29 Apr 2015

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament


This article was originally published on ALTER-EU.org: http://www.alter-eu.org/alter-eus-new-campaign-launched-with-transparency-debate-at-the-parliament Brussels, 29 April 2015 - ALTER-EU launched its new campaign Full lobby transparency now! with a high-profile debate. Held at the European Parliament, panellists included ALTER-EU members and officials from the Commission, Parliament and Council. Here, Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans renewed the Commission's commitment to a mandatory lobby register but postponed submitting a proposal to the Autumn. Timmermans also rejected the possibility of trying to do so via legislation, instead choosing to implement a sanctions-based system for the unregistered and those who submit false information. Facing a fully packed house, the Vice-President

Full Lobby Transparency campaign launched with ALTER-EU debate at the Parliament2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00
24 Apr 2015

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests


Report finds Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests Madrid, 24 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to a report published today by Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for, and the actual use of different types of, equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was

The Transparency of the Policing of Protests2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00
21 Apr 2015

High levels of administrative silence leave Spanish FOI requesters in the dark


Madrid, 22 April 2015 - Levels of administrative silence remained high in Spain in 2014, in the year running up to Europe’s newest transparency law coming into force, according to a report published by civil society organisations Access Info Europe and Civio. Out of the 314 requests for information sent via the Tuderechoasaber.es request platform in 2014, 42% did not receive any reply from Spanish institutions or public bodies. This is a drop from the 57% recorded in 2013. Satisfactory responses to requests rose marginally from 12.7% to 18.5%, which remains an unacceptably low level in a country where the

High levels of administrative silence leave Spanish FOI requesters in the dark2018-11-13T09:46:33+01:00
15 Apr 2015

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy


Madrid/Brussels, 15 April 2015 – Two prominent defenders of EU transparency, MEPs Sophie In ’t Veld (Netherlands, Liberal) and Heidi Hautala (Finland, Greens), yesterday tabled a joint Parliamentary question calling on the European Commission to explain its policy of refusing to register access to documents requests if requesters do not provide a personal postal address as a form of identification. Access Info Europe welcomed the move by the MEPs, noting that the Commission has still not responded to an earlier question tabled by MEP Julia Reda (Germany, Pirate Party) on 27 January 2015, despite the 6-week deadline stipulated in the

Pressure mounts as two more MEPs question Commission on postal addresses policy2018-11-13T10:05:11+01:00
13 Apr 2015

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests


Madrid, 13 April 2015 - There is a serious lack of transparency about the use of various types of equipment during policing of protests according to Access Info Europe, following research conducted in 42 countries and territories across Europe by means of access to information requests. The research by the Madrid-based pro-transparency organisation aimed to get a comprehensive picture of the legal framework for and actual use of different types of equipment – including batons, shields, tear gas, and rubber bullets. This goal was frustrated by the fact that not one of the 42 countries surveyed provided full information to

Europe-wide Lack of Transparency of Policing of Protests2021-06-03T17:49:19+02:00
10 Apr 2015

Seeking Sign-ons for Letter to European Commission on Lobby Transparency


Madrid, 10 April 2015 - The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), which Access Info participates in as a Steering Committee member, is seeking sign-ons from civil society organisations for a letter to European Vice-President Frans Timmermans, as part of our campaign to improve lobbying transparency in Brussels. The EU has a voluntary lobby register that covers the European Parliament and European Commission. The register is meant to tell us who the EU's lobbyists are; who they are working for; how much they spend on influencing policy; and what specific dossiers they lobby on. Yet the lobby register

Seeking Sign-ons for Letter to European Commission on Lobby Transparency2018-11-13T09:46:34+01:00
2 Apr 2015

UK Advances on Company Ownership Transparency


Madrid, 1 April 2015 – Transparency campaigners Access Info Europe have welcomed the passage by the British parliament on Friday 27 March 2015 of a law by which the UK becomes the first country in the world with legislation guaranteeing collection and publication of information about the real beneficial owners of companies. The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 aims to crack down on the abuse of “shell” companies by requiring that all company directors be real people as opposed to corporations (which some exceptions). There will also be a register of individuals who exercise significant control over a

UK Advances on Company Ownership Transparency2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00
1 Apr 2015

Transparency campaigners launch guide for MEPs on lobby contacts and ethics reform proposals


Madrid, 1 April 2015 - The Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), of which Access Info Europe is a Steering Committee member, has launched Navigating the lobby labyrinth: A guide to transparency and ethics for MEPs along with Ten policy recommendations for a strengthened MEP Code of Conduct. Guide for MEPs The guide is intended to help MEPs put into practice their commitment to transparency and fulfil their obligations to be receptive to public opinion, open to public scrutiny, and fully independent in order to defend the public interest. The guide also offers practical advice for MEPs on how

Transparency campaigners launch guide for MEPs on lobby contacts and ethics reform proposals2018-11-13T10:05:49+01:00
4 Mar 2015

Join the Campaign for Transparency of Media Ownership


» In only 2 out of 20 countries analysed is it possible to know who really owns the media. » In 10 out of 20 countries not even the media regulators know who really owns the print media and for online media this figure drops to 6. Madrid, 4 March 2014 – Today Access Info Europe is opening for signature the Ten Recommendations on Transparency of Media Ownership. We are seeking endorsements from all civil society organisations, media freedom and journalists groups who wish to see greater availability of information about who really owns the media. The Ten Recommendations on

Join the Campaign for Transparency of Media Ownership2018-11-13T10:05:52+01:00
4 Mar 2015

Access Info files complaint before EU Ombudsman on procurement transparency in Serbia


Madrid, 4 March 2015 - Access Info Europe has criticised the European Commission’s refusal to provide full disclosure of an evaluation document about the procurement process for a water sewage plant in Serbia, in a complaint sent today to the European Ombudsman.

Access Info files complaint before EU Ombudsman on procurement transparency in Serbia2021-08-11T13:21:44+02:00