
Participation, ethics and transparency: what citizens want from Brussels


Participation, ethics and transparency: What citizens want from Brussels Brussels, 17 November 2012 – The European Union is ever more important in influencing the laws and policies that affect more than 500 million europeans. Yet very few know about our european representatives and the influence of interest groups upon them. Therefore, various organisations around Europe, including Access Info Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Spinwatch, Environmental Law Service, HAI Europe and Aitec have decided to make citizens aware about the topic through various national campaigns in favour of lobbying regulation through the EU Citizens Project. The last meeting aimed to

Participation, ethics and transparency: what citizens want from Brussels2018-11-13T10:13:09+01:00

Sí saben, pero no contestan


A pesar de la inminente puesta en marcha de una ley de acceso a la información pública, el informe del primer cuatrimestre de actividad en ‘Tu Derecho A Saber‘ pone de manifiesto que, en la práctica, existen graves problemas de transparencia en España. Este primer informe, revela que la mayoría de las solicitudes no obtienen respuesta, o ésta es incompleta. En concreto, el 47 % no tienen contestación alguna (lo que llamamos ‘silencio administrativo’), y sólo un 14% cuentan con una respuesta satisfactoria. Es decir, en un 86 % de los casos, el ciudadano no obtuvo la información que deseaba,

Sí saben, pero no contestan2018-11-13T10:13:09+01:00

Lithuania Nuclear Power


Debate on Lithuanian Nuclear Power Deal Centres on Access to Information It is unacceptable to shield a nuclear project from Freedom of Information says Access Info Europe Vilnius, 22 November 2012– At a high-level debate in Lithuania (20 November 2012), Access Info Europe strongly criticised an anti-freedom of information clause in the public-private partnership agreement on the Visaginas nuclear power plant between the government of Lithuania and Hitachi corporation. Access Info said that the confidentiality provisions represented particularly dangerous practice and risked stifling public debate around the important issue of nuclear power.

Lithuania Nuclear Power2018-11-13T10:13:09+01:00

Measuring Transparency Debate


The Debate on How to Measure “Openness” 9 November 2012 – In a public comment issued today, Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe and Toby Mendel, Executive Directorof the Centre for Law and Democracy respond to criticisms of the RTI Rating in the paper Measuring Openness: A Survey of Transparency Ratings and the Prospects for a Global Index by Sheila Coronel, Director of the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism and Profesor at the Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University. The authors of the comment also raise concerns about the various global indices of “transparency” and “openness” and call

Measuring Transparency Debate2020-02-14T13:46:32+01:00

Spain is a world leader in Open Data. Says who?


13 November 2012 – In September 2012 the Web Foundation published the first edition of its Open Data Index, “a specific set of 14 indicators directly targeted at measuring open data worldwide”. Many open data and transparency activists in Spain were surprised to find Spain in the leading pack, since Spain still doesn't have an access to information law and there is no coherent national Open Data policy or practice. The only actively maintained Open Data initiatives are those started by a few local and regional governments, with no coordination or support from the national level. More importantly, key datasets

Spain is a world leader in Open Data. Says who?2018-11-13T10:13:10+01:00

Apoyo ciudadano y político a Access Info Europe por la condena en costas de 3.000 euros


Madrid, 7 de noviembre de 2012 — Desde que Access Info Europe hizo público que le habían condenado a 3.000 € en costas por perder ante el Tribunal Supremo una demanda contra el Ministerio de Justicia por no publicar las medidas anticorrupción que están implementando, los apoyos han sido muchos y muy diversos. Desde la sociedad civil, un ciudadano comenzó una petición en solicitando parte de la información que se denegó y que en cinco días recabó más de 95.000 firmas. Numerosas organizaciones nacionales e internacionales han mostrado su apoyo a Access Info Europe y están firmando una carta

Apoyo ciudadano y político a Access Info Europe por la condena en costas de 3.000 euros2018-11-13T10:13:10+01:00

Call for stricter lobby rules after Dalli Scandal


Call for stricter lobby rules after Dalli Scandal Brussels, 5 November 2012 – Civil society groups have today written to the European Commission President urging him to end the secrecy around the resignation of the former Health and Consumer Commissioner John Dalli [1]. Campaign groups in the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) call on President Barroso to introduce stricter transparency and ethics rules to curb the privileged access of lobbyists to EU decision-making [2].

Call for stricter lobby rules after Dalli Scandal2018-11-13T10:13:11+01:00