11 Jun 2021

OGP governments urged to open company registers


Madrid, 10 June 2021- Speaking at the Ministerial Level meeting of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee, Helen Darbishire of Access Info, in her role as a civil society member of the Steering Committee, stressed the need to act on the transparency agenda that the pandemic has indicated should be a top priority.

OGP governments urged to open company registers2021-06-15T13:06:55+02:00
3 Jun 2021

Open company registers across EU at risk because of revenue concerns of just three Member States


Madrid, 3 June 2021- The European Commission is considering going back on the promise of requiring Member States to open company registers because a handful of rich countries – Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands – could lose income from selling this data, Access Info has discovered.

Open company registers across EU at risk because of revenue concerns of just three Member States2021-06-07T16:44:50+02:00
21 May 2021

Open Government Week 2021: Survey finds European civil society is working largely unfunded on national Open Government Partnership activities


Madrid, 21 May 2021- As Open Government week is celebrated around the world, a survey of 24 transparency organisations reveals that most national Open Government Partnership work in Europe is largely unfunded: of an estimated total value of OGP-related work of € 435,220 reported by survey respondents, a full 60%, or €261,130 is unfunded.

Open Government Week 2021: Survey finds European civil society is working largely unfunded on national Open Government Partnership activities2021-06-07T16:44:25+02:00
18 May 2021

Austria urged to strengthen weak draft FOI law


Madrid, 18 May 2021 – Access Info Europe today issued a legal analysis of the draft of the Austrian Freedom of Information Act, expressing concerns over shortcomings such as the narrow definition of information, the absence of an independent oversight body, and the lack of a sanctions regime for non-compliance. 

Austria urged to strengthen weak draft FOI law2021-06-08T10:01:16+02:00
11 May 2021

Stop the harassment of human rights activists in Russia


Madrid, 11 May 2021 – Access Info Europe and 97 civil society organisations and individuals today expressed concern about the Russian authorities' persecution and harassment of Ivan Pavlov, freedom of information advocate and lawyer defending opposition leader Aleksei Navalny's Anticorruption Foundation.

Stop the harassment of human rights activists in Russia2021-05-11T17:33:18+02:00
19 Apr 2021

EU General Court reduces the legal costs claimed by Frontex against transparency activists


Madrid, 19 April 2021 – Access Info Europe today gave a cautious welcome to the ruling of the General Court of the European Union that Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, had overcharged when it issued a legal bill of €23,700 to two transparency activists after they lost a court case, and that this amount should be reduced to €10,520.

EU General Court reduces the legal costs claimed by Frontex against transparency activists2021-04-19T17:00:47+02:00
1 Apr 2021

Access Info and the Daphne Foundation kick-off the first event of the FOI Youth Project


Madrid and Valletta, 1 April 2021– Access Info Europe and the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of the Freedom of Information Youth Project, which will raise awareness among young people of the benefits of exercising the fundamental right of access to information for combatting disinformation and protecting democracy.

Access Info and the Daphne Foundation kick-off the first event of the FOI Youth Project2021-04-01T15:12:18+02:00
24 Mar 2021

ACT! Project: 5 solutions for local governments to prevent and fight corruption


Madrid, 24 March 2021– Access Info together with its partners in the pan-European project ACT! have presented a range of technical solutions for local governments to increase their levels of transparency and prevent any risk of corruption, covering the following areas: whistleblowing, access to information, open data in public procurement, transparency of meetings involving public officials and risk analysis.

ACT! Project: 5 solutions for local governments to prevent and fight corruption2021-08-30T12:03:36+02:00
19 Mar 2021

MEPs to vote on Frontex claiming legal costs from transparency activists


Madrid/Brussels, 19 March 2021– Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in the Budget Control Committee will vote on Monday 22 March 2021 on whether or not Frontex was right to claim €23,700.81 from two transparency activists after they lost an access to documents case at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

MEPs to vote on Frontex claiming legal costs from transparency activists2021-04-01T14:37:29+02:00
17 Mar 2021

Spain: Local Authorities need Training and Transparency Tools


Madrid, 17 March 2021– Spanish local authorities need more training (85%) and specific transparency tools (75%) in order better to fight corruption, according to a survey conducted by Access Info Europe in collaboration with the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) and the Red de Entidades Locales por la Transparencia y la Participación Ciudadana.

Spain: Local Authorities need Training and Transparency Tools2021-08-30T12:05:16+02:00