12 Feb 2015

MEP Julia Reda questions European Commission on postal address policy


Madrid, 12 February 2015 – A Member of the European Parliament, Julia Reda (Pirate Party, Germany), has filed a Parliamentary Question calling on the European Commission  to provide justifications for its policy of refusing to register access to documents requests if citizens do not provide their personal postal address. Access Info Europe welcomes this investigation into the postal address policy, introduced on 1 April 2014, which the Commission has stated is necessary because it is "increasingly confronted with cases where applicants seem to hide behind false identities". Julia Reda’s Parliamentary Question notes that the new policy is placing barriers for

MEP Julia Reda questions European Commission on postal address policy2018-11-13T10:11:26+01:00
27 Jan 2015

EU lobby register: still failing to deliver real transparency


Madrid/Brussels, 27 January 2015 - New research, published today, shows that the EU lobby register is failing to provide full transparency on lobbying as many financial lobbyists, major corporations, law firms and lobby consultancies that are actively working to influence EU law, are still not registered. The research by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), which is led by a steering committee that includes Access Info, demonstrates that the current voluntary approach to lobby regulation does not provide full transparency of lobbying in Brussels. In addition, the European Commission's current proposal to enact a new lobby register

EU lobby register: still failing to deliver real transparency2018-11-13T10:11:27+01:00
20 Jan 2015

El Consejo de Transparencia echa a andar sin explicar a los ciudadanos cómo presentar un recurso a las solicitudes de información denegadas


Post originalmente publicado en El Blog de Tuderechoasaber.es Madrid, 20 de enero de 2015 - A pesar de que la ley de transparencia entró en vigor hace más de un mes, aún no se conoce si existe un trámite específico para presentar un recurso ante el Consejo de la Transparencia, que se constituyó ayer lunes. Esta falta de información afecta a los ciudadanos que enviaron solicitudes de información desde el pasado 10 de diciembre. Cumplido el plazo de un mes que establece la ley, quienes hayan recibido una respuesta negativa (denegando la información), o directamente no han recibido respuesta, aún

El Consejo de Transparencia echa a andar sin explicar a los ciudadanos cómo presentar un recurso a las solicitudes de información denegadas2018-11-13T10:11:29+01:00
16 Dec 2014

Juncker Commission breaks promise to create a mandatory lobby register, say transparency campaigners


Brussels, - According to ALTER EU transparency campaigners [1], the proposal by the Juncker Commission - as part of its 2015 work plan announced today - to introduce a mandatory lobby register on the basis of an inter-institutional agreement is misleading because such an agreement will not be binding on lobbyists. A revised lobby register based on an inter-institutional agreement will lack mechanisms for verifying whether the information in the register is correct and will mean that there is no possibility to apply effective sanctions when incorrect information has been provided. This is the situation currently and a new inter-institutional

Juncker Commission breaks promise to create a mandatory lobby register, say transparency campaigners2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00
10 Dec 2014

European Union Vice President Timmermans called on to act to improve transparency


Madrid, 10 December 2014 - Access Info Europe has called for significant improvements to the legal framework and implementation of the right of access to information at the EU level, as the European Commission finalises its work programme this week. In the letter to Vice President Timmermans, Access Info suggests the Commission focus on expanding the scope of Regulation 1049/2001 in line with the Treaty of Lisbon to cover all institutions, offices, bodies and agencies; bring exceptions on access to documents into line with international standards; and to clarify the relationship between the right of access to documents and the

European Union Vice President Timmermans called on to act to improve transparency2018-11-13T10:11:30+01:00
28 Oct 2014

Call for reform of Copyright Rules in the EU


Madrid, 28 October 2014 - Access Info Europe, the specialist right to information campaigners, today joined 32 civil society organisations calling on the European Commission to clarify the framework for copyright within the European Union. The position paper by Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU calls on the European Commission to bring copyright law into the 21st century, redefining the balance between public commons and private property, and shortening copyright terms to the minimum term possible under existing international treaties and conventions. Access Info Europe has a particular concern to ensure that all information created by EU bodies should be open

Call for reform of Copyright Rules in the EU2020-01-29T11:14:43+01:00
25 Sep 2014

International Right To Know Day 2014


International Right To Know Day 2014: Working to promote transparency Madrid, 28 September 2014 – Civil society, led by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet), is organising events on every continent for International Right to Know Day 2014 on 28 September, from activist and citizen workshops, to conferences on access to information laws, media broadcasts, and award ceremonies. Freedom of information organisations and activists from all around the world will be raising awareness of every individual’s right of access to information held by governments and public bodies. Access Info Europe is also taking action to join the series of

International Right To Know Day 20142020-02-14T12:50:36+01:00
31 Jul 2014

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks


Madrid, 31 July 2014 – Access Info Europe today welcomed the decision by the European Ombudsman to call for more proactive disclosure of documents to stakeholders surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and to open investigations into the Council of the EU and EU Commission’s lack of transparency around these talks. Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has offered a range of practical measures to enable timely public access to TTIP documents, and to details of meetings with stakeholders. Referring to the pro-transparency jurisprudence established by Access Info’s case against the Council (won in October 2013) as well as by

European Ombudsman urges proactive transparency of EU-US trade talks2020-01-29T11:25:29+01:00
25 Jul 2014

The In ‘t Veld Ruling: Raising the Bar for Denying Access to EU Documents


Madrid, 25 July 2014 - Helen Darbishire and Pamela Bartlett of Access Info Europe analyse the wider consequences of the recent European Court of Justice ruling, which will make it harder to deny access to EU documents relating to international relations or to containing legal advice. The 3 July 2014 pro-transparency ruling by the European Court of Justice in the legal battle for access to negotiations between the European Union and the United States on sharing financial transaction data in order to fight terrorism, will make it harder for the EU to deny access to documents relating to international relations

The In ‘t Veld Ruling: Raising the Bar for Denying Access to EU Documents2020-01-29T11:25:20+01:00
9 Jul 2014

Concerns about EMA’s transparency backtrack on clinical trials data


Madrid, 9 July 2014 – The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is considering adopting a policy on access to clinical trials data which imposes stricter confidentiality requirements and restricts citizens’ ability to exercise the right of access to documents. The proposed policy on proactive publication of clinical trial data has caused concern for Access Info Europe and other civil society organizations, who fear that the EMA’s ‘Terms of Use’ and ‘Redaction Principles’ would constitute a step backwards for EU transparency. Health organisations and the European Ombudsman were some of the first to express their concerns on the matter [1].

Concerns about EMA’s transparency backtrack on clinical trials data2020-01-29T11:25:11+01:00