5 Oct 2011

RTI Rating


World's First Rating of Right to Information: 89 Countries Ranked www.RTI-Rating.org 28 September 2011 - On International Right to Know Day, Access Info Europe and the Centre for Law and Democracy launched the first detailed analysis of the legal framework for the right to information (RTI) in 89 countries around the world. The findings of the RTI Rating show that there is a significant variety in the quality of the legal framework, with scores out of a maximum possible 150 ranging from 39 (Austria, one of 30 countries currently pending final review by national experts) to 135 (Serbia). The current

RTI Rating2020-02-14T12:38:36+01:00
29 Sep 2010

RTI Rating Methodology


New RTI Legislation Rating Methodology Launched 29 September 2010: A new tool for evaluating and comparing national right to information frameworks was launched today by Access Info Europe (Madrid, Spain) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (Halifax, Canada) as part of activities to mark the week of International Right to Know Day (28 September). The Right to Information (RTI) Legislation Rating Methodology is a tool to assess the overall legal framework for the right to information, based on how well that framework gives effect to the right to access information held by public authorities. The seven key elements of

RTI Rating Methodology2020-02-14T12:38:16+01:00
2 May 2010

World Press Freedom Day 2010


World Press Freedom Day special focus on the Right to Know 3 May 2010 is World Press Freedom day. It focuses this year on the “Right to Know”, the right of everyone to access information held by public bodies. This right is an essential part of the right to freedom of expression anchored in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Proclaimed by the UN in 1993, World Press Freedom Day aims to raise awareness of media freedom issues and to promote the right of journalists to collect and disseminate information without risk to life or liberty. To

World Press Freedom Day 20102020-02-14T13:39:26+01:00
9 Dec 2009

International Aid Transparency Initiative


  The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a multi-stakeholder, government-led initiative which aims to increase the availability and accessibility of aid information. The IATI focuses on donor transparency and is working to agree common standards of aid information that must be published by donors, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders. By aiming to make more aid information accessible the IATI is working to increase the ability of stakeholders to participate in decision making, increase aid effectiveness and address poverty. As an NGO Access Info is not a member of the IATI but we see it as an

International Aid Transparency Initiative2020-02-14T12:12:56+01:00
20 Oct 2009

Aid Transparency Principles


Access Info is part of a global campaign to promote transparency of international aid. We started researching this field in 2007 and in 2008, alongside Tiri, we helped to launch the Publish What You Fund initiative. Access Info helped draft a set of principles, the Aid Transparency Principles and has conducted monitoring of donor government transparency. We also conduct training and provide assistance to civil society organisations in developing countries who are trying to get more information about international aid flows. The Aid Transparency Principles (Draft for Consultation) The Aid Transparency Principles (Draft for Consultation) Every year the world’s richest

Aid Transparency Principles2020-02-14T12:11:58+01:00
25 Jul 2009

History of Right of Access to Information


History of Right of Access to Information Access to Information: A Fundamental Right, A Universal Standard, 17 January 2006. [cited in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe during the debate on the new Convention on Access to Official Documents in October 2008]. · 1766 – Sweden adopts world’s first access to information law: The law establishes press freedom, including the freedom to print and disseminate materials about the government, courts, and parliament. The law, which forms part of Sweden’s constitution, recognises that press freedom is contingent upon access to information and states “to that end free access should

History of Right of Access to Information2021-11-24T17:34:28+01:00