9 Mar 2022

Act now – open up company and beneficial ownership registers across Europe!


This statement, signed by 127 leading transparency, anti-corruption, journalist and open data organisations call upon the European Union Institutions and Member States: act now and open up all company and beneficial ownership registers across the European Union to the public! This is crucial in exposing assets and money of Russian oligarchs in the EU. We are deeply horrified by Putin's incursion into Ukraine and the violation of the rule of law, human rights, and state sovereignty. We support the European Union in collectively taking a strong stance to defend democracy and our common values. The sanctions imposed - freezing assets,

Act now – open up company and beneficial ownership registers across Europe!2022-03-18T15:32:55+01:00
3 Mar 2022

Call for Transparency of Discussions on the Future of Europe’s Digital Market


Madrid, 1 March 2022 – Access Info is one of 43 organisations which today called on EU leaders to ensure full transparency of debates over the future regulation of our digital environment, including services and marketplaces online. As three-way negotiations are proceeding between the European Commission, European Parliament and the Member States in the Council of the EU, the organisations expressed concern at the lack of transparency of the texts being discussed. Rather unusually, there has been little transparency of the so-called “trilogue” negotiations on the Digital Markets and the Digital Services Acts, in spite of this being required by

Call for Transparency of Discussions on the Future of Europe’s Digital Market2022-03-03T15:55:38+01:00
2 Mar 2022

Immediate transparency of company ownership is imperative to unveil hidden wealth of Russian oligarchs in the EU


Madrid, 2 March 2022 – Helen Darbishire and Rachel Hanna of Access Info Europe explain why transparency is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the sanctions against Russia.  Following the invasion of Ukraine, there has been global outrage at Russia’s blatant disregard for international law, human rights, and the principle of state sovereignty. In an attempt to deter Putin from escalating military action in Ukraine, the EU and its allies have come together to decide on sanctions that directly target Russian oligarchs, freezing their assets – often the fruit of corruption and money laundering –  and impeding them from conducting

Immediate transparency of company ownership is imperative to unveil hidden wealth of Russian oligarchs in the EU2022-03-10T11:23:42+01:00
21 Feb 2022

OGP Summit Side Panel: How strong is your right to know?


14 December 2021 – The measurement of the right of access to information is still in its infancy, although there are now some important initiatives, including from UNESCO and the OECD to capture data from governments, whilst civil society projects are developing more in-depth tools to measure transparency in practice. The current state of measurement of the right to information was discussed at an expert webinar that took place on 14 December 2021 as part of the Open Government Partnership summit. The full video of the webinar can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/657069498 An important conclusion of the debate was that

OGP Summit Side Panel: How strong is your right to know?2022-02-21T17:17:43+01:00
14 Feb 2022

Access to meetings calendars? Access Info submits Amicus Curiae Brief to the European Court of Human Rights


Madrid / Strasbourg, 14 February 2022 – There is strong comparative evidence from across Europe that national access to information laws apply to the meetings calendars of senior public officials according to a submission made by Access Info to the European Court of Human Rights. This evidence has been presented in the form of an Amicus Curiae (“friend of the court”) Brief submitted in relation to the case of Citizens Network Watchdog Poland vs. Poland currently under consideration by Europe’s top human rights court. This case arose when the organisation Watchdog Poland requested the calendars of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

Access to meetings calendars? Access Info submits Amicus Curiae Brief to the European Court of Human Rights2022-03-11T11:57:13+01:00
28 Jan 2022

European Commission President’s text messages are documents and can be requested says Ombudsman


Madrid / Brussels, 28 January 2022 – Access Info has hailed today’s decision by the European Ombudsman that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s text messages with the CEO of Pfizer about Covid vaccine purchases are documents to which the public can request access. Access Info is calling for an urgent reform to ensure that the EU’s twenty-year-old access to documents rules are brought into line with the digital age. Rather remarkably, the European Commission had told Alexander Fanta, a journalist with netzpolitik.org, that because it does not register text messages, these cannot be requested. This refusal came to a

European Commission President’s text messages are documents and can be requested says Ombudsman2022-01-28T15:13:58+01:00
26 Jan 2022

Call for transparency in selecting head of Spanish Data Protection Agency


Madrid, 26 January 2021 – Access Info has called on the Spanish government to guarantee a transparent, merit-based process for selection of the head and deputy head of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Concerns about this process have arisen after allegations surfaced that the two principal political parties (the PSOE and PP) had reached an agreement on who would get the posts (a governing PSOE candidate for the position of President, an opposition PP candidate for the Deputy President position). This brought a warning from the European Data Protection Supervisor Wojciech Wiewiórowski, who told El País newspaper that “the EU

Call for transparency in selecting head of Spanish Data Protection Agency2022-01-26T16:31:39+01:00
15 Dec 2021

The Right to Know Declaration 2021: Open for endorsement!


On 14 December 2021, The Right to Know Declaration 2021 was opened for endorsement at an event to discuss measurement of the right of access to information organised by Access Info Europe as part of the Open Government Partnership Global Summit. The Declaration is open for endorsement by civil society organisations, IGOs, governments, information commissioners, academics and other individuals, and will serve as an action agenda for the right to information community for 2022 and beyond. Organisational endorsements here / Individual endorsements here The Right to Know Declaration arose out of debates convened by UNESCO to mark International Right to

The Right to Know Declaration 2021: Open for endorsement!2021-12-15T17:50:11+01:00
15 Dec 2021

Eight leading civil society organisations banned from UN anti-corruption conference due to objections by Turkey


Sharm El-Sheikh - Transparency International, Access Info Europe, The Good Lobby, and the UNCAC Coalition strongly condemn the exclusion of prominent civil society organisations from participating in the 9th session of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Conference of the States Parties (CoSP), currently underway in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The CoSP plenary on the morning of 15 December 2021 failed to overturn the unfounded objections by the Turkish government. Many countries from the European Union and broader Europe, Canada, the US and other regions spoke out in support of the affected NGOs. The barred organisations include Access Info Europe (Spain),

Eight leading civil society organisations banned from UN anti-corruption conference due to objections by Turkey2021-12-15T17:25:00+01:00
10 Dec 2021

Spain: High Time to Guarantee the Right of Access to Information


Madrid, 10 December 2021 – On International Human Rights Day, and as the Spanish Transparency Law celebrates seven years since it entered into force, Access Info has renewed the call for full recognition of the right to information in Spain, something essential to fix many problems with the right to know in practice. With work on the reform of the law starting in early 2022 as part of a commitment in Spain’s latest Open Government Action Plan there is a unique opportunity to guarantee a full right of access to information in Spain, as a human right. This would be

Spain: High Time to Guarantee the Right of Access to Information2021-12-11T08:38:15+01:00