key EU bodies, such as the European Central Bank, know about the financial health of Eurozone Member States. In a letter to the Court sent on 6 May 2013, Access Info Europe asked for leave to intervene in

Transparency of the European Central Bank on the Financial Crisis2020-01-29T11:24:49+01:00

No news means … no news!


Madrid, 20 May 2013 – Spain’s future Transparency Law remains stalled in the Parliament, which continues to invite selected experts to address the Constitutional Commission, although Access Info Europe has not yet been invited to present its criticisms of the draft. A summary of the latest interventions by experts such as Soledad Becerril, Àngels Barbarà, Borja Bergareche, Ignacio Escolar and Manuel Villoria, can be found here. There is also no news on Spain’s Open Government Partnership plans: the action plan presented to the OGP in April 2012 is still unavailable in Spanish on any government website, and there has been

No news means … no news!2018-11-13T10:12:43+01:00

The lobby battle around data privacy


Brussels, 15 May 2013 – The European Commission has proposed new regulation on data protection, which is currently being debated in the European Parliament. However, it threatens the commercial interests of big corporations who are currently making millions from collecting and selling our private data. Big corporation are trying to do everything in their power to water down the new regulation and protect their profits at the expense of our privacy. According to Commission Vice-President Reding, who is responsible for the proposal, it is some of the most aggressive industry lobbying she has ever witnessed.

The lobby battle around data privacy2021-03-29T15:57:05+02:00

New Guide on Access to EU Documents


Madrid, 9 May 2013 – To celebrate Europe Day, Access Info is launching a citizen-friendly Guide on Access to EU Documents and is calling on members of the public and civil society organisations to exercise their rights and file access to documents requests. The EU has recognised a fundamental right of access to EU documents, but the EU's freedom of information law – which goes by the catchy title of 'Regulation 1049/2001' – remains underused by the population at large. The new guide demystifies the process of asking for EU documents explaining step by step how to make a request.

New Guide on Access to EU Documents2018-11-13T10:12:43+01:00

Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions


Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions Brussels, 18 November 2012 – As part of the EU Citizens Project, 46 citizens from 6 countries in Europe had the opportunity to travel to Brussels, from the 14 to 16 November 2012, as part of a trip organised to bring citizens closer to the EU institutions and to encourage them to participate. On the morning of the first day, two groups of citizens started the “lobby tour” in the European quarter of Brussels, listening to explanations from lobby experts, Oliver Hoedeman, Pascoe Sabido and Richard Tabsey of Corporate Europe

Citizens trip to Brussels: Figuring out the European Union Institutions2018-11-13T10:12:43+01:00

Missed dead-line and no political will


Missed dead-line and no political will Brussels, 6 May 2013 – The Commission have prepared a State of Play (28/02/2013) outlining what progress had been made since its last State of Play (06/09/2012) and how far it has gone towards meeting the conditions outlined by the European Parliament in terms of preventing industry dominance of these influential advisory groups. However, while the Commission claims civil society has an important role to play in monitoring how it’s coming along, it has failed to make the State of Play public. ALTER-EU managed to obtain a copy, and in the name of transparency

Missed dead-line and no political will2018-11-13T10:12:44+01:00