
Litigation by Access Info Europe against Spain’s Ministry of Justice – Request for information about anti-corruption measures


Overview: Supreme Court denies right of access to information Access Info Europe requested from Spain’s Ministry of Justice information about what it had done to implement the UN Convention against Corruption and the OECD Anti-bribery Convention. The information request containing a series of specific questions was presented on 14 June 2007. The request was never answered.

Litigation by Access Info Europe against Spain’s Ministry of Justice – Request for information about anti-corruption measures2018-11-13T10:13:11+01:00

3.000 euros for a request about corruption


Madrid, 29 October 2012 – Access Info Europe has been ordered to pay €3000 to the Spanish government for asking what it is doing to fight against corruption according to a decision of the Spanish Supreme Court which has ruled that the NGO has not right to ask for such information. The decision closes a court case based on a information request submitted by an Access Info Europe board member in 2007. The main argument used by the Supreme Court is that the request by Access Info Europe to the Ministry of Justice for reports on the implementation of the

3.000 euros for a request about corruption2018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00

10º Aniversario del Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber


Debate sobre la futura ley de transparencia Madrid, 28 de septiembre de 2012 — Ayer el gobierno perdió una extraordinaria oportunidad de poder compartir con la sociedad civil su posición sobre la futura Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno en España porque excusó su asistencia al debate público sobre la ley con motivo de la celebración del 10º Aniversario del Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber. Sí participaron en el evento, organizado por la Coalición Pro Acceso, de la que es miembro Access Info Europe, diputados de otros tres partidos: Meritxell Batet, del PSOE, Irene Lozano,

10º Aniversario del Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber2018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00

Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber – Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas en los Bancos Internacionales de Desarrollo


Seminario organizado por el Defensor del pueblo Europeo en colaboración con el Mecanismo de Reclamaciones del Banco Europeo de Inversiones Desde el año 2003, los defensores del Derecho a la Información de todo el mundo celebran el día internacional del derecho a saber. Aproximadamente un tercio de las investigaciones realizadas por la oficina del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo están relacionadas con la falta de transparencia, por lo que el Defensor del pueblo Europeo, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, consciente del problema, ha mostrado su interés en señalar la importancia del Derecho a la Información y, este año, está colaborando con el Banco

Día Internacional del Derecho a Saber – Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas en los Bancos Internacionales de Desarrollo2018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00

AsktheEU results 2012

2018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00 | EU Transparency Results 2012 Brussels, 28 September 2012 – In the year running up to 28 September 2012, members of the European public presented a total of 214 requests for documents with European institutions and bodies using the request platform. As of 23 September, almost 65% of the 214 requests made using resulted in full (37%) or partial (28%) disclosure of documents. In a further 19% of instances (40 requests) the institution responded that it did not hold the information requested, either because the document did not exist or because it was not in that institutions’

AsktheEU results 20122018-11-13T10:13:12+01:00

10 years Right to Know Day


Ten years defending and advancing our right to know A reflection by Access Info Europe's founder and Executive Director Helen Darbishire on the achievements of the global freedom of information movement ten years after the day on which International Right to Know Day was created. The band of civil society activists seen here shivering on a misty Bulgarian mountain top on 28 September 2002 had spent the day in Sofia (the city whose name means "knowledge") brainstorming how to advance the right of access to information, including by founding the Freedom of Information Advocates network and coming up with the

10 years Right to Know Day2020-02-14T11:29:16+01:00

RTI Rating Web Update


Global RTI Rating Website Update Launched 28 September 2012, Halifax/Madrid - Today, Access Info Europe (AIE) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) launched an improved version of the RTI Rating website. The new website contains updated results on all 93 countries with national right to information laws, searchable on various parameters, including total score and score in each category of the RTI Rating. Serbia retains top position in the updated rating, with 135 points out of a possible total of 150, while Austria languishes in bottom place, with 39 points. AIE and CLD first launched the RTI

RTI Rating Web Update2020-02-14T12:53:32+01:00

10th Right to Know Day


10 years of the Freedom of Information Advocates Network and Right to Know Day Members of the Freedom of Information Advocates Network, a global community of over 200 civil society organisations, will be holding a range of International Right to Know Day activities, including the FOIAnet itself announcing prizes in the right to know photo competition and launching the 10-10-10 Statement on the past decade of advocacy: 10 Successes, 10 Challenges, 10 Goals. Access Info Europe are amoung the active members of the FOIAnet. 10-10-10 Statement (English) (Spanish) (French) (Russian)

10th Right to Know Day2020-02-14T13:42:11+01:00