9 Aug 2017

Un aerotaxi de 26.000 euros para Jean-Claude Juncker


El Mundo | 09/08/2017 Spanish - Sesiones plenarias en Estrasburgo, el foro de Davos, cumbres con mandatarios extranjeros, reuniones en los Estados miembros... La lista de citas de los funcionarios de la Comisión Europea es larga y, a veces, el coste de los viajes que implican dichos encuentros demasiado elevado. Read more...

Un aerotaxi de 26.000 euros para Jean-Claude Juncker2018-11-13T09:41:40+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Is that where our money is going? EU boss Juncker splurges £24K to charter a private jet for Rome trip as shock new figures reveal the staggering travel bill racked up by Eurocrats


The Daily Mail | 09/08/2017 English - EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker splurged £24,000 of taxpayer's money to charter a private jet for a one-night trip to Rome, shock new figures reveal. The revelation was part of a slew of expensive travel bills exposed after a European Commission finally handed over the document after a two-year legal battle. Read more...

Is that where our money is going? EU boss Juncker splurges £24K to charter a private jet for Rome trip as shock new figures reveal the staggering travel bill racked up by Eurocrats2018-11-13T09:41:40+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Revealed: Jean-Claude Juncker’s £23,500 private jet jaunt


The Spectator | 09/08/2017 English- Jean-Claude Juncker is a man with few friends in Britain – and that’s before his latest expenses were published following a lengthy fight. It’s fair to say the documents, which were released today, won’t do the president of the European Commission any favours. Juncker claimed thousands of euros worth of expenses for various trips during the first three months of 2016 alone. Read more...

Revealed: Jean-Claude Juncker’s £23,500 private jet jaunt2018-11-13T09:41:41+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Il viaggio a Roma di Jean-Claude Juncker è costato 27mila euro, è polemica


Corriere Quotidiano | 09/08/2017 Italian - Juncker a Roma ha avuto "un programma molto intenso", compresi incontri con il presidente Sergio Mattarella, quello del Senato Sergio Grasso, quello della Camera Laura Boldrini, l'allora primo ministro Matteo Renzi e l'ex presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano: il codice di condotta (dei commissari) permette l'uso di aerei privati quando non ci sono voli commerciali. Read more...

Il viaggio a Roma di Jean-Claude Juncker è costato 27mila euro, è polemica2018-11-13T09:41:41+01:00
9 Aug 2017

JEAN-CLAUDE JUNKET EU bosses racked up ‘outrageous’ half a million Euro travel expenses bill in just TWO months, according to damning figures they tried to keep secret


The Sun | 09/08/2017 English - As the EU demands a whopping divorce bill from Britain, their own accounts reveal Eurocrats like loathed Jean-Claude Juncker blew the cash on luxury private jets and hotels in the first two months of 2016. Read more...

JEAN-CLAUDE JUNKET EU bosses racked up ‘outrageous’ half a million Euro travel expenses bill in just TWO months, according to damning figures they tried to keep secret2018-11-13T09:41:41+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Les commissaires européens déboursent 8790 euros par mois en moyenne pour leurs voyages


RTBF | 09/08/2017 French - La Commission européenne a déboursé, lors des deux premiers mois de l'année 2016, 492 249 euros en frais de déplacement, soit 8790 euros par mois et par commissaire européen, rapporte mercredi Knack. Les 28 commissaires ont mené durant cette période 261 missions officielles, dans 26 États membres de l'Union européenne et 23 autres pays. Read more...

Les commissaires européens déboursent 8790 euros par mois en moyenne pour leurs voyages2018-11-13T09:41:42+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Thyssen rekent onkosten van zeven CD&V-recepties door aan Europese Commissie


De Morgen | 09/08/2017 Dutch - In de eerste twee maanden van 2016 heeft de Europese Commissie in totaal 492.249 euro reisonkosten gemaakt. De 28 eurocommissarissen voerden daarvoor 261 officiële missies uit, in 26 lidstaten van de Europese Unie, en 23 andere landen. Per eurocommissaris is dat gemiddeld 8.790 euro per maand, bericht weekblad Knack vandaag. Read more...

Thyssen rekent onkosten van zeven CD&V-recepties door aan Europese Commissie2018-11-13T09:41:42+01:00
9 Aug 2017

Juncker’s Junkets: Commissioners spent €500,000 on travel in two months


Euro Guido | 0/08/2017 English - The eye-watering travel bill racked up by unelected European Commissioners was finally made public today after campaigners waged a three year battle to access their expenses claims. The hard-won disclosure reveals the 28 Commissioners spent almost half a million Euro on visits during the first two months of 2016 alone (the only period for which documents have been released). A dossier of claims submitted by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker includes an astonishing €27,000 bill for a two-day trip to Rome on a private jet. A good wine list no doubt… Read more...

Juncker’s Junkets: Commissioners spent €500,000 on travel in two months2018-11-13T09:41:42+01:00